Dear depression,

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It's not very easy to act like I'm mentally okay to talk about my issues. I try very hard to be the type of person who I thought i was. I fight every day because it the right thing to do. I do things out of survival but I know that I won't get very hard. I just hope that when it ends ill be in the clear. I haven't been alright for days, weeks, months. I feel like I'm not being heard, no one sees me. No one hears me. I feel so alone, so alone that I use three to four blankets to feel warm and safe because there is no one to hug me and tell me what I should be hearing. I'm all alone everywhere. It feels like I'm drowning in all my problems. And I know that's a very cliche thing to say. But at this moment I'm breaking down more than I have ever and I want to run away. I don't want to fight anymore, I want the hurt to stop. I'm not okay, I haven't been for most of my life and I'm ready to admit that.


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