Where is she?

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Lapis POV
I got out of school and waited for mom to pick me up, while I was waiting I texted peridot.
Waterwicth: hello wdy?
I waited but she didn't answer, probably doing homework or driving.
My mom finally came and I got in.
I got home and went upstairs in my room, I laid in bed doing my homework until I finished.
I was finally done and decided to check my phone if peri texted back but she didn't, I sighed and went to bed sleeping.
Peridots POV
"They couldn't be i-" I was lost of words and continued starring at them until I heard a voice. "Hello 911 what's your emergency?" I quickly picked up the phone and answered. "Hello, a guy is beating up these two girls can you please send help." "Okay we will be right there just hold on"
I hanged up not wasting any time and burst threw the door, the guy turned to me and ran at me.
Lapis POV
I woke up and stretched I picked up my phone that was ringing I thought it was peridot because she hadn't texted me back yet but it was a unknown number.
"Hi this is squareidot and I was wondering if peridot was over at your house?"
"No? She's not at home?"
"No we thought she was with you"
"Oh okay well thanks for letting me know bye"
Peridots not at home where is she then?"
I got up and got my keys.
I went in the car and drove around the city, no sign of peridot, I got my phone and started calling her.
"*Ring ring ring*" no answer, I looked around more and even asked people if they knew where she was but they didn't know Either.
I went to Starbucks to see if she was there because she would love to get coffee there after school.
But when I got there, there was no sign of her either. I asked the lady who worked there and she said that she saw someone familiar and let me see the cameras.
She pulled up the footage and I saw peridot picking up a guys wallet and chasing him to give it back and the last thing that I saw was her walking out the building.
Peridots POV
He came running at me and I tired to doge him but he was too fast and punched me so hard I fell in the ground.

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