Crosstesting permitted

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I like writing horrible things.

Little info: This is a crossover. Torvic is an OC of mine and not related to SCP. For this fanfiction he got captured as one. Hes smaller than normal.
Pic of him:

Hes called SCP-XXX as placeholder, cause i dont want to give him a random number

Item #: SCP-XXX "Torvic"

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: The entity is to be contained within a special constructed Cell near the medical wing at Site-19. SCP-XXX may be requested to help nursing personnel and other beings while being guarded by at least one (1) guard armed with a non-lethal taser. The avian is allowed to given simple items it requests such as books, pens and paper that have been approved by one (1) Level 3 Researcher.
SCP-XXX needs to be provided two times a day with food. Fruits, vegetables, worms and smaller insects are the only thing that can be given since other food cause problems in the specimens digest system.

Description: SCP-XXX is a male humanoid bird that reminds of harpies in mythologies. The entity claims to be very old but not remembering it's actual age. It's about 1,80m tall with multicolored skin and scales. The specimens legs are heavily anthropomorphed and end in scaled bird feet. It's arms end in bird wings with a length of 2,30m when spread and a single thumb. It wears at all times a bird mask of unknown material, apparently to make up for it's missing beak. Generally, does the entity remind of a medieval plague doctor and shown that it has the profession of a doctor as well.

Beside it's avian appearance and age, does SCP-XXX not shown any abnormal abilities and is in general very cooperative and supportive. The avian seems to possess medical knowledge about any living being that has been given to it as "patient". That includes humans as well as various SCPs. When it makes contact with it's patient it is able to make a perfect diagnosis and how to help them. It's advices and help cures their patients with a very high success rate. SCP-XXX shows great sorrow in a case where it can not help it's patient.
It frequently requests to be called by it's name "Torvic". The avian shown to read name signs of personnel and remembering the names, always greeting and starting gentle conversations.

Tests shown that despite it's hollow bones, SCP-XXX is capable of carrying heavy loads while still being able to fly.


"Crosstesting with SCP-XXX and SCP-049 permitted. Please lead SCP-XXX and D-93730 into the contamination cell."
The chains on the avians wings chuckled as the guards jerked him inwards, the D-Class following. "SCP-XXX is cooperative and safe, there is no need for being aggressive.",one of the researchers in the observation room said towards the guards. She was obviously new in the facility. 

"Well, there is no need for this sweet sympathy, doctor. Keep it professional.",agent R huffed. He observed the scenery through the one-way mirror as the guards lead the entity in 049's chamber. The blonde haired researcher bit her lips and held her clipboard tighter. Dr. Lywen knew that they were treating these creatures like objects when she had been offered this job. 

SCP-XXX nodded at her reassuringly. He wasn't able to see through the mirror from inside the cell but knew she was there and having an eye on him. His bird feet clacked on the concrete floor and when he got a look on the other SCP in the room he had a suspicion why this... Crosstesting was arranged. SCP-049 was chained on his neck and wrists on the only table in the room, right in front of the observation mirror. He was sitting on a chair, ice blue eyes staring at the newcomers, but especially SCP-XXX.

Crosstesting permitted [SCP-049xSCP-XXX]Where stories live. Discover now