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Art by IcyFireReaper

Torvic was still standing there, staring at the containment door through which his friend left. He hoped she would be safer outside of this cell, but if she really was degraded... Then maybe she wasn't safe anywhere anymore. When they hugged he had felt her condition: Stress, lack of sleep, fear... But he couldn't sense any physical or deeper psychological damage. She surely had left the observing room before she saw anything. Beside that couldn't have another other person hurt her as well. The doctor was glad that she was fine.
The avian hoped that she would stay out of trouble, now that he couldn't protect her anymore... Hah.
He huffed in selfhate.

It's not like Torvic had been able to... protect her. Sure, he had made a deal for her sake.
Probably... Giving his body away for her health.
He wasn't sure what the plague doctor wanted for this... 'favor'. But he couldn't stop the memories flooding his mind. Sounds of panting, groaning... Moaning. The feeling of the other... Holding his... legs, hips... When he...
He couldn't hold back as he started shaking again.

"Come now."

The metallic voice of the SCP almost made him jump. Torvicslowly looked back over his shoulder towards the source of the sound. The plague doctor was still sitting on his bed, his black cloak looked like it swallowed all the light shining on him. Merely his bird mask was lightened up by the cheap bulbs of the cell. Lifting a leathered hand, he reached out as if he wanted Torvic to hold it. "I don't want to repeat myself."

His voice was stern, the eyes critical.
The avian turned slowly around, black and red wings holding his own body. He wanted to hide- he wanted to- ...Red blue eyes wandered upwards at the dangling tire in the air.
Within a second was SCP-049 on his feet, making the harpy jerk back.
"Don't even think of it."

Torvic exhaled slowly, all tensed up. "How could I not?"

His opponent frowned, before he loosened up. Almost smiling now even, just with his eyes. Torvic was confused at this reaction.
"Let me help you, then... If you break the deal now, then I won't offer any such opportunity to you again."
"If I see your sweet Lywen I will make sure to not directly cure her, but to perform my surgery while she can experience the cleansing with all her senses. Slow and thankfully."
"You're sick..." The harpy said it, but still approached the other hesitantly. 049 scoffed annoyed,"Oh you are very wrong. The humans here are sick. Sick with the disgusting pestilence. Sick locking me up- ME! The cure for this world... You must understand that I only have limited options to get what I want." Torvic said nothing, but his claws clacked on the ground as he halted in front of the heated plague doctor. He was glad the other started talking about his delusional nonsense again, the 'mission' he was supposed to be sent for. It helped the harpy concentrate on his anger and disgust for the other instead of his fear.

"...So what do you want?"
"Eager little Robin... It can wait. First I want you to sit with me and eat your meal. I do not want my so pure partner to become sick." Partner. Torvic repeated in his head.
"What do you mean with that?"
SCP-049 looked surprised. "As fellow doctor you surely know that nutrition have to be taken in a regular-" "No, no. Not... That."
049 studied the avians masked face patiently, waiting for the clarification.
"I mean... Partner."

"Ah. Didn't I make that clear? I want to make you mine, my better half, my...significant other."
Torvics breath stocked. What.

The SCP reached for his feathered arm, too shocked to react the harpy let the other lift his thumb to the doctors face,"Mes sentiments pour toi ont changé... Je suis tombé amoureux de toi." And then he lowered his head to press a gentle kiss on the avians thumb. The harpy tore his wing away from the other like he had bitten him. Below his mask was his face formed to a grimace.
"Y-You... You really are insane...",he was almost hissing the words.
SCP-049 huffed.

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