dear depression,

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it's strange when i think about how all i've done is wish that i had had a normal childhood. The signs of abuse and neglect had not been something i ever let myself think to much about. To me it was just a part of a terrible nightmare that had engraved itself into every part of my being. I was just a kid then. I'm going to turn sixteen in 2 days, an age i thought that i wouldn't be around for. When i think about what i've survived i realize that i haven't. Nothing about the way i live is normal. Rather it's concerning and detiorates my mental health. I'm expected to allow people to be near me and even touch me despite how much fear it invites within me. I'm expected to allow the man who lives in these nightmares of mines to hug me and be around my presence as if i haven't had enough of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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