Chapter 21

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3rd POV

*Zeno's Dream 2000 years ago*

"There's King Hiryuu!! Get him!!" The enemy shouted. A large force of troops charge at the red-haired king but he was not frightened in the least. Cut down every man that attacked him swiftly and quickly. Along with King Hiryuu were the Four Dragon's
"King Hiryuu watch out!!!" Zeno yelled standing in front of the king with his arms spread out. Before he was hit the attacker was pierced by the claws of the White Dragon. "White Dragon..."
"Stay back, kid!!!" Along with the White Dragon was the Blue Dragon using his mesmerizing eyes to knock out his opponents. This in turn, made him feel weak and fall on the floor.
"Blue Dragon!! Are you okay?" Zeno asked.
"You're in the way."
An enemy was about to cut Zeno until someone threw a spear at his chest and killed him.
"That's rich, coming from the bastard who gets paralyzed by his own powers all the time." The Green Dragon said.
"Green Dragon..."
"Hey, Green guy, focus on the battle!!" The White Dragon said.
"Shut up!! Don't tell me what to do, White Dragon!!"
"You guys should stop bickering already. We're in the middle of a battle."
"Are you alright Zeno? I know the sight of blood can make you feel sick." She said while patting his back.
"You say we should focus but you're babying him." The White Dragon said.
"I can handle myself perfectly fine." She said before making her body glow and causing her pink ears to pop out along with nine fluffy pink tails. Her eyes also changed from bright blue to blood red. A large group of men charged at her with swords ready. She grabbed her own katana and in almost a second every single of them was cut down.
"Damn. That's hot." The Green Dragon said. In her current form Ōkami was much stronger then the 30 men and her speed was like no other. Unlike most women in this age, Ōkami was skilled in martial arts as well as fighting with a sword, spear, knives, and a bow and arrow. This could be due to the fact that she wasn't even human at all.


"Guen!!!! Where did you fly off too!!!" Ōkami yelled running around the palace in search of the Green Dragon.
"What did Green guy, do this time?" Shuten asked.
"I was just waking up from a good sleep and the guy goes and kisses me!! When I find him I'm going to make him beg for mercy!!"
"Hahaha!" Shuten laughed. "I wanna see that. If I help you look will I get a kiss too?"
"Guen is up there." Abi pointed at a tree.
"Thank you so much Abi." In one quick movement Ōkami transformed into her fighting form and ran to the tree. "So this is where you were, Guen."
"You're very energetic this morning my little fox."
"Oh you think so?" Ōkami asked while cracking her knuckles and giving him a creepy smile as a dark aura surrounded her.
"And I see you transformed."
"Yup." He tried jumping away but Ōkami was quick to grab his leg and slam into the ground. "This will be real quick."

"Was that a scream?" Zeno asked.
"Ōkami got Guen. He deserves what he got." Abi said.
"Yeah. I wanna kick his ass myself for what he did."
"Hey guys." Ōkami smiled dragging Guen behind her. She threw him forward for the others to see his beat up body. "I hope you learned your lesson."
"I did... next time I'll hide in a better spot." He smirked.
"You are hopeless." Ōkami sighed. "Anyway thank you Abi for the help. I appreciate it."
"It was nothing."
"So you sold me out, Abi!!! How about I drive this spear through your eyes!"
"I'll paralyze you before you can."
"Alright, let me fight too!" Shuten laughed.
"Back off Abi, Shuten. I won't let you hurt his beautiful eyes." Ōkami said hugging Abi not realizing the blush on his face.
"Stop hiding behind Ōkami! Be a man and fight me!" Guen yelled.
"He's trying to hurt me." Abi said hiding behind Ōkami.
"I won't let him. Don't worry." Ōkami said petting his hair and then placing a kiss on his forehead.
"I'll kill him." Shuten and Guen said at the same time with a fire surrounding them.
"Shuten, Guen, Abi, Zen, Ōkami! You're all getting alone we'll, aren't you?"
"Does it look like we're getting along well? Dumbass King!!" Guen yelled.
"To me, it looks like you cute dragons are all playing around with an even cuter fox."
"King, go wash your eyes out." Abi said.
"It's too early for you to be going senile." Guen added.
"Don't treat me like I'm some kid, Hiryuu." Ōkami said crossing her arms and puffing out her cheeks.
"Zeno, what's wrong?" Hiryuu asked.
"Your majesty, I'm not fit for commanding armies or being a tribe leader. It should be left to someone else. Of the four dragons, I'm the only one without any powers. During battle, I'm nothing but a burden."
"He said the Yellow Dragon gave him a strong body, but I guess it's not true?" Guen stated.
"Earlier he fell and scrapped his knee!" Shuten said.
"But, my wounds heal fast."
"Your wounds heal fast?" Hiryuu repeated.
"Yeah! When I get injured, my wounds heal right away. That's the Yellow Dragon's power, right?"
"All young people get better quickly." Shuten said running his hands through his hair.
"It's not like that, watch this." He slammed his fist on the ground hard enough to cut his skin.
"Idiot! You idiot! What're you doing?!" Guen asked.
"Jeez, are you okay? You're bleed-." Shuten stopped himself when he picked up Zeno's hand and saw his wound completely healed. Ōkami and King Hiryuu both shared a look knowing very well what this meant for him. "There's no... wound?"
"Told you! Amazing right? It's even faster then Ōkami."
"Hold on, I couldn't see that well. Let me give you another wound with my spear."
"No!! I'd die from that! Even that little cut hurt a lot!"
"Is the Yellow Dragon's power only healing fast?" Abi asked.
"That won't be any use on the battlefield." Guen said.
"It's fine. This kind of power is better for me than one that injuries others. Right Ōkami, King?" Suddenly both Ōkami and Hiryuu engulfed Zeno in a hug. "What's wrong?" The King took off his necklace and put it in Zeno's hand.
"When I descended to the earth, the other dragons bestowed this upon me. Zeno, I know bestow it upon you. It is proof that I..." he then shook his hand and grabbed Ōkami's hand. "We are always by your side."
"Hey. Only for him?" Guen asked.
"Me too." Abi said.
"Give me one!"
"Oh, there's only one! Did you want one?"
"I don't need one! I don't even want it!" Guen yelled.
"I want something else then." Shuten said grabbing Ōkami by her waist and pulling her into his chest.
"What do you want?" Ōkami asked.
"You gave Green guy a kiss. I want one too."
"I didn't give anyone anything!"
"Back away Shuten!" Guen yelled grabbing Ōkami's arm while Shuten pulled on her other one.
"If you're giving kisses, I want one too." Abi said. They all started bickering while Hiryuu just watched and laughed.
"King! Queen! A tribe from the north is invading our territory!!" A guard informed.
"We will suppress the invasion at once." Shuten said.
"You're going to faint again, aren't you, Blue Dragon?" Guen asked as the three dragons walked away.
"Shut up. I'll hold out this time."
"Just go to sleep! I'll hold out the entire army." Shuten said.
"War will never end, will it?" Hiryuu asked. "Eternal peace is only a pipe dream."
"It's how humans are. They are constantly fighting one another for money or power. There own greed drives them to do reckless things." Ōkami said while staring out at the vast land before her. "And yet, I can't help but love humans despite their flaws."
"I can help. Even though I don't have any powers, I-." Zeno began until Hiryuu interrupted him.
"You will not fight! Just stay behind me!"


"Zeno... I'm sorry that you always have to bring me my meals." King Hiryuu said while laying in bed.
"It's not problem. Today's lunch is particularly tasty."
"I look forward to it."
"White Dragon completely devoured it. Blue Dragon and Green Dragon were disgusted. And Ōkami enjoyed it as usual. To think they were all fighting just a few moments ago. They've calmed down, haven't they? Those guys?"
"Abi and Shuten really have grown up." Hiryuu commented. He noticed Zeno's terrified face and touched his cheek to ease him. "What's wrong? You're not your usual cheerful self. Is something worrying you? I won't be able to sleep at night if you act like this. Zeno..."
"Your majesty, does your body hurt?"
"Huh? Well it's getting worn out, but that's due to my age. It's fine."
"My body doesn't hurt. I never get tired. I never get sick. When I get injured , It hurts, but the pain disappears as if you were never there. I'm amazingly healthy. It doesn't make any sense. It's disgusting. Say..." Zeno grabbed the Hiryuu's shirt hiding his terrified expression. "What exactly is the Yellow Dragon's power? Do you know your majesty?"
"Eternal life." Both Hiryuu and Zeno turned their heads to the door finding Ōkami walking too them.
"Ōkami!" Hiryuu yelled.
"He's already figuring it out. There is no point to hide." Ōkami stopped in front of Zeno going on the floor and gently touching his cheek. "You can get injured but you will heal right away. Even faster then I can. Others will age but you will remain the same. Your face, your body, all of it will remain as young as you see it now. You have been gifted with eternal life, both a blessing and a curse." Zeno stared into her eyes shocked at what he was hearing. When Ōkami saw his face she very well he understood what she was implying. To most Eternal Life seemed like a blessing, but it truly wasn't and Zeno was beginning to understand that. It broke Ōkami's heart for Zeno to be given such a power. "I'm sorry Zeno. I do not wish for you to be given such a power. It breaks my heart that you will have to endure with the pain of watching your friends die before. If I could take it away, I would in a heart beat." She cried. Ōkami pulled him into a hug petting his hair while also crying. "I care for you more then you know. I want to save you from this pain but I can't. I'm sorry Zeno."


A few days later King Hiryuu fell asleep and never woke up again. The Queen, Ōkami joined him as well saying that when Hiryuu was reborn again she will as well. The Four Dragons thought of their king and queen who would never more again, and wept. They were inside if it was out of sadness for having lost people so important to them or due to the dragons blood in their veins.

*dream over*

"Zeno... Zeno!" Zeno opened his eyes to find Ao sitting on his chest and the three dragons along with Yona and Bloom stared at him.
"How long are you going to sleep?" Kija asked.
"It's past noon." Shin-Ha said.
"Are you hungover?" Jae-Ha asked.
"A lot happened so Zeno's just tired." Yona said.
"Do you want me to bring you anything?" Bloom asked.
"Everyone, everyone come here."
"What is it?" Kija asked.
"You can't move?" Jae-Ha asked.
"Closer, closer." Everyone moved a step closer to Zeno like he said. Zeno then suddenly pulled them all on top of him. "Wh-Whats going on?!"
"Good guys... you guys have gotten so big."

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