Art by me, Jeyawue
Torvic nervously walked up and down next to the unlocked door of his containment chamber. For the first time he didn't like that he was seperated from the plague doctor. The repeating announcements of danger, the screams and sound of guns from time to time...
The harpy was scared to leave this place but was also afraid the danger would find him here instead. If he went outside he could help victims... But at the same time could he run into horrible SCP's that could do the worst things... Or force him to make him watch horrible things to others.
Oh how he cursed himself that he didn't went with 049...!
He was strong and he could have protected at least the people he searched to 'cure'...Fleeing wasn't an option either like the various armed humans repeatedly threat through the speakers. Everywhere were special forces and the best thing an SCP could do is stay nicely in their cell. He hoped someone could lock him in or that plague would return.
Nothing of what he had screamed in his face really had been a lie, but he deeply regretted his outbreak...
Torvic wanted to hide behind the black cloaked man and feel the possessive safety...The abrupt sound of the hissing door made him jump and chirp in surprise.
Was it 049?
Or another SCP?But he realized it was neither when multiple guards ran into the room, not wearing their helmets. And they were oddly grinning.
"H-Hello..?",he asked carefully, lifting his dark red tipped feathers to show that he was no threat."You are SCP-XXX? You're a pretty one."
Torvic felt a sick feeling growing in his stomach and slowly stepped backwards. "I- I didn't breach... I stayed the whole time h-here."
"What a loyal bird.",a guard grinned reloading his gun without a care in the world."Right? Told you so.",said another guard which stepped into the room.
Torvic directly recognized him: R.
The harpy tremblingly wanted to ask what's going on but was interrupted by a barked command. "Get him!"
The plague doctor marched with heavy boots through the dark empty halls.
He glanced at some corpses on his way with anger, barely taking note of them. The fight with his little bird had angered him a lot. In contrast to the humans here he actually did care for the avian so much... And yet opening his eyes at their fake rewards had made him lash out against himself.
Yes, SCP-049 wasn't exactly the good guy like harpy had stated, but had no ill attention towards his partner.He moved to the next door, dragging his early acquired keycard through the slot. Of course this wasn't the first time today he did that, but now it made him halt in his tracks when the metal door revealed something... Odd.
Lifting his masked head he tried to get a better look at the... Thing in the hallway in front of him, without moving closer. Of course this had to be an SCP, so the plague doctor didn't want to take any chances if it was hostile against him.
It looked like some kind of uggly figurine with weird morphed anatomy that made it appear more like a swollen stickman. On its 'head' was... Well. Something drawn but it wasn't really resembling a face.
He almost jumped when it suddenly was good 10feet closer to him in an instant with a horrible scratching sound. SCP-049 stepped backwards, crunching his face behind the mask. It somehow teleported? But why wasnt it completely at him if it really wanted to do something? In an instant it vanished completely from his view, but the scratching noises indicated that it moved behind him in a blink of a eye.
He whirled around at the stranger SCP, but it had now it's 'back' turned towards him. Apparently it wasn't interested in him after all, but had limited movement. If it didn't attack him then he wasn't interested in wasting his time with it... So the plague doctor turned back around to walk through the door, a series of fast scraping sounds quickly fading into distance. He looked over his shoulder to find the figure gone.

Crosstesting permitted [SCP-049xSCP-XXX]
FanfictionThe SCP foundation captured a new SCP that seems to be somewhat the reversed version of SCP-049, the plague doctor. Crosstesting permitted for further research. ------- 18+ / horrible violent / rape / prisoners /gay Cover by xSeiyou --- 2021: 1# in...