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Lapis POV
I woke up in bed and slowly opened my eyes. I quickly shut them as the light from the currents blinded me.
I looked over at the clock noticing it was 9:30 but it was the weekend so I didn't worry.
I turned over and put my arm around peridot.
She was still sound asleep, I then noticed that she had a little bit of drool on her lips.
I giggled softly trying not to wake her.
I then closed my eyes taking in this relaxing moment as it lasted.
I then felt her moving so I opened my eyes to see that she was already awake.
She sat up putting on her glasses with her eyes still closed and drool on her lips.
I smiled and sat up too and wiped the drool off with my thumb, she then opened her eyes, she smiled back and said softly "good morning lappy" she said laying back down. I laid down too and put both of my arms around her spooning her.
"Good morning" I whispered in her ear.
She smiled but then noticed that we were both naked.
Her face turned into a deep red and got up.
She searched for her clothes but then the blanket fell off her body.
Peridot stood there embarrassed, as I stared at her, then I spoke "don't be embarrassed, not like I haven't seen you baked before"
She seemed be get redder and got her clothes.
After we've showered we laid in the couch cuddling each other as we watched camp pinning hearts.
"Lapissss" Peridot complained "yeah" I said "am bored what do you want to do" "we can go to the park?" "Sure"
After we dove to the park me and peridot started to walk around, "so I had fun last night~" I said putting my arm around her waist.
She turned her head away from me and answered "me too.."
I giggled as how easily she was embarrassed.
So I had a plan. I then yelled "look peridot I think I saw a dog in the woods" I lied.
"Really where?" She asked "Come hurry" I said
I pulled her to the gate, I then jumped over the small fence and so did Peridot following behind me.
I grabbed her hand leading her deeper in the woods.
"Where is it I d-" "there!" I lied and dragged her to a bush.
We were not out of sight from the park.
Warning some NSFW:
"Wher-" I then pinned her to a tree, I then kissed her. I knew she was caught off guard so I reached my hand in her pants.
I felt her grip on my shoulders get tighter so I then started to kiss her neck as my hand started to go downer in her pants.
I saw her bite her lip trying to kept from making noise but I wanted to tease her so I lightly brushed my fingers in her area. She let out a small moan and smiled.
I pulled away and said "come on let's go home am tired" I said with a smirk.
She glared at me and I acted innocent and happily smiled at her.
She groaned and we walked to our car.
Peridots POV
I dove home and went in my room, Lapis said she had to go to the store to buy something so I decided to try to fly asleep.
I still felt that heat between my legs, I tried to ignore it and fall asleep.
Later on I feel asleep:
Warning more NSFW:
Peridots dream:
I was laying in bed on my phone until someone burst into my room. I whipped my head around and saw that lapis was standing there with that smirk in her face.
She didn't say anything but slowly crawled on top of me. I turned my phone off and placed it on the counter. She then started to kiss me, we then started to make out. I then felt that heat between my legs again as lapis put her hand on my crouch. She then bite my earlobe and whispered in my ear "I want you" I then bite my as she bite my neck. She then started to rub my area with her hand though my shorts.
I then let out a small moan, Lapis then put her hand inside of my panties. Lapis then took off my shirt, she then took off my bra.
Lapis started to lay kisses on my body. She then put a finger inside of me.
I let out a moan then she added a second finger and started to go faster.
At this point I was a moaning mess as she went harder.
She then licked one on my breast as another hand cupped my other breast.
Lapis added a third finger and I could feel myself coming close.
Lapis noticed and went faster which caused me to moan louder, I then came, I was out of breath and sweating. Lapis then looked at me and kissed me.
I woke up sweating and tired and noticed it was a dream.
I then realized that lapis was laying next to me starting at me.
I looked away in embarrassment and bit my lip.
She smirk at me and came closer, and whispered in my ear "what was your dream about peri~"
I blushed and looked away.
Lapis POV
After I came home from Walmart I went upstairs I noticed it was quite so I guessed peridot was asleep.
I came in the room and as guessed she was asleep. I smiled and took off my shoes and sweater.
I was about to back my sweater on the hook until I heard a voice
"Ugghhh lapis~" I turned and peridot was laying there with a look of pleasure.
I then realized was was happening, she was having a wet dream. I blushed and walked over and Laid next to her. I stared at her as she was moaning and birding her lip, and if I was being honest it kind of turned me on...

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