Chapter 5

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Bloom POV

A day has passed since the incident and I was still finding it hard to believe that sweet, kind Soo-Won could kill the King.


"Yona!" Soo-Won called. "Look it's snow!"
"Yeah." She answered with less enthusiasm so he made a snowball.
"Look I made a ball." It didn't cheer her up so he made some weird thing. "I made some strange thing." Still nothing. "Yona..."
"I-I'm doing great! I have to stay cheerful, so my father won't cry!" Yona said jumping into the air accidentally stepping on someone.
"You're heavy."
"Hooray, it's Hak!" Soo-Won cheered.
"Princess, watch your step. I was in a good mood, too."
"It's your fault for laying on the floor." Bloom said.
"Oh yeah. And what are you doing?" Hak asked.
"I'm not laying I'm sitting while reading the book unlike you who is hidden underneath the snow."
"I'm engraving prof of my existence on the Earth."
"Huh?" Soo-Woon and Yona questioned.
"When the ground is white with snow, it's human nature to want to lie down in it." Hak explained and then suddenly Yona threw a snowball at himZ
"You're the perfect target for snowball."
"Really?" Hak asked getting you and throwing multiple snowballs at her and she did the same.
"Well done Hak! Yona is full of energy again!" Soo-Won cheered. An hour in and Yona fell sick so they took her inside a room to rest. She laid under a warm blanket with a wet cloth on her forehead.
"Yona's energy has disappeared..." Soo-Won cried.
"I guess playing in the snow was a bit too much for the princess." Hak said.
"Poor Yona." Bloom said sadly.
"If you rest and take your medicine, you'll get better." The nurse said.
"Where is father?" Yona asked.
"His Majesty is busy right now. But he will come to see you soon."
"It's okay, Yona." Bloom began.
"When he hears you're sick, the king will come running." Hak finished.
"You guys can leave now. If you get close to me..."
"We're fine we feel great." Soo-Won said although both his and Hak's face were red.
"I played so hard, I can still see snowballs." Hak said with a smile. Next thing you know both the guys are lying in bed next to Yona.
"I don't understand. How aren't you sick?" Hak asked.
"I don't get sick."
"Well that's a good thing. It would suck if you got sick too." Soo-Won said.
"Shouldn't you two leave?" Yona asked.
"Apparently, it's best for us to recover here, so we don't spread our illness. But since i've been holding your hand when you sleep, nothing has changed."
"You've been doing that?" Hak said surprised.
"Wait doesn't that make you married. See look." Bloom said opening her book and pointing to a picture at one of the pages.
"I'm leaving." Hak said.
"Huh? Let's all hold hands." Soo-Won suggested.
"You can't be-." Hak began but was cut off when someone slid open the door.
"Boy, I heard you threw snow on the princess and made her sick."
"When there's snow lying around, it's only right to throw it!" Hak said nervously.
"Show me your rear!" Mundok said pulling out a whip. "I'll give you a whipping!!!"
"Grandpa that's enough!" Bloom yelled. "You can't hit him. He's sick remember." She said pushing him out the room.
"Wait! That idiot didn't get my precious girl sick did he?"
"No I'm fine."
"Okay I'm leaving." Mundok said walking away.
"Thank you Bloom." Hak said relieved.
"Oh by the way you can whip him when we get back home!" Bloom yelled.
"I take my thank you back!!"
"That's the Wind Clan's Head, General Mundok, isn't it?" Soo-Won asked.
"Yeah." I answered closing the door.
"I admire General Mundok! I had no idea he was you guys grandfather. Does that mean you're related?"
"We're orphans. I only just met Hak a few months ago." Bloom answered.
"I see..."
"I'm only just adopted son." Hak said.
"But Mundok came to see you. He must love you."
"I don't know..." The door opened once again revealing Soo-Won's father.
"F-father, what are you doing here?" Soo-Won asked.
"Is there something wrong with a father coming to see his ill son?"
"You'll catch my illness, father."
"You think your illness can defeat me?"
"N-No! But I know this is a busy time for you..."
"You must beat down this illness quickly."
"I will!!" Soo-Won said enthusiastically and then his father left.
"Well I'm going to help make you guys something. Bye!" Bloom waved. A couple minutes later and she returned with some food she helped make for the three sick kids. Soo-Won and Hak we're enjoying they're mess while Yona wouldn't touch hers.
"Yona, you have to eat." Bloom said.
"Or you'll get even uglier." Hak added.
"His majesty hasn't come yet?" Someone asked from outside the door.
"No, I told him about the princess, but...." the other person answered.
"This is the king we're talking about. Perhaps he's too afraid of the illness to approach his own daughter." Bloom got so frustrated she slid the door open with such great force it startle the two talking outside.
"We can still hear you so be quit!!" The two scurried away and Bloom close the door calmly this time. Yona, Hak, and Soo-Won went back in bed and Bloom left to her some new hot cloths for them and some water. Night fell and they were all fast asleep with Bloom lying against the wall until they heard a loud growling noise which woke them up.
"That was a huge growl." Hak teased.
"Yona, are you hungry?" Soo-Won asked.
"I can make something for you." Bloom suggested. She walked away in the kitchen and came back with chicken porridge.
"Chicken porridge!" Yona cheered before putting a spoonful in her mouth. Her face turned from happiness to disgust after a few bites. "It's unbelievably disgusting!"
"Wow. Should have known you couldn't cook." Hak teased.
"Shut up! I didn't make it."
"Really? It tasted bad, huh?" The king asked peeking his head from the door.
"I made that. I thought I'd prepare your favorite food to make up for not coming to see you. I made it according to the recipe...." Yona looked back down at her plate before eating again. "Oh? I thought it tasted bad."
"It tastes terrible!" Yona smiles while crying.

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