Dear Suicide,

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I know everyone wishes I would have died that day. I was ready to leave. that morning as I lay awake in that hospital bed I was disappointed. as usual I couldn't even do this right. to me suicide was a joke in the beginning and soon it became my only choice. it was the only thought I had in mind for several months it's what got me through most of the week. "My death-day is coming just a little longer". I don't remember when it started or why I felt this way. I just knew that I wasn't going to make it till next year but I did and I know it's all in my head probably but nobody looks at me the same, nobody treats me the same because I'm weak and that's the reality of it. I'm a ticking time bomb at any moment I could die. everyone seems worried but at this point, but deep down I know but I shouldn't have made it through that night. I should have tried harder. then I wouldn't be stuck where I am now. I've been going to therapy for 4 years and progressively I have only been getting worse. It doesn't matter how many therapists I see. it doesn't matter how many times I go. it doesn't matter if I go everyday or if I get put on medication because in the end I've already given up and there's no point to it, there's no reason to continue this fight. I mean what's the point continuing ? what happens if I don't get better? I don't want to do this for the rest of my life.


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