"So... Dr. Aiden?"
Troy sighed as he interrupted his view upon the two SCP's and glanced towards agent R.
"I wonder why you are always the one annoying me."The guard grinned and fake punched the researchers side. "C'mon, you know I'm assigned to SCP-049 just like you. Which leads us back to my question..."
Taking his time to answer, the man slid his hands inside his lab coat and looked back through the observation mirror. XXX was eating right now, while 049 worked on his journal. The plague doctor however seemed a little upset and often lifted his gaze to stare at the harpy."I don't know Dr. Aiden so well.",Troy finally began to speak,"He is the researcher of SCP-XXX, but he had been in vacation a few days after it's containment. The... Replacement researcher was involved in a casualty with another SCP and went MIA."
Watching the avian pop off some of the container lids and eating the provided food he continued, "SCP-XXX had been already arranged for the crosstesting with our 049 so after the decision was made to put them together we were lent the responsibility of the good SCP."
"And now that Dr. Aiden is back we have to work with him.",R added as conclusion and fumbled with his cigarettes. "He seems too soft to me.""Don't forget your place R. I have to work with him- You are only here to ensure our safety."
The guard wanted to reply, but the sound of the unlocking door made him halt.
Speak of the devil."Good morning.",Dr. Aiden greeted, a mug with coffee in his hand. "Good morning." Troy rubbed his eyes tiredly.
"Coffee is a good choice... Should have taken one as well."
"It's never to late." Smiling, the young researcher stepped towards the observation mirror taking a deep sip. "How are the boys holding up?"
Agent R huffed irritated at the mans friendliness. "Not much. We're waiting for 049 to rape XXX again and-"
"R!!", Troy hissed angrily. Dr. Aiden lowered his mug in shock. "To... Rape...?""What, didn't you read the papers?"
"Agent R, I'M talking now.",the research leader warned, turning to the young man. "While you were gone we did the crosstesting, but things went down different than expected... I'm sorry for R's bluntness, but did you really not read the reports?"
"I... Didn't have the time yet. I was gone because of my pregnant wife. I-"
"Well. Let me fill you in then."
Right when the harpy finished his meal the door of the containment chamber opened up. The 'R' guard stepped inside with a gun in his hands, lowering XXX's mood. Just to lift again when Dr. Aiden appeared behind him in the doorway. The plague doctor met them with an annoyed stare. The researcher gave the euclid SCP a nervous smile before he looked back towards the harpy.
"Good morning, XXX. Would you like to accompany me to the nursing station?" Even behind the bird mask could you see the avians face lit up and he quickly nodded. It was comically how agent R and 049 both rolled their eyes."Then will I lend the good doctor for a while.",he said towards the plague doctor who just seemed to kill him with his stare. The man in white chuckled nervously, but was relieved when the black red avian hopped close. Even with the SCP directly in front of the humans were both of them very aware that he was no threat at all... And that the hopping had been even a little cute.
"Am I going to see Lywen, too?",Torvic asked hopefully and everyone but him noticed 049 freeze in anger. "A-Ahh... No, I'm sorry. How about we talk in the station? Patients are waiting for you."
The avian seemed a little disappointed but agreed. "Of course."Cuffing his wings gently, he lead the friendly SCP out of the room into the observation room where Troy was writing on the foundation PC, greeting the harpy with a nod. But XXX avoided his gaze and looked away. When R turned around to lock the door to the cell again he found the plague doctor still staring.
Still very angry.
"Are you gonna observe it? I'll guide them to the nursing area meanwhile." The guard spoke towards Troy, who shifted his glance with a frown on 049.

Crosstesting permitted [SCP-049xSCP-XXX]
FanfictionThe SCP foundation captured a new SCP that seems to be somewhat the reversed version of SCP-049, the plague doctor. Crosstesting permitted for further research. ------- 18+ / horrible violent / rape / prisoners /gay Cover by xSeiyou --- 2021: 1# in...