Chapter 16

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3rd POV

Yun, Yona, Bloom, and another one of the girls name Yuri were able to make it to make it out of their cage.
"Finally, it's time for our showdown with the Pirates." One of the guards said.
"We hired all those mercenaries. They won't reach the ship."
"It'll be an easy battle." They looked forward and just noticed Yun out of her cage.
"A woman! A woman escaped!"
"Stop!" Yun made a run for it stopping at a dead end. The moment they were in front of her Yona, Bloom, and Yuri released two barrels on them.
"Time for you to take a nap, mister." Yun was able to knock him out with a blow dart until suddenly the ship started rocking. One of the guards stood up and ran to Yuri holding a sword to her neck.
"Don't move!"
"Aren't we your precious merchandise? If you hurt someone by swinging that around, Lord Kumji will-."
"You're defective products to try to escape! I'll kill you as examples so that Awa citizens will never rebel again."
"Stop!" Bloom yelled.
"Yuri has nothing to do with this!" Yona added. Yun stood in thought trying to figure out the best course of action which would ensure their success. Then he came up with an idea that would save the others but risk his own life. He pulled out the piece of cloth in he chest which appeared to look like breasts.
"I threatened them into helping me. They have nothing to do with this, so let them go."
"Damn you!" One of the guards yelled punching Yun right in the face. "Don't think we'll show any mercy, Pirate! How dare you mock us?" He continued to beat Yun up with multiple attacks.
"Wait... I have something to tell you. I've rigged the deck with explosives..."
"Rigged the deck with explosives? If I don't stop them, they'll explode soon."
"Liar! There wasn't anything like that on deck."
"Of course not. Only I know where they are."
"What should we do?"
"Damnit!" The guard exclaimed pushing Yuri away."You take the women back down. I'll take this guy on the deck."
"Explosives or not, I'll cut off his head before returning him to the Pirates."
"Yun!" Yona yelled. She tried to run and help but the guard held her back. He threw her to the ground making her hit some things. A bow fell out so Yona grabbed it ran outside to follow Yona. Bloom went to follow after her but the guy grabbed her wrist. She turned around giving her a deadly stare and he froze out of fear. Yuri took this chance to hit him on the neck and knock him unconscious.
By the time Bloom made it outside Yun was tied up surrounded by guards while one in particular had a sword to his neck. Yona was there as well pointing a bow and arrow at the guards and her eyes looked so deadly.
"Get away from Yun. I'll shoot anyone who approaches him."
"Oh, it's the girls from before. How are you going to shoot anyone with-." He cut himself off when he saw the fire in her eyes.
"Bloom! Yona! Light the gunpowder quickly with that flame!" Bloom and Yona made a run for it to Yun. Ultimately Bloom got the gunpowder so she ran back to the candle. The guards chased her but it was too late.
"It launched!" Yona exclaimed. The guards grabbed Yona and pushed her to the floor. One got their hands on Bloom but she was able to escape by elbowing him in the gut.
"Kill them quickly, before the rest come!" A guards said holding a sword to Yona's neck.
"Stop!! Don't you dare!" Bloom yelled.
"You're just a girl what can you do..." The guard for quiter when he saw the look in Bloom's eyes. It was a look that could stop any man or beats dead in his tracks. Her blue eyes were like a raging sea, you couldn't look away.
"Let go of Yun and Yona." Bloom said as her hair began to float around. Her blue eyes turned into blood red and she began to change into her fox forms. First her face changed and that was soon followed by her body. The guards began to shake in fear and backed away from the girl.
"S-she's a monster!!"
"Run!!" The guards began to run for it pushing each other out of the way when Bloom came after them. One guard was knocked on the floor when another was trying desperately to escape into the sea. Bloom jumped on him with her paw pressed against chest and her eyes scrunched in anger. She stared at his face and as she did her eyes softened into kind ones.
"Bloom!" Yona and Yun called but it was too late. A guard snuck up from behind Bloom and stabbed her in the side.
"I did it! I beat the beast!" He cheered until Bloom turned to face him with cold eyes. She turned her whole body around and stared into the guards eyes. The guard dropped his sword and jumped into the ocean in order to escape her. Once every guard had jumped into the sea Bloom turned back into her human self.
"Are you guys... alright?" She asked weakly holding her side. She tried to walk to them but began to lose her balance. Slowly she began to tip to the side. Before she hit the ground Yona ran away fast as she could and caught her.
"Bloom!!! Bloom! Please stay awake! Stay with me! Please open your eyes! You can't die!! Bloom!!" Yona begged while crying. "Please..."
"Well I came to help but it looks like you don't need any." Jae-Ha said jumping on the ship. "What happ-." He stopped mid-sentence when he saw the state Bloom was in. "Bloom! What happened to her!!" He quickly went down on the ground and brought her close to her. When he touched her side he could feel her blood flow on his fingers. Seeing her like this broke his heart.
"Let me see her." Yun demanded. He inspected her wound a little before speaking again. "She'll be okay but we need to wrap this right away or she'll bleed out. Keep her up like that." He said while taking off his sash. Bloom's cheek and back was pressed against Jae-Ha's chest as he held her up in a sitting position. As Yun bandaged her Jae-Ha unconsciously grabbed her hand
'I don't understand. I only just met this girl but she already means so much to me. Seeing her like this it hurts me. Is this the dragon blood in me or is it something else?'
"Will she be alright?" Yun asked through her tears.
"Yes but don't move her around too much."
"Charge!!!" Mercenaries yelled connected their ship to the one Yona was on.
"Get the girl!"
"She's the monster in disguise!!"
"Kill her!!"
"Kill her." Jae-Ha repeated setting Bloom down on the floor gently and then standing up. He clenched his fists in anger and gave every mercenary a deadly glare. "I won't let you. If you get near her I'll kill you in the most painful way possible!"
All The mercenaries tried attacking Jae-Ha but they didn't even land a strike on him. Jae-Ha held them back by kicking them with the strength of his dragon leg. Somewhere along the line Shin-Ha joined in as well. He helped Jae-Ha until he noticed that state Bloom was in. In an almost a second he dropped his weapon and went to Bloom's side. He picked her up bridal style and stared at her unconscious face.
"Hey! Don't move her!" Yun yelled. Shin-Ha ignored him and jumped up onto the room on the ship away from danger. He sat down with Bloom laying in his lap. Slowly Bloom's eyes began to drift open and she was met with Shin-Ha's mask.
"Shin... Ha." He looked down at her surprised to see her awake. As he stared into her blue eyes he felt a wave of relief wash over himself. "Shin-ha? You're crying..." he touched his cheek and indeed he was crying. Slowly Bloom raised her hand and removed his mask revealing his sad yellow eyes. She wiped away his tears with her finger and smiled at him in an attempt to make him feel better. "I'm sorry for making you cry." He shook his head no and tightened his grip on her shoulders.
"I am sorry. I should have protected you."
"It's not your fault. I should be stronger so that things like this don't happen. I don't want to worry you guys or always have to be protected anymore. Will you help me be stronger, Shin-Ha?" Shin-Ha stared at her shocked for a moment before responding.
"You're already strong. Stronger then anyone so stop risking your life... because I'm not sure how I'll react if you're gone."

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