Chapter 9

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Bloom POV

After spending days and days of searching we finally found the Blue Dragon at a mountain. We were immediately met by a group of villager.
"Bring the Blue Dragon here!" Kija demanded.
"No one by that name lives here." One of the villagers answered.
"It's not a name. He is a man who possesses a dragon's blood. There is no need to hide him. Tell him this person is waiting for him." He said pointing at Yona.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Perhaps you came to the wrong place. This is a small, simple settlement. We don't want a lot of commotion."
"But..." Kija said.
"I'm sorry." I apologized. "We were traveling in search of someone, but it seems he isn't here. but we're exhausted from our long journey, and some of us are injured." I said pointing to Hak and he opened his kimono to show his wound. "Do you think we could rest for a while?"
"Your Journey must have been difficult. As you can see, we are poor. We cannot offer you anything."
"That's fine. Thank you."
"This way, please." The villager said showing us to the mountain.
"What are those masks?" Yona asked.
"They're traditional. We discourage unmarried villages from showing their faces to others."
"That's an interesting tradition." I commented.
"As guests, i'm sure you must find it shocking. You can rest here."
"Thank you." I said.
"Ah miss... this place is like a maze. Do not wander too much. We will not be held responsible for anything that happens to you." The villager warned.
"Is this really the Blue Dragon's village?" Yun asked.
"Why do you ask that?" Yona asked.
"The White Dragon's Village was in awe of your red hair, but these people didn't respond."
"If Kija says it's here, then it must be here." I said and Kija smiled happily for some reason with flowers floating in the air.
"Either way, we know the Blue Dragon is nearby. Until we meet him, we won't get anywhere. Let's go while there's no one around." Yun said.
"But this place is a maze. Will we be alright?" Yona asked.
"Princess, I am a handsome genius. I'll make a map as we go so we can conquer the maze. Find the treasure! Search every pot and drawer you found!"
"Let's search!"

"It's a dead end! Why isn't the Blue Dragon here?" Yun asked.
"This is unthinkable. Why won't he come out? He must know I am here."
"You're probably smothering him." Hak said making Kija attack him.
"Maybe he isn't as eager as Kija is to help Yona. If that's the case can we really force him to go with us?" I asked.
"We can't leave him! Don't give up. Like me, the Blue Dragon comes from a long line of dragons. He must be waiting for you, Princess. For you, a master who needs him. That's why the four dragons were born. We desire nothing else. If the Blue Dragon meets you, I'm sure he will also..."
"Kija... I'm not King Hiryuu, but I want you." Yona said.
"I have a bad feeling about this place..." Yun said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Someone's watching. Someone staring at us with giant eyes."
"I do detect a strange presence." Hak said
"Maybe the residents found us. Let's go back." Yun suggested. Everyone started walked away but I stayed behind when I heard a strange sound. I pushed my ear against the wall and it suddenly opened revealing a secret door. Inside the secret there was a cute little squirrel with brown fur and white cheeks.
"Aww you're so cute!" The squirrel ran away and I chased after it not noticing the door close behind me. "There you are!" I said grabbing the squirrel. "You are just so adorable!" Suddenly all the lights in the passage way went out. "Oh no... what did I get myself into." I walked around trying to find my way out but to no avail.
"Are you lost?" Someone asked. I couldn't see his face but he held a candle down to his stomach. "Were you separated from your friends?"
"Yes. Do you live here?"
"Yes. Give me your hand. I shall take you to them." Even though I didn't fully trust him I put my hand in his and he began to walk. "Did you not hear this place is a maze?"
"I'm sorry. There's someone I must find."
"The Blue Dragon?"
"Huh? Yes."
"He is not here."
"Does someone live in the room at the end of that passage?"
"No one lives there. No one."
"Um, Hak and the others aren't that way. Why are we going deeper?" I asked. The man stopped and turned around giving me a creepy look. I got a little scared and pulled away from him he just pulled me back trying to drag me down the stairs. "Stop! Let go!" Then I heard the sound of bells and suddenly someone was holding my back so I was pressed against the persons chest. The creepy man dropped his candle and ran away in fear. I turned around and noticed that the guy had on a mask with red marking and it was cracked a little bit. He didn't say anything but started walking back the other way while holding my hand. I'm not sure what it was but something about him made me feel safe and secure. It was like I've known him all my life and yet I'm sure this was the first time I met him. His hand was so gentle and warm. I wanted to stay like that forever. After a while I ended up back where I started.
"Bloom! Where have you been?" Hak asked worriedly.
"You idiot! You were supposed to follow us, you idiot!" Yun yelled.
"We were so worried." Yona said.
"I'm glad you're safe." Kija said.
"Yes, this man saved..." I began but stopped when I saw Kija's shocked face.
"You..." Then the strange man ran away disappearing the passageway.
"What is it?" Yun asked.
"That's him. He is the Blue Dragon!"
We all went back to the room we were staying at and Hak made sure to keep a close eye on me. When we arrived I explained to all of them what exactly happened.
"A villager took you below ground?!" Yun yelled.
"Damn them! Not only do they refuse to respect you, but they tried to trap you underground. They must be determined to incur my wrath!!" Kija said angrily while his dragon arm grew in size.
"Calm down. You're such a sheltered kid. Do you want to kill common villagers? Grow up." Hak said despite the fact that he had a scary look on his face and was holding his spear.
"Hak is scary." Yona said.
"You should grow up yourself, former General." Yun said. "But you're sure that man was the Blue Dragon?"
"Then why did he run away?" Hak asked.
"I don't know. The Blue Dragon, the villagers... what's going on with this place?"
"They're both dragon villages, but this one is the polar opposite of the White Dragon village." Yun pointe out. "Since we saw the White Dragons village first, this village appeared different... but now that I think about it, maybe the White Dragon village was the exception. These villagers don't revere red hair, and they don't regard the dragons power as exalted. They may even think it's abominable. The villages and Blue Dragon may actually regard us only as intruders."
"That's ridiculous! The Four dragon warriors must hasten to join their master immediately. once I met the princess, up until moment I left my village, I did not hesitate."
"You don't hesitate enough." Yun said.
"Of course not."
"That wasn't a compliment."
"But he saved me. The Blue Dragon had gentle hands. I want to meet and speak with him." I said.
"I want to meet him too." Yona said.
"So you're going back into that maze?" Yun asked.
"Yup." I answered.
"Even after that scary ordeal, you're not phased at all. You have guts, Bloom. Let's go. There was something at the dead end, right?" Yun asked.
"Yeah." I answered. Yun, Kija, and Yona were the first to leave our room. I was about to go too until Hak suddenly held my hand.
"You stay here Bloom. Yun, Yona, and I will find the Blue Dragon."
"What are you saying? I shall go!" Kija said.
"Okay. We're counting on you, White Snake."
"What?!?!" Kija asked irritated.
"In any case, don't go back in there, Bloom. Wait outside and-."
"No. Kija, Yun, Yona, and I will go. You wait here, Hak. Kija knows the Blus Dragon's location and Yun knows the way and Yona and I must meet the Blue Dragon. Please."
"And someone has to stay outside and watch for the villagers. I'm the only one left, so I have to do it?" Hak asked.
"Because I know you can do it. I'll be careful not to let anything like that happen again." I said. "And don't worry about Yona. I'll make sure she comes back to you." I whispered but for some reason he was frowning. "Hak?" Suddenly he pulled me closer to him and held both of my hands up.
"I want you, to come back. Otherwise, I'll stick annoyingly close to you from now on."
"Hak... I don't want to be annoyed by you even more then I already am. So I'll be careful."
"Yes. Please do." He said with a smile but he seems irritated for whatever reason. Honestly Hak confuses me. Yona's his soon to be bride so why is he saying this to me. Maybe he thinks of my like a little sister. I'm confused.

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