Torvic hadn't noticed that Plague had been actually tense the whole time too, but at the words of his apology the other visibly- Or well, 'feelingly' (considering he was clinging to his back) relaxed a little. It was only the slightest movement in the SCPs shoulders that dropped a little, yet he was sure that he heard the tiny sound of a sigh that had accompanied the motion.
...And the fact that 049 cared so much about their fight made the Walkeyra squeeze his eyes shut at the... Tugging feeling inside his chest. He tried hard not to cling too desperatly onto the form of his breathing ride. Every step and shake was still an unpleasant jolt and pain for the avian, but with the eased conflict felt he already a little better.
Lighter. Freed.
Even when his head began to ache again.
Of course wasn't this enough to suddenly fix everything. After all had the words that Torvic had thrown against the others head been true, but... It was a peace offering after their fight. And apparently had both sides longed for the tension to ease.
The sudden nudge of 049's mask against the harpies cheek interrupted his thoughts and he realized with parted lips that the elder SCP really was leaning back against his tired nuzzle. The avian had been tense and nervous but now for Plague to mirror his affectionate gesture- It was such an extreme contrast to his normal behavior that it made the hair in the avians neck rise in awe and his heart flutter.
"I'm truly blessed to hear an apology from such a pure being... Yet alone hold and aid you in need, Torvic.", 049 whispered quiet and sincere and XXX felt his face grow warm with the rising blood. His fluffy white ears dropped a little from the wonderful praise. Only then he realized that the other had used his name for the first time which made him even more flustered. "Y-You...-"
Plague felt the shift inside of the harpy and his warmth. There was little his bird had to do to excite him but this moment was so... Adorable. He wanted to cherish it forever. Leather gloves gently squeezed the thighs of his piggyback ride when the infected woman suddenly stopped walking in front of them. The SCP was still very aware of Lywens rotting presence and came to an equal sudden halt. At that Torvic groaned silently, the jolt heavier for his wounds and his friend mumbled a silent apology. One could see that she was thinking about her words and with his birds full attention and fleeting touch was he probably thankful for the distraction of his embarrassment. Plague felt the others heavy heartbeat against his back where he was pressed to him and only unwillingly averted his gaze at the female researcher."...I remember them talk about an SCP machine that could make all kind of drinks... They bragged about some of the supernatural stuff but really had a knack for that one. They said it made oil, gold, blood,- I think it-... Well it should be capable of normal things, too.", she began to whisper with a strained face of thought. "Do you know it maybe?"
"No.", 049 answered in a heartbeat, a little agiated that she had interrupted their moment.The weight of Torvic shifted slightly on his back who surely sensed his annoyance. Again was the side of his mask touched by his nervous partner, leaning softly against his face once more. With that the plague doctor felt his possessiveness soothe a little by the wondrous touch of his beautiful pure bird.
Lywen had seen the little scene although didn't quite know what she had done to anger the elder SCP. She took an unsure step backwards and whispered, "Uh...We should focus on finding that machine for our food problem."
"Was it the only way to fed you humans here?"
Thinking about that question for a moment she mumbled, "I don't know where they got my or their food from. But a cafeteria should be standard in such a giant building complex..."
"There was a cafeteria in our hospital back then.", Torvic commented quietly in thought, "Although I never saw it myself."
"What's that 'cafeteria' supposed to be?", 049 asked quiet but sternly, not liking the way he said 'our' hospital. He didn't want to imagine a time where the harpy had been content and happy with the womans company alone.
Said woman looked back at the duo at his question. "It's a room that provides food and shelter during the breaks of work within most companies. If this place has one it should be appropriate in size to shelter this many people."
"You're talking about a great hall."A moment of questioning silence followed so the doctor added: "They were used back then on special occasions for gatherings and feasts."
"Ahh, yes!", She said a little louder before checking the hallway and quieting her voice once more, "That probably comes the closest to it."
"It does sound easier to find than some machine...", Torvic wondered loud and made Lywen scratched her head in embarrassment. "I was thinking too specific for this specific place-"
"No matter.", Plague interrupted quiet but firm, adjusting his hold around the harpys legs. "We will look for the hall and have you fulfill your need of nutrients."
"-Then let's continue with the cafeteria in mind. It might be on signs some where." There were indeed signs every other hallway but so far only letters and numbers that hadn't quiet given out much information. The others nodded and began to quietly walk once more.By now the harpy had calmed down from their warm moment as 049 could feel his heart beat now evenly against his shoulder blades instead of the nervous hammering. He would have liked to continue where they had stopped as easily as they did with their walk, but the growing foul aura of the woman was claiming a lot of his attention. Distracting him a lot even when he tried to blend her out again.
Plague had only used her to make his bird happy, but he was very well capable of doing so in the without her help. She was no longer needed.
Crosstesting permitted [SCP-049xSCP-XXX]
أدب الهواةThe SCP foundation captured a new SCP that seems to be somewhat the reversed version of SCP-049, the plague doctor. Crosstesting permitted for further research. ------- 18+ / horrible violent / rape / prisoners /gay Cover by xSeiyou --- 2021: 1# in...