Chapter 6

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Bloom POV

"You monster!!"
"I wish you were never born! You are the biggest mistake of my life!!"
"But mommy, daddy-."
"Don't you dare call us that you demon! You are not our child!"
"You should just die!"


I suddenly woke up from my dream in an unfamiliar place.
"Bloom!! You're up! I thought you were going to die! Thank goodness!!" Yona said happily while hugging me.
"Don't touch her yet. She's still injured." I small cute boy peach hair said.
"Took you long enough." Hak said.
"Hak! You're alright!"
"You should be more worried about yourself. Look at the shape your in."
"What happened?" I asked.
"While you three were falling it looks like you took the force of it although I'm not sure how you ended up under this big guy."
"Oh. The last thing I remember was Hak and Yona falling down the cliff.
"Yona come help me pick some herbs." The boy said and Yona walked out with him.
"I hate you!!"
"You're a demon child who should have never been born!"
Why did I dream of that? Will I ever get over it? It's like it'll be with me forever.
"Bloom." Hak began. "You're crying."
"Huh?" I questioned touching my cheek and I felt a tear drop roll down. Those people kept me isolated from the world. I never had anyone. Even Mizu thought I was a monster. I know she did. I was lucky enough to gain friends and I don't want to lose them. I want to keep them all close to me. "Hak... please always stay with me please...I don't know what I'll do if you're gone too..."
"I want to die now..." Hak said touching his hair.
"This is the second time I've seen you cry ever and it's all be in the span of a few days. I'm getting tired of it. I really want to die, and see how much you'd cry then." Hak said gently touching my cheek as he moved his face closer to mine. My cheeks turned red the closer he got and then I remembered that he and Yona were engaged so he obviously wasn't trying to do anything. He must be trying to check his temperature. When he was a few inches away I bumped my head with his but it didn't have the exact results I expected. We both held our head in pain to the floor shaking a little.
"If it's not okay, just turn your head." Hak said.
"Not okay? You were the one that messed up. I stuck my head out to check your temperature."
"Oh, right... the fever's making me irrational."
"Aren't you always like that though?" I asked.
"We're back!" Yona announced.
"Oh you are! Great let me help you guys!" I said running up to help the boy.
"What are you doing!! You're injured!" The boy yelled.
"I am?"
"Are you so dumb you forgot?" Hak asked.
"But I feel perfectly fine."
"What? That's impossible!"
"If she says she's fine then she's fine." Yona said.
"But that can't be possible. Ribs don't heal that fast."
"You know what. Now that I think about it I never got your name. I'm Bloom."
"I'm Yun the handsome boy genius." He said proudly. Somewhere along the line Yona wandered off to where the priest was and Yun, Hak, and I joined them in time to hear his prophecy.
"If you wish to simply live an honest life, and cannot stop the heart blood in your veins, I will convey the voice of God to you." The priest began. "When darkness falls upon the land, the dragons blood will restore life once more. In accordance with the ancient pact, when the four dragons are gathered, the sword and shield that protect the king will awaken. The red dragon returns at dawn. And the great fox will return from the stars." The priest then suddenly fell down. "Conveying God's Voice requires spiritual strength..."
"Quit acting so old, you pain." Yun said poking the priest.
"I don't know what this business is about dragons or gods or foxes, but I'm not buying anything this crockpot is selling!" Hak said.
"He's not selling anything." Yun said.
"Does the red dragon in the prophecy mean the mythological king? Yona asked.
"You are familiar with the kingdoms's creation myth?" The priest asked.
"I'm not." I said.
"The red dragon god took on human form, descending from heaven to rule a kingdom on Earth. He was the first king of Kouka, Hiryuu. The great Kitsune followed the red dragon from heaven as well and become the kingdom's first queen, Ōkami, who was recognized by her unusual pink hair. However instead of turning into a human she kept her divinity." Yona explained.
"But once King Hiryuu became human. The peoples hearts filled with evil, who forgot their God, and the country fell to ruin. Even king Hiryuu was captured by humans who desire power. Just when everything seemed on the brink of destruction, four dragons descended from heaven. The four dragons offer to eradicate humans but Hiryuu rejected them. The dragons loved Hiryuu and did not want to lose them. In order to protect him, they Gave their blood to human warriors, and granted them strength. One gained sharp claws that could tear apart anything. One gained eyed that could see across great distances. One gained legs that could jump high into the sky. One gained a strong body that can never be injured. That's when Ōkami came down and promised to stay with King Hiryuu. With the power of the dragon gods, the warriors let their clans to protect Hiryuu and Ōkami, and brought order to the kingdom. Before long, the red dragon grew tired of fighting, and fell asleep. He was then soon followed by his beloved Queen Ōkami who's spirit and divine powers returned to the stars. The mission of the four dragon warriors thus ended. They thought of their king and queen no longer moving and wept. They didn't know whether they grieved the loss of someone precious, or if the dragon got blood within the mourned their deaths. Realizing your power was beyond human control, the four dragon warriors left their tribes and disappeared. The tribes they left behind continue developing on their own, forming the five tribes of today." The priest explained.
"What does that have to do with me?" Yona asked.
"You said you wanted to live, correct?" The priest asked.
"But you cannot live on your own. If you leave this place, your life will be endangered again. You have master Hak supporting you. However, at this rate, master Hak will die."
"Hey, Wait! Don't assume I'll die. I can't hear the voice of God. I'm not-." Hak began but was interrupted when I punched him. "I'm not giving you alms, no matter how much you threaten me..."
"As you can see the situation is grave. You need allies."
"But who?" Yona asked.
"You must search for the four dragon warriors and the great Kitsune."
"You mean from the legend?" Yona asked with stars in her eyes. "They exist?"
"Yeah right. They're from the age of legend." Hak said.
"They do exist."
"Even now, they live quietly in this kingdom, with the dragon blood they inherited. They will lend you their strength."
"Priest I don't want Hak to die. But I'm not sure the legendary dragons and great Kitsune will lend their strength to one such as me."
"That night, you miraculously escaped death, and you miraculously survived your fall into this abyss. I believe those were not miracles, but God's will leading you here. If you find a legendary dragons and great Kitsune it will be not only your wish, but God's will. However, heaven can only show you the way." The priest explained. "However your task should be much easier for you have already met the Great Kitsune but when she chooses to show herself, that is up to her." This time he was staring right at me. No way I'm some great Kitsune from some legend. But then again who else has fox ears? But I don't want them to know. I just can't tell them. I'll keep it a secret for now until they need me.

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