Art by Jaravina
Dr. Lywen pressed herself against the door, as if she tried to vanish in the cold steel. But maybe that was exactly what she desired in the very moment when SCP-049 started approaching her with his outstretched hand.
It felt like time was passing so much slower as Torvic watched the scenery in shock... And made the only acceptable decision for him.
The harpy threw himself down the dangling ring, wings stretched in air, shooting down at the plague doctor. Who turned around, right before strong outstretched talons crashed in his shoulders, the body of Torvic following. He was light, but the fall had strengthen the impact. The dark cloaked back of his target smashed into the ground first before they rolled together, bodies tangled, then collided painfully with the concrete wall of the cell.
A female shriek of shock could be heard. SCP-049 made a grunting noise and tried to make sense of what just happened, holding his head. The harpy was still dazed from the impact as well, but quickly readjusted his talons to grab the throat of the plague doctor. Panting he managed to huff:"You- You won't touch... my friend...!" He swallowed heavily through his dry throat. 049 opened his cold eyes staring at the bird. "This human? My little bird got all brave out of sudden..." Torvic grabbed the others throat harder which made the other grab after his dark red bird feet. However, he didn't look troubled at all. Amused even.
"I believe it's a test subject they sent for me, little Finch. She's-"
"No way she is! You won't even think of... Touching her!" Dr. Lywen was covering her mouth with her hands as she stared at them both on the floor. The elder SCP was frowning at her, making her breath stock."You're in love with her?"
Surprised for a second he quickly regained his confidence:"I do not need to be in love to save an innocent from you!"
The blue eyes looked up to him intensely, before he closed them, sighing."I'm relieved. After all you belong to me."
Enraged and ready for a feisty reply, the harpy got stopped as his talons got removed with ease and the feet smashed between the grip of the others fingers that he had to pull them back with a painful squeak. But 049 was quick to roll over that he was now topping the other and with his gloves around the birds neck. The surprised chirp and crushing grip felt horrible in combination with his dry throat.
"You're distracting me a lot from my studies... My path and destiny to cure the world from the disgusting plague. It's clear that your little friend was sent because of my request, if you think of it..." SCP-XXX struggled below him and tried to focus on fighting back with his wings and kicking his legs, not of the memories as he was pressed down by the other just like this..."No, she's here to-!"
"Oh?",049 raised his voice amused, completely ignoring the flapping wings and turned the birds head forcefully in Dr. Lywens direction. She was still helplessly pressing against the closed door, some of her blonde hair was hanging in her face like she just ran a marathon. Torvic saw how she apologized with her eyes that she couldn't help him.
"Look. They closed the door. Ignored her yells."
"And did they inform her that I am here with you in the first place? No."
The avian swallowed before his head got turned again to meet the eyes of 049.
"They wanted to see what would happen. She is my test subject."They stared at each other, hate meeting amusement. "However. I'm willing to make a deal with you." Honestly, this was what Torvic expected. Kind of.
He bit his lips and shut his eyes tight.
"If you agree I will not touch her... Will not use her for my study and wait for another subject to enter the room..." That sounded surprisingly good.
"But." Of course."You will do my a favor. Later."
"What favor?",the trapped bird croaked.
"Nothing that should worry you too much.... So, what do you say? A pretty lucky deal to let your friend see a few more days or... You- weak and wounded- watching your friend die and getting examined for the greater good? Her life is surely more worth than denying a simple favor... Right?"
"...Of course.",he spat out.
"So you comply?"
Torvic opened his eyes again, his face a grimace. He knew no other way out of this. He was too weak."...Yes."
049 seemed instantly in a better mood, one of his gloves caressing the part of the harpies cheek that wasn't covered by his mask. "Good..." It felt like the hand slapped him but he controlled his urge to fight back again. Finally, the plague doctor let go of his throat and stood up. Not acknowledging the womans presence in the room with a final glare, he just walked towards the bed again. As he sat down he pulled his worn out journal out again - And that was it.
The harpy rubbed his neck with his feathered backarm as he was turning into a sitting position. Dr. Lywens recovered from her stiffness when the situation had been neutralized. She took a few unsure steps at first, before running towards Torvic, falling around his neck. "I'm so so so sorry!",she whispered with a muffled voice, suffocated by tears that started running down her face.
"Don't be.",the avian croaked in a whisper, hugging her back with his warm and soft wings. Her body shook with every sniff and she buried her head in his warm shoulder. "First the test and now- now he's here with you! A-And you handled it well, but I r-ruined it!""I had to come down sooner or later",he reassured her quietly.
"But, you wouldn't have to make a deal to sa-save me! And this after he- after he..."
Torvic felt like crying too, but the blonde woman cried enough for both of them. He exaled deeply and nuzzles the side of her head with the beak of his mask. "I'm so sorry! ...It's my fault- I didn't help you before... And now you even need to protect me, instead of- of how we planned it..." The harpy hugged her tight in his wings. "Are you degraded now? That they are using you like this? Sending you into death?",Torvic whispered.
"I... I have to assume that I am... They didn't tell me before. I- I was allowed to visit you... I was escorted by-"
"Doctor Lywen." The abrupt sound of the intercom let them jolt. "We are finished here. Please exit the containment chamber."
Torvic felt his friend holding him tigther, shutting her eyes. "Lisa...""Doctor Lywen.",repeated the intercom.
"Lisa, you have to go. Or it might get worse-"
"I don't... Want to leave and let them do these cruel things with you-!"
"Please.",the avian replied, standing up with her.
"Doctor Lywen, exit the containment chamber or we will make you."
The blonde woman let go of her friend. She gave him a worried look out of her red swollen eyes, tears still running."I'm so sorry.",she said with suffocated voice, as she turned around and hurried towards the door. It opened and swallowed the woman inside the huge concrete complex, then slamming the door like it was the final word. The end of the conversation. But Torvic still had something to add:
"Don't be."

Crosstesting permitted [SCP-049xSCP-XXX]
FanfictionThe SCP foundation captured a new SCP that seems to be somewhat the reversed version of SCP-049, the plague doctor. Crosstesting permitted for further research. ------- 18+ / horrible violent / rape / prisoners /gay Cover by xSeiyou --- 2021: 1# in...