I'm Sorry

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" Hey Izuku!" Todoroki said. He smiled and waved at me. I felt my face heat up. His smile, whenever I see him smile my heart just melts.
" How are you?" I asked as I walked up next to him.
" I'm alright. You?"' He responded.
" I'm fine!" I replied to him.
      We walked and talked for a while, then I felt someone gently grab my hand. I blushed when I realised that Todoroki had grabbed my hand. I glanced up at Todoroki and noticed that he seemed to have a slight blush too. My heart was racing and I had no idea what to say. We just walked for about a minuet in silence.
" Hey, Midoryia. That night, when you texted me, did you mean it?" Todoroki asked, breaking the silence.
" Would you hate me if I did?" I responded.
" No, of course I wouldn't. I could never hate you." Todoroki looked at me and smiled.
" Y-Yes, I did. I can understand If you don't feel the same though. I mean like I'm just so........." I began to mutter.
       Then I felt a hand cup my cheek. I looked up at Todoroki. He then closed the gap between us and pressed his lips against mine. I was shocked for a second, but then melted into the kiss and placed my arms around his neck. I never wanted this moment to end, but it had to. We just stood there in each others arms for a moment.
" Midoryia, I do feel the same. I Love you." Todoroki said.
" I love you too Todoroki, but you deserve someone better than me." I responded with some sadness in my voice.
" Midoryia, you are perfect for me. I love you, and nothing could ever change that." Todoroki wiped a tear of my cheek that I didn't even know was there.
" There is something you should probably know then." I said as I looked down.
" What is it Midoryia?" Todoroki asked.
I continued to stare at my feet. It was silent, completely silent. The air seemed to have grown colder around me. I could feel myself start to panic, but Todoroki has a right to know. Then again, I'm not gonna be here much longer, so probably not.
" Never mind." I said.
" Ok." I heard Todoroki say.
       It wasn't long before we reached my house. I was supposed to be staying at my house for a few more days and then moving back into my dorm, but that's not gonna happen. Before I walked up to the door, I gave Todoroki a quick kiss on the cheek. I waved goodbye as I walked to the door, and he waved as well. I knocked and my mom greeted me as she opened the door.
     We talked for a bit but I made the excuse of having lots of homework. I did have some, but it would only take me a few minutes to complete. I flew through my online homework and pressed the turn in button. After that I shut off my laptop, changed my clothes, and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote 'I'm sorry, goodbye.', then folded it up and stuck it in my pocket. I quietly snuck out of my window and began my walk to the bridge.
     It felt like I had been walking for hours, like time was moving slower than usual. It was almost dark, and every once in awhile a cold, harsh breeze would come. I didn't care though, nothing would matter anymore after tonight. The bridge was in the middle of a small but nice park. I would come here a lot and usually this park is a bright, happy place. Tonight however, it seemed so lonely. I got to the bridge, and stood there looking over the edge.
    Below the bridge, was a rocky river. I stood there for a few minuets, just staring at the rushing water below. I took off my shoes, and tucked the note inside my right shoe. I then lifted myself up and swung my legs over the railing. I again stayed there staring down at the river, and holding onto the railing.     Everything seemed so still.
    The thought of death both scared me and comforted me. I began to silently cry. I stayed there contemplating ending it, all I had to do was let go. Everything grew silent, the tree branches once swaying in the wind stopped, and even the once raging river below seemed to quiet down. It was almost as if everything around me was waiting for me to let go of the railing. As I was about to let go, I hear a familiar voice break the suffocating silence, screaming out my name.
" Midoryia!" I heard as I turned my head to see Todoroki sprinting towards me in tears.
" I'm so sorry. I love you Todoroki." I smiled at him, tears soaking my cheeks, then I let go.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please let me know how I did and if there is anything that needs to be corrected in the comments.

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