"We can't just let him stay in there with it! He did not cooperate and is hurting To- SCP-XXX!"
"SCP-049 never before had reacted like this. I say we let it continue and keep observing. This might be interesting and useful research material.""You can't just-!"
"Agent R, Dr. Lywen. Both of you stop now. I'm tired of it.",the research leader declared. "Agent R is right that this is new behavior and worth studying. It has been proven that SCP-049's touch is not lethal for the other specimen."
The woman was not okay with that. "What's with the guards? It agreed to comply and killed them." She was trying to sound calm, but the whole event shocked her. She knew of 049's anomalies and she was worried about her friend."Work accident. Risk that comes with the job.",agent R said, and she already knew that she wouldn't like him. "That's-!"
"That's how it is. Dr. Lywen.",the researcher agreed coldly. "We know about your past with SCP-XXX and you can be glad that they decided against terminating you, because of your knowledge with the entity. We do not need you here. This is a privilege."
The lips of hers were shit so tight that they trembled- She did not want to be removed from the team. She wanted to stay and help Torvic as best as she can.
"If you keep being unprofessional and let your emotions guide your words, you will leave the room. And we will use amnesiacs on you- at least if you still have value after this for the foundation.""...I understand."
Torvic, I'm so sorry...
"It's been ages that I've been able to touch someone without having it wither and rotting away under my touch,",049 said, ignoring the winged arms of the other, which helplessly tried to remove the hand from his throat. But without having a pair of hands of his own the effort was rather fruitless.
"You must understand my excitement to... Meet you. I would like to examine your unique anatomy. From inside and out." He strengthen these words with his thigh between the harpies legs, pressing against him. Torvic flapped his wings in panic, trying to push him at least somewhat away. The plague doctor catched a handful of feathers near the bone and pulled them upwards. Whimpering, as some of his feathers got pulled out by this, he now held still. "Please, stop.." 049 did not comment this but studied his black and red feathers while his wing was held in this uncomfortable position. The hand on his throat let go to smooth down the upstanding feathers. This would have been comfortable at another time, another place. Another person.
"You have wings and chirp... You have soft ears like a deer, twitching in fear." He leaned in closer, his hot metallic breath on the harpies neck. "Am I scaring you, little Finch?"
Torvic whimpered, but didn't reply otherwise. Pulling on his feathers again he repeated coldly."Are you scared of me?"
Sobbing, he answered quickly with shaking voice:"Y-Yes, I am scared. You k-killed these people even though you called me college before! I- I can't understand how a fellow doctor could do... Do this." SCP-XXX didn't know if he should be proud that he held back the tears till now. The answer didn't let him waiting. "They were very sick with the pestilence, of course. It is one of the most horrible diseases and I'm working on making my cure perfect."
He exhaled in a shudder and Torvic was terrified as he felt something against his thigh. "You do not die under my touch. You aren't sick with the disease. I have never met such a... Pure and beautiful being...",his metallic voice whispered. It finally showed emotions but the emotions he heard and suspected weren't relieving.

Crosstesting permitted [SCP-049xSCP-XXX]
FanfictionThe SCP foundation captured a new SCP that seems to be somewhat the reversed version of SCP-049, the plague doctor. Crosstesting permitted for further research. ------- 18+ / horrible violent / rape / prisoners /gay Cover by xSeiyou --- 2021: 1# in...