SCP-049 had returned to the avians bed where he was still laying uncouscously.
The topic about restocking their resources had stopped him from his work and started a discussion to solve the current problem. And so far they weren't making much progress...
"It's not like I am the only one who needs to eat."
"Don't worry, if that was the case I would have send you alone... If you get killed out there you won't come back with what we need.", he said checking on SCP-XXX's wounds while the woman scoffed at his words.
She said before that she didn't know if the bird had an accelerated healing ability and it would be very useful if he had. Because of the problem at hand.But... Everything seemed normal.
The wounds hadn't made any progress and so didn't the patient wake up yet."And?", the woman asked looking at Torvics exposed body."Nothing."
Crunching his teeth in uncertain, the plague doctor thought again about the pro and cons of their options. They would either have to let the bird here to rest or carrying the hurt form along. It wasn't an easy decision.
"Look, I know that this here was horrible. The... Men and hurting him like this. But he needs to rest, right? If he drag him along he might get hurt even more-"
"What if someone else comes around to target him? I'd rather have him near me where I can personally ensure that nothing like that happens again.""You killed them already! I don't know how a breach goes but it's been quiet for a while and it's more likely to wander into something dangerous than... Someone checking every room.", Lisa analyzed and placed the blanket back to cover her friends hurt body.
"We can lock the door, too.""And if there are complications we might be gone for longer than planned. Maybe we don't come back as quickly and he has to find nutritions himself. Then he would be without any cover and wandering alone."
"I just said that we could lock him in."
"Well then change my example to starving inside the room instead of outside." Staring with blue eyes intensely at the human it felt like he was trying to win the discussion, but both options were unpleasant.
"But carrying or running with him might break the already damaged bones. I don't try to fight with you, 049, I just try to think what would be the better option...""I'm not fighting, either."
Lywen studied his expression- mostly hidden behind the mask- carefully. "Sorry then. Your glare gave me the chills."
At that the elder SCP seemed to stare even more intensely but only for a moment, then he looked away. "I am not satisfied with this dilemma. I would like if you two would stop requiring resources for survival.""Wow. Sure, just let me stop all that human stuff, I'm sure the-
"I apologize for my interruption, but you could loose a few pounds anyway, woman."The blonde haired scientist opened her mouth, but just managed to gape. Staring with wide eyes at the old mass murderer she scrunched up her face. "Did you just say that I'm fat?"
Those words reminded the plague doctor of old times. Every other woman who hissed the exact same sentence, no matter the decade. Funny how some things never changed.
"049, did you just say that I'm fat?? I don't have to stand that attack from an ancient delusional zombie maker!"
"You don't have to, indeed. It's your choice making a fuss over it." The plague mask hid his tiny smile very well.
"Kkhhrrrrrgghhh-" Lywen made, wiggling her finger with which she couldn't punch the SCP.
"S-Stop yelling and... Send the... Uhhh...?"
"Torvic!", the female yelped and quickly fell around the neck of her friend,... Who's vision cleared more and more.... Whom could see the glare of the plague doctor on the woman.
"Aah, aahhh...?"
The death glare.
"-Lywen stop, stop-"
Lisa immediately stopped, pulling back with a worried expression. "Oh shit, did I hurt you...?"
The avian didn't know how to reply and just smiled helplessly at the elder SCP. Who abruptly risen from his place, making both flinch in surprise.
"I hate to share. I will give you a moment."
And then he turned around and walked with heavy boots back towards the desk, pulling out his old leather journal. Torvic looked after him for a moment before he turned confused back to the human. Better using the moment he was given. "Why are you here...?" His face crunched up a little as he blinked. "How are you here?"
"I was hiding in some ventilation shaft as 049 passed by and kind of begged me to come with him." The harpy laughed dry and quietly, "I kind of doubt that."
"It's true- He was all pouty, blocked the entrance and cried like a little-""While I might be a few meters away, doesn't that mean I'm instantly deaf, woman."
Lywen flinched and laughed fakely in the plague doctors direction. He wasn't looking but only shook his head slightly. Then she leaned in very close and whispered in Torvics ear: "Like a little bitch!"
XXX's rolled his red-blue eyes, "At least you seem to get along someho-" He stopped as he winced in pain. "Hey, are you okay?", his friend asked worried, "We-, ah... He fixed you as good as he could."
"I'm feeling dizzy... And it hurts... Everywhere.", he cleared his throat. "Could you give me some water, please?" Lywen nodded and held his head, with the other she offered the last cup of water to his lips."You see, we kind of have a problem with water actually..."
"Are you feeling well enough to be carried?", Plague interrupted, turning again at the duo, journal still in his gloved hands.
"By y-you? I mean-... I am not sure..." The red blue eyes wandered to the corpses on the floor, noticing them for the first time. As well as the one on the desk. Pressing his eyes shut he breathed flatly."Would you preferred them to be still alive?",049 asked coldly with his metallic voice.
"I... I am not sure...""You seem unsure in a few things, so let me tell you: I don't regret it. They didnt even deserve such a quick death."
Torvic knew from Lywens silence that she agreed."As person with... Feelings I can...", the harpy inhaled. "Agree. But as doctor with a promise..." Even when he said this was he feeling relieved that they we're dead. And he felt horrible for that.
"Three of four were sick with the pestilence as well. In that sense I even did those bastards a favor."SCP-XXX sighed, trying to ignore his burning wounds, aching bones and the guilt.
Closing his eyes he tried to change the topic:"Lywen, what was with the water? Is it-"
Suddenly the avian opened his eyes, staring back at the lifeless bodies. "D-Did you say 'of four'? What is with the others. .?"The plague doctors face hardened, "There were more."
It wasn't a question but rather a statement given from his partners question.
Lywen formed her hands to fists as Torvic swallowed dryly,
"At least two more..."

Crosstesting permitted [SCP-049xSCP-XXX]
FanfictionThe SCP foundation captured a new SCP that seems to be somewhat the reversed version of SCP-049, the plague doctor. Crosstesting permitted for further research. ------- 18+ / horrible violent / rape / prisoners /gay Cover by xSeiyou --- 2021: 1# in...