Dear Depression?

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People don't change, they just act like they do. They put up a front and act the way they think you want them too. Nobody cares, it's all about not being the bad person.

I've begun to realize why many people with a history of abuse have trouble talking about it. It's not that simple, it'll never be. I've come to terms with it but even so the consequences make me wish I'd been better at bottling up my feelings. If i could've held off until i was old enough to move out i wouldn't be in this horrid situation. I feel trapped in this home.

Nothing good comes from staying here, I can't get any better until I leave, until my past here is erased from my memory, from my body, and from my soul. There's always a part of me that will remember all of this. I don't want to feel dirty anymore, I don't want to feel like what I feel is disrespectful and wrong.

I don't want to feel selfish for having a mental illness. I'm not okay.
??/??/?? april maybe

Dear DeppresionWhere stories live. Discover now