Chapter 3

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Bloom POV

A few months later

"Bye have fun on your adventure!" Tae-Woo waved.
"We'll miss you!" Han-Dae said.
"Don't go!" Mundok cried.
"I'm sorry but I have to. I wanna see the world."
"Bye!" I waved back before leaving the village.

A few months later and I had no clue where I was going. I couldn't read this map at all and I've been wandering around for a while without food. One good thing that came out of this was that I did learn how to cook outdoors food so that's a plus I guess. Luckily for me I happened to stumble upon a familiar castle.
"Bloom is that you!" One of the guards said. "What are you doing here?"
"I decided to pay a visit." I answered. Not like this was a total accident.
"By yourself?"
"Here come inside."
That brought me inside the castle and it was just the way I remember it to be. Everything was exactly the same as before. Except there was someone I didn't recognize roaming around. He looked like he was looking for something so I decided to help him.
"Excuse me. Are you lost?" I asked.
"No I'm looking for the-." He began but stopped himself mid sentence. He just started at me frozen as a light pink blush appeared on his face.
"Are you okay?"
"Y-yes I am. My name is Kan Tae-Jun and what is your name."
"Bloom. Just Bloom. Do you need some help? It looked like you were looking for something."
"I think I already found it."
"You did?" I asked confused.
"Yes. You are very beautiful. More beautiful then even Princess Yona." He said while gently touching my hair.
"Umm..." I said while stepping back. In a second I was running away trying to avoid this guy. After a while I managed to hide within a room before he noticed.
"Oh my god! I've missed you so much!" Yona shouted hugging me.
"I've missed you too!"
"What are you doing here?" Yona asked.
"Well I just came to visit. It has been a while."
"Come sit." Yona said dragging me to her bed.


I was walking around the castle grounds until I saw that creep Kan Tae-Jun run by. He looked desperate but I didn't care. He was probably looking for Yona so he could bother her again. I walked over to Yona's room and when I opened the door I saw long silky pink hair. Only one person has hair like that.
"Hak?" She asked. "Hak!!" She yelled this time running to hug me.
"What are you doing here?"
"I came to visit."
"Where's the old man then?" I questioned.
"I came alone."
"You came by yourself. Impossible. You're directionally challenged."
"What!!" Bloom yelled angrily.
"Hak that's mean! Don't be rude to Bloom!"
"It's true. She gets lost so easily it's actually sad. That why she always needed someone with her."
"Well I didn't need anyone right now. I found my way here on my own."
"Really?" I asked.
"Yes!" Bloom said crossing her arms. I kept staring at her until eventually she gave in. "Okay, okay! You got me! I left the Wind Tribe months ago and I've been traveling on my own since. I got lost and ended up here. Happy."
"You did what?" I asked irritated.
"Bloom! You can't be traveling all by yourself."
"No buts." Yona said cutting her off. "You'll stay here. I'm sure father will be okay with that."
"Fine." Bloom sighed.
"Great another person I need to protect."
"I don't need your protection. I'm fine on my own."
"Okay. Then I won't be helping you when you ask."
"I won't ask!" Bloom yelled.
"Hak! Don't say that!" Yona yelled. "Bloom let me show you to your room." She said dragging Bloom out.

After a while I happen to run into Bloom again when she bumped into me.
"Hak?! Get him away from me please!"
"Bloom! I have something to ask you!" Someone called. It sounded like that jerk from the fire tribe.
"It sounds like someone's looking for you."
"I don't want him to find me. He's been bothering me so much."
"Good luck with that." I said about to walk away until she grabbed my wrist.
"You're just going to walk away?"
"Yeah. I don't care. This has nothing to do with me. Plus you said you didn't want my help. Remember."
"That was then and this is now."
"I'll help if you say I'm an idiot. Please help me, oh, great Hak."
"No way!"
"Bloom!! I'm going to find you!" The guy called again giving Bloom a shiver down her her spine.
"Okay fine!.. please help me, oh, great Hak." She whispered so quietly I could barely hear it.
"What was that. Speak up."
"Please help me, oh, great Hak." She whispered a little louder.
"I'm leaning." I said turning to walk away until she suddenly grabbed my wrist. Her head was hung low but I could clearly see her cute bright red face.
"Please... help me... oh great Hak..."
"Okay. Since you asked so nicely."
"I hate you." She whispered but I still heard.
"Bloom there you are. I have a very important question to ask you." Tae-Jun said. "I want you to become my bride."
"Why would you want to marry her? She's an idiot." I said.
"Shut up Hak!" Bloom yelled.
"How dare you call my future bride an idiot. You have no right." Tae-Jun said pulling Bloom close to himself by her waist. I'm not sure why but what he did greatly annoyed me.
"Let go." I said giving him a death glare. I could tell he was getting nervous from my glare every second that passed. While he was distracted Bloom stepped on his foot which made him let go of her and then she kneed him where the sun does not shine.
"Ahh!! I'll be back!"
"Good one." I snickered.
"Thank you very much. He was getting a little to handsy in my opinion."
"Bloom! Is that you?" A familiar voice asked. I turned around and there was Soo-Won.
"Soo-Won! I've missed you so much!" Bloom yelled jumping into his arms.
"I've missed you too. It's been so long." He said with a happy smile. I left them alone so they could have a change to talk and for other reasons. It's pretty obvious Soo-Won has a crush on Bloom instead of Princess Yona and I'm sure Bloom likes him too. Why wouldn't she? He's handsome, smart, kind, and a good fighter. There's nothing I can do about it so I'll let it be.

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