Chapter 19

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Bloom POV

"It's a fawn. Nice catch." Yun complimented.
"Flying with it was a bit tough."
"Your powers are amazing Jae-Ha. We should find the Yellow Dragon in no time." I said.
"Yeah... The Yellow Dragon's the last one, right? After coming all this way I wouldn't mind seeing his face. I'll find him."
"No, I shall." Kija declared.
"No you should let me handle this." Jae-Ha responded.
"No, I'm much better at searching for dragons."
"Let's just take our time. I'm going to prepare dinner. Thunder Beast start a fire." Yun said ignore the bickering dragons. I watched Kija and Jae-Ha bicker while giggling until Shin-Ha pressed on my side.
"What is it?" I looked down and realized that he was touching the side that got injured. "Don't worry about me. It's actually all healed right now. My wounds always heal really fast. It may just be a power of being the Great Kitsune. Suddenly a drooling and growling blonde boy sat next to Yona praying for the dawn. Once the food was ready he kept eating and eating with no end.
"You must really love food, huh?" I commented. One look at me and his eyes went wide and he tackled me to the ground with a hug.
"Hey. Get away from her." Hak said trying to pull the boy off me but it didn't work. He kept rubbing his face in my chest but it wasn't in a creepy way. It was more like a child who hasn't seen someone they love in a long time. I'm not sure why but I felt so relaxed and I didn't even mind that a stranger was on me. I gently began to pet his soft blonde hair and he smiled at me.
"I missed you so much!!"
"Have we met?" I asked.
"Well actually I guess not."
"Okay.... well anyways why don't we get up and eat."
"Okay!!" He jumped off me. "Can you feed me?"
"Sure." I smiled. I picked up one of the sticks and feed him the fawn kebabs. He looked so happy I couldn't help but smile.
"By the way, Kija, do you know anything about the Yellow Dragon?" Yun asked. "Where he lives or about his traits?"
"According to the founding myth, he has a stout body." Yona answered.
"Maybe he's covered in hard scales." Yun said.
"Or he's a big, burly man." Hak thought.
"Hey you guys. Come over here and eat." Yun called the dragons.
"What do you think?" Kija asked Jae-Ha.
"Most likely...."
"Huh? What is it?" Yun asked.
"Well, actually that boy happily eating with my goddess is the yellow dragon..."
"Huh?" I questioned.
"Hm? Did you call me? Hey, I see you've got the White, Blue, and Green Dragons and the Great Kitsune with you. Well, well... the whole gang's here."
"Yellow Dragon? You mean the Yellow Dragon?" Yona asked.
"Why? Why is he here?" Yun asked.
"Why is he eating meat with us like it's no big deal?" Kija asked.
"You guys need to relax. Zeno sits like a good boy when he eats. See? Oh, Zeno's my name."
"What kind of self-introduction was that?"
"I sensed the Yellow Dragon nearby, but he seemed so close, I doubted myself." Kija said.
"I know what you mean." Jae-Ha agreed. "You didn't notice we were near?"
"I don't care either way. I'm just wandering around. I'm not concerned with the other dragons. But I do care that the Great Kitsune is here!" Zeno explained.
"Despite all you said, you seemed really concerned with the other dragons." Hak said to Jae-Ha.
"Zeno, you don't feel anything when you look at her?" Kija asked pointing at Yona. "This is Princess Yona! Master of the Four Dragons!"
"You're exaggerating again."
"Princess... master..." Zeno mumbled. "It's pretty rude of you to say I don't feel anything."
"Did you not feel that awakening?" Kija asked petrified.
"It had even me saying, boil me, take me, do as you please."
"What kind of awakening is that?" Hak asked.
"Is he strong or just really dense?" Jae-Ha asked.
"But since you're traveling alone, maybe..." I said.
"Maybe what?"
"Would it be difficult for you to do us the favor of joining us? We've been looking for the Four Dragons and asking for their help, so I'd like you to-."
"Huh?" I asked.
"Okay. I'm just wandering around. I don't have a destination or anything to do. Above all else, she's here so I wanna stay!!" Zeno yelled. I stood confused as he wrapped his arms around me, twirled around, and hugged me. "What's your name?"
"B-Bloom." I answered still stunned.
"Let go of Lady Bloom right now!" Kija yelled trying to pull Zeno away from me along with Hak and Jae-Ha.
"It's alright I don't mind. He's so cute."
"Umm, Zeno. Mind showing us your power?" I asked.
"My power... I'm not strong, but my body's really tough!" He said letting go of me.
"How tough?" Hak asked punching Zeno in the face.
"Ahh! Zeno!" I yelled running down on the floor. He moved himself so that his face was in my stomach as he hugged me.
"That hurt you?"
"Idiot Hak!! You can't just punch him like that."
"Your weak! You're a normal person!! Are you even the Yellow Dragon?" Yun yelled.
"No, there's something wrong with him! His arms are ridiculously strong!"
"You're right. There is something wrong with Hak." I said.
"Hak punches me all the time, too, and they really do hurt." Jae-Ha commented.
"You always seem to be enjoying yourself, Jae-Ha." Yun stated. "You're body isn't particularly hard. Your skin is squishy, too." He said while touching his arm.
"Zeno's skin is silky smooth."
"The Thunder Beast's body is way stronger. I'd sooner believe he's the Yellow Dragon."
"I've been keeping it a secret, but I'm actually the Yellow-."
"If you were a dragon, you'd be the evil Dark Dragon!" Kija interrupted.
"The Dark Dragon..." Hak repeated with a smile on his face.
"Aren't you upset?! He's threatening your position!! Remember your pride as a dragon!" Kija lectured.
"Yeah, but..."
"Now, now. The Yellow Dragon has his own life to live. You shouldn't force your values on others." Jae-Ha said.
"But the ancient brotherhood of dragons is finally reunited. Thousands of years after the age of myth, the reunion is fulfilled in our generation! I..." Kija began to cry. "I'm truly moved to have met all of you..."
"We have all four of the legendary dragons and the Great Kitsune. When you think about it, it should be amazing, but I'm overwhelmed by how easy it was."


"So this priest of yours lives here? Yun did you once live here?" Jae-Ha asked.
"Yeah. It hasn't been that long, but it feels like I've been gone for years." We walked a little more finally reaching the hut. "Ik-Su! We're back." When we looked around the entire place was trashed. Every thing was laying in the floor spilled or broken.
"What is this?" Yona asked.
"Ik-Su! Why?"
"Huh? Yun...."
"Wait! I'll treat your wounds."
"I'm sorry. I was so hungry, I slipped and fell."

"Whew... I narrowly escaped death."
"You can't be serious, you stupid priest! How do you wreck the house, starve, and hurt yourself falling if you're living normally? Without me, you really are hopeless! You're a huge pain in the butt!" Yun yelled.
"Yun's shouting!"
"You were so upset, you cried." Jae-Ha said.
"I didn't cry, and I'm not upset.
"Priest, please forgive our sudden visit. It's an honor to meet you." Kija bowed.
"No, I'm honored to meet you. Your group certainly has grown. You look like you experienced many things, Princess Yona. Oh, and I'm glad you finally choose to reveal yourself Princess Bloom."
"Princess Bloom?" Everyone repeated.
"When we were on the ship Kumji..." Yona began.
"Umm, Priest, we have all four dragons and me. What are the sword and shield that protect the king?" I asked trying to change the focus.
"Is Yona the King? Or is it the current king, Soo-Won?" Yun asked.
"We'll need some more time before the sword and shield appear. When the time comes, you'll know."
"Huh. So it isn't time yet. Then what should we do now?" Yun asked.
"Why is everyone avoiding the main question?" Zeno asked. "Miss, what do you want to do with the Four Dragons and the Great Kitsune?"
"You two were chased from the castle, so I know you need fighters to survive. But what about after that? Will you keep running?"
"No? Then, will you defeat Soo-Won, who stole the throne, and retake Hiryuu Castle from him?"
"W-We can't attack the castle. Even with the Four Dragons and Great Kitsune these numbers aren't enough..." Yun said.
"Whether we can or not doesn't matter. I'm asking if that's what she wants to do. Besides, it isn't impossible to take a single castle with the dragons' and Great Kitsune true strength." He explained seriously. "I'm not that strong, though."
"You little..."
"Sorry, I know I'm new. I'm not telling you to do that. I was just wandering what your plan was. Following you was my choice. You're free to come up with your own plan. Anyway, I'm hungry."
"You never quit, do you?" Kija asked.
"Well, we might as well eat." Yun said.
"Hooray, food!!"

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