Dear late night thoughts,

21 1 0

It feels like people expect me to have control over these feelings because I've been dealing with them for a large part of my life. And honestly everyone treats me like I'm not allowed to feel bad because my life isn't bad anymore and the only thing stressing me out is me. I don't think they understand that what I'm barely able to put a name to it. What I feel, the pressure, the suffocation, the guilt, the shame, the fear. They're all mixed together and I can't sort through them under the span of three therapy sessions.

My friends and family assume that because I'm seeing a therapist that everything is fine and it's just about to over. It's the same thing, I go to a therapist, I get better, I stop going to therapy, I start to go on with my life, then I get sad and then things start to worsen and then I'm back to the beginning. It's been this endless cycle and it stresses me out so badly.

I'm stressed to the point where I'm getting sick. I'm vomitting, I get head aches, I get fevers. It's hard because at the beginning I was ready to get better but I'm now I'm just giving up.


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