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Get ready for a kind of long chapter. Also sorry for any spelling mistakes.
When I said that I saw for some reason tears starting to come out his eyes. "No Jimin not that please something else but not that" "No I want (lol I just remembered they got married already) a divorce" "B-but Jimin please I beg you stay with me. I don't want to lost you" I'm actually starting to feel bad for Jungkook his crying and even begging me to stay with him.
"Jungkook clam down I was just joking. I wanted to know what would you if I did something like that" " Oh my mochis I thought you were leaving me" I just laughed and out of nowhere he carried me to the car outside bride style and spinning me around. When we go into the car I started pouting." I don't wanna go to school Jungkook. How about we both just hang out? I don't want to go to school pleaseeeee" " Mrs. Jeon Jimin I will accept your offer but you have to accept my offer of do you want to be my boyfriend?" " DEAL! I'm just kidding of course not I don't want to date you" that's when I remembered it was suicide Tuesday for P. E today." Actually Kookie my cute little bunny want I meant to say is of course I want to date you"
"Ok ummm were do you want for breakfast and no mochis" "Then I want nothing" his pouts are the cutest. I grab his hand an he was about to pull away but I bet he remembered were dating now. "Hey, no pouting your too cute. How about we go to Jin's hyung house?" "Yes! His cooking is the best" well we were going to Jin's house we got to know each other better. I really like it and the sad part is I actually only have one more day to complete the dare of Yoongi.
"OMG my son remembered he got a mom that wants grandchildren" I looked at jimin with a smirk. He hit my arm and was turning into a cherry. "Hi emmoa- oh Yoongi-hyung your here" "I was actually about to leave bye Jiminie see you tomorrow at school and bye Jungkook" "Why isn't he are schoo? " I ask.  "To be honest I don't know something about it being suicide Tuesday today" Namjoon said. We had a perfect breakfast an talk. "Hey kookie I'm kind of tried can we please go home?" "Sure my mochi" We said our goodbyes and went home. When we arrived Jimin went immediately to our bedroom but me being me of course I wasn't gonna let him sleep. I went with him to the bed and cuddled with him. "Babe can we do it now?" "Umm kookie I think I'm-" I didn't listen to him and started putting hickeys on neck milky neck and let just say his moans are like an angel singing. I was about to take the next step but he stopped me. "Kookie I'm sorry but I'm not ready. How about we just cuddle?" "Fine I can never say no to my baby" We cuddled and slept for some hours and let's just say when Jimin woke up with some energy he dragged me to the mall and then the park. We are still at the park looking at the beautiful sky with all the stars and a full moon "Hey baby" "Yes?" "I promise to take you to the moon" he kissed me and I kissed back. We stayed for a little more time then went back home to get some rest for tomorrow. And yes I texted Yoongi we did it when we actually didn't but Jimin has hickeys so I can lie without anyone knowing
I was at school waiting for Yoongi-hyung to arrive. Yes, Jungkook works today. "JIMINIE" I turned around thinking it was Yoongi-hyung but no it was my soulmate Tae!!! We both run up to each other saying how much we miss each other. And, like always the bell rang and Tae took me to my class then left to his. But when I was going to enter. Someone grab my hand and pulled me outside of the school I was trying to escape its grab but I saw it was Yoongi-hyung. "Did you have sex with Jungkook?!" "No why?" "Because sorry Jimin but he doesn't love you and he just wants to have sex because I dared him too." 
I don't know why but I feel like I'm writing the same thing a over again and that's getting boring, is it?

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