Dear depression

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you almost had me for a moment. I almost met my end. I was so scared, but not even my anxiety could save me, it couldn't back me out if it. It instead encouraged my actions.

You made me think I was ready to leave, when in fact I wasn't. I'll never be ready, I hope I won't ever be. All those thoughts that you suffocated me with, all those horrendous actions you forced me into. It was horrible. You made me feel guilty, and upset.

There are times when I think of what we had. All the pain and tears that where spent over old memories. I look back and thank that I'm in a better place.

It's still hard but the therapy and medication is helping. I'm running low on it and I'm scared of what'll happen if I don't get a refill. There's a lot I want to talk about but it's not worth crying over spilled milk as they say.

I'm trying to overcome it but it's hard when you replay that night over and over in mind. It's as if I'm still in that hospital bed and everyone is looking at me their eyes boring into my mine.

I hope one day I'll be able to live without thinking about you and feeling bad and guilty.


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