chapter 8:warp tour.

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The Crystal Gems are returning to the Warp Pad in the middle of a flower meadow, discussing their latest Gem monster encounter.

Nora:*wipes off sweat from her forehead* phew! That went great.

Pearl:I can't believe that went so well!

Amethyst:That was kinda great when you hit it with your spear and it went, like, "bing-bong!" *makes explosion sounds*

Pearl:*blushes* And the way you were circling around it? Almost looked like a strategy.

Amethyst:*laughs and blushes* Well, you know, I can do that stuff, too.

Nora:Well at least you guys did something. While me and Steven did absolutely nothing and hid behind the flowers.

Pearl:oh Nora. *ruffles Nora's hair* don't worry,soon you and your brother can help in defeating these monsters.

Nora:yeah.. speaking of brother,have you seen Steven?

Steven:Wait up!... *panting heavily*

Garnet sends a bubbled gem, as Steven emerges from the meadow with runny eyes and nose.

Nora:Oh boy, Steven has hay fever.

Steven:Sorry we couldn't help much, I think the flowers are making me- Ah... Aaahhh *sneezes at Garnet's hip*

Nora:*shivers* that's so disgusting.

Steven:Sorry, Garnet.

Garnet:i'll live.

Amethyst:wait,why aren't you affected Nora?

Nora:just because we're twins doesn't mean we have the same allergic reaction.

Pearl:Oh, Steven, you're supposed to sneeze into your antecubital fossa.

Steven:my what?

Nora:his what?

Pearl:Your... This thing. *points to her inner elbow*

Steven looks at his elbow as the Crystal Gems warp out. They travel through the warp stream when Steven feels the urge to sneeze again.

Amethyst:Do it at Pearl! *points at Pearl*

Pearl:*panics* Steven, your fossa!

Steven sneezes downwards, propelling himself upward in the warp stream.

Nora:uhhh.... Pearl.


Steven:Waah! Wha? *breathing heavily* Whoa.

Steven's head pops out of the warp stream and Steven is able to see the Warp Space, cackling with lightning everywhere. He then sees another warp stream, carrying a small object through it.

Steven:Huh? Waah!

Nora:*pulls Steven back into the stream*I got you.

Steven:thanks Nora.

Nora:*sees Steven's frozen snot* what the?! Ew!

Pearl: Steven be careful! It's dangerous to stick your head out of the stream!

Garnet:There's not much air, and it's very cold. *flicks the frozen snot off Steven's nose*

Nora: It's already cold enough here.

Steven:You guys, I saw something out there!

Nora:wait what?

Steven:something warping!

Steven And Nora Universe: Sister's Noise AU Part 1Where stories live. Discover now