chapter 10: the return

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at the boardwalk.Steven,Greg and Nora visit the Beach citywalk fries, as Steven slams his fists on the counter to get what he ordered.

Steven:Give me the- *gets interrupted by a bag of fry bits pushed in front of him* Oh, thanks!

Peedee:Eh, I saw you guys coming.

Nora:wait, are you closing up all by yourself?

Peedee:yeah, It's just me tonight.

Greg:Wow, that's a lot of responsibility for a kid your age. Your dad must really trust you.

Peedee:*unamused* Don't patronize me, sir.

Steven,Greg and Nora leave Beach Citywalk Fries and walk towards the beach.

Nora:See you, Peedee! So, like we were saying, Peridot's been shooting huge robots here from space.

Steven:And when you smash them, they explode into goo! *eats a handful of bits*

Greg:That sounds scary. What about your fear of slimes,Nora?

Nora: don't worry dad, I can handle it.

Greg:you know, I'm not sure if... Do you ever feel like this Gem stuff is too much for you two?


Steven:what are you-

The area suddenly rumbles as a loud noise is heard, causing Steven to trip over and shattering the windows of local businesses. Everyone then looked up to the sky in shock.

Nora:what the?

Greg:What the hey was that? ...Steven, Nora? You two might wanna look at the sky.

Steven and Nora look up at the sky too and see a giant green hand approaching from the atmosphere.

Nora:Is that...a hand?

Steven:a giant green hand...

Greg:What do we do now?

Nora: Let's go to the gems. They might be trying to stop it right now.

Greg and Steven nodded and the 3 then ran to the crystal temple.The Gems are gathered at the beach, observing the occurrence through a telescope.

Pearl:the light cannons should be ready.

Steven and Nora:Guys!

Steven:*runs in with Greg and Nora* Did you see that thing in the sky?

Pearl:It's a ship. We have to assume it's Peridot.

Garnet:after what Lapis told us two days ago, she'll be coming. With advanced weapons and reinforcements.

Greg:It's happening...

Steven:I wanna see. *looks into the telescope and sees the green hand pointing towards him* Woah.

Nora:let me see.*looks at the telescope and Sees the green hand* Now that's a large hand. *Looks at pearl* how are we gonna destroy it?

Pearl:We could first try the 3 light cannons we retrieved at Rose's armory and the one we used to destroy the red eye.

Nora:*concerned tone* I really hope this works.

Garnet:Ready the light cannons!

Pearl activates a lever and three laser light cannons appear from under the deck of the Beach House. Amethyst pushes the fourth Laser Light Cannon into position on the porch.

Steven And Nora Universe: Sister's Noise AU Part 1Where stories live. Discover now