Chapter 13

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3rd POV

"That's the Misted-Shrouded Cape. What will you do? This is your last chance to hack out." Jae-Ha warned. They were standing on a cliff staring down at the water below. "You see that narrow path? It will take you to a cave just large enough for you to fit in. Pick the senjuso there. That's all. Easy, right?"
"Alright time to go." Bloom said stretching her arm. She moved down to the narrow path staying as close as she could to the walls of the cliff. Having Ao with her was pretty helpful as well believe it or not. Seeing his cute little face actual made her forget the situation she was in. Suddenly a strong wind blew by hitting her face and pushing her back a little. Bloom's feet slipped off but she was able to stay on the edge. She have to admit, this was frightening to say the least. She was hundred of feet in the air with only a small narrow path to stand on but she can't let that stop her.
'I had to keep going. I don't want to sit back and watch anymore. I want to help like Hak and everyone else. I want to do something to help the people of this town. I don't want to see another child be killed unjustly ever again. Not if I can stop it.' She thought to herself. Meanwhile as she pushed forward with determination Jae-Ha stared at her in amazement. She was in a life-threatening situation that would have scared anyone else but not her. She continued on with seemingly no fear of her own death.
'She may look beautiful and cute. She may act sweet and nice. She may seem like she has never experienced any pain whatsoever. But this girl... she isn't some fragile little girl who can't do anything at all. She's strong. Her heart is strong and she has a fire in her eyes like I've never seen before. I don't understand why I care for her so much when I just met her. Who is she because she isn't just a pretty face?'
"Why are you doing this? You'd scared aren't you? So why keep going?"
"For the people of Awa. Im doing this for every citizen in their being mistreated by Yan Kumji but are too afraid to speak up. I cannot sit back and watch this continue on. If I can help even just a little, I will risk my life without a second thought." Bloom said with determination. "It's the least I can do." She whispered. Bloom kept going and another strong gust of wind blew by but she kept her footing. "Jae-Ha, you're coming with me."
"Huh? Oh...Well partway... I'm keeping an eye on you."
"Thank you." She smiled making him blush a little. They kept on going a little further until Jae-Ha said he couldn't go any further. Little by little and one step at a time she finally reached the cave where the senjuso grew. The cave itself was actually rather beautiful. The walls were covered in vines and light from the sun shined through small cracks on the roof. Bloom picked one of the senjuso and held it close to herself out of happiness.
"I made it."
She started making her way out and along the way she heard Jae-Ha call for her.
"Bloom, are you okay?"
"Bloom, go back inside!!!" Jae-Ha shouted. Bloom stood confused and then a large wave hit the cliff where Bloom knocking here away.
"Bloom." Jae-Ha coughed. He looked up to where Bloom once stood and found her nowhere in sight. "Bloom!!!! Bloom!" He yelled again. Without baby hesitation he jumped, swung forward using a branch and landed at the ledge in front of the cave. He looked down searching for her frantically.
"Jae-Ha..." the moment he heard his name called he looked down the ledge where he found Bloom hanging on to a vine.
"Bloom! Are you okay? I'll save you."
"No! If you help me now, then my promise to Captain Gigan..."
"You're unbelievable..." Another wave was about to hit her until Jae-Ha pulled her out in time. He held her close as they both sat on the ground soaking wet.
"You know, you're incredible. You managed to leave me breathless." He said while brushing his hands through his hair. "Who are you?"
"I'm Bloom." She answered slightly confused.
"I know but you're hair. That silky, long pink hair is the same from the legend. I didn't want to believe it but you're her aren't you?"
"Yes." Bloom answered. "But Jae-Ha thank you for saving me." She smiled making him blush a little.
"Don't tell the captain.
"It's that. You picked and protected the senjuso yourself. You kept your promise to the captain. What I did was just a bonus. You don't need to tell the captain about it."
"I haven't done anything yet. I need to take this back to the others."

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