Art by SplatForce
Quarantine is depressing and I don't have much motivation. Here is still a chapter to show you that it's not dead
"Are you alright? Not slipping off?"
Lywen carefully studied the harpies hurt form which was slouched over the plague doctors back, the wings dangling down his front while his knees were supported above the arms of the other SCP. His thighs rested on each side of 049's waist and wouldn't the avian currently suffer the pain of several bullet holes, he would die from his imagination. While it was scary being rendered helpless and literally clinged onto the taller form of his past-abuser couldn't Torvic help but simultaneously feel much safer than before. It was just an emotional mess inside him. They had decided to move all together with the threat of the other guards returning to their cell. It was impossible now to convince 049 into leaving the Walkeyra alone. But Lywen too, didn't want her avian friend now to be all by himself when those horrible people of the Foundation could return.
"Torvic?""-Ahm fine-nh...", he croaked painfully after he was startled out of his thoughts and stared at the side of the plague doctors head directly next to his own... He could see by the angle of the bird mask that the other studied him as well, surely trying to read his thoughts.
The ground became suddenly much more interesting.
"-Okay now only... Hmmm..." Behind them Lywen mumbled and paced around the duo in respectful distance. "His wings will be in the way if you walk or not?"
Finally SCP-049 shifted his glance away from the avian onto his front, where the ruffled black and red wings loosely hung over his chest, dragged along the ground.
"Certainly, but I will be careful." The metallic voice was so close that Torvic felt his feathers standing on edge. At the moment was his Walkeyra mask safely stashed inside a backpack they had taken from the guards but he wished for nothing more than to hide behind it with all his wounds until he was better.
"Don't move, 049.", interrupted the human his thoughts again, "I'm gonna try something out."
The sound of footsteps moved back behind them and ceased. At the same time he felt his wings being lifted from the ground. A sharp pain ran through his feathered arms at the sound of rustling. A painful whine escaped the male before he was able to grit his teeth.
Plague gave a disapproving huff before the human could even begin her sentence:
"Sorry, did that hurt?"
"-s okay... Did you...?"
"I tied your wing ends together, yes.", the former researcher sighed, "This is probably very awkward but at least there's no chance he would step or trip over you wings now. It will be handy if we need to run. "
He had no strength to protest, neither could he properly feel his wings anyways- It was just a accumulation of pain, so it was 'fine', just that...
"You do realize that he's literally bound to me then, no? Without your assistance I won't be able to set him down." The doctor tried to look over his shoulder and his side to catch a glimpse of the situation of his backride there, but without success. The hurt harpy that hung over his form blocked his sight and even without him in the way would his hood and mask be.
"Well, I hope you didn't plan on abandoning me then."
It was meant to be a joke but all three of them felt a little tension in the air with that mention. It's not like they had met on good terms... And even with their current peace were SCP-049's thoughts a mystery...
"We should get going. For your nutritions.",he interrupted everyones wandering minds, adjusting XXX on his back with a little tug and stepping at the side of the only door in their former cell. Inhaling sharply, the avian nodded in agreement. Lywen silently shouldered the stolen backpack of the guard with the little belongings they had before she followed and slid the plague doctors keycard through the door.
Despite the odd silence, the harpy was glad that the topic hadn't been discussed more deeply... After all could the scenario be very possible... At least from how he experienced SCP-049 during their containment.
Especially Torvic recalled the earlier statement of 'I hate to share.'
Come to think of it...
"Ah. You didn't tell your- nnh - version yet-", the Walkeyra started towards the other SCP, breaking the silence with a quiet voice and successfully getting his attention with a turn of his head while they started walking along the dim empty halls of the foundation, "Why both of you... Are here. Together."
It was becoming easier to talk despite the pain in his body. Still, it would be a relief to lay down and rest again once they found some supplies.
"The womans version truly sounded ridiculous, right?"
Lywen 'hmpf'ed back at the duo while taking the lead, ready to open some locked doors if they were to come. "Yes...", Torvic agreed with a pained little smile that didn't reach his eyes. But 049 surely wasn't able to see so details with their heads next to each other.
Before the elder plague doctor could answer, the female researcher halted in front of the first door she had to open."We should speak very quiet now, not that some weirdos start following the noisy three."
Then she turned again, body visibly stiff as the door slid open to the side. The SCP waited patiently with the wounded harpy on his back while the woman brought it upon herself to check if the way was clear. Taking a few steps, she looked from side to side and Torvic could feel his heart starting to hammer in his chest with anticipation and worry about his friend. Red blue eyes were focused so hard on the woman that he didn't notice the way the doctors mask was tilted, neither the eyes that squinted at him and then the human.
"Alright, it looks okay." Lywen whispered as she turned towards them, holding up a thumb.
XXX sighed in relief and almost choked on it as his ride began to move without warning, making his wounds ache anew with the movement. 'This would be a really long walk...', He bit his lips.
"Regarding your question,", Plague tied back the topic to the beginning with a quiet whisper that made the harpies fluffy ears twitch, "It is true that I stumbled upon her, while I was searching for people in need. Her... Infected presence was greatly and so I came to aid her." Torvic swallowed hard at the statement. He knew he should have gone with the doctor despite their fight... At least for the sake of people he would run into.
"However, when I realized that it was your beloved friend again, I offered to reunion you two." Something that he regretted now.
He wasn't sure.
Torvic was stunned. It sounded incredible.
-And very unlikely with how posessive the other was.
"Why would you... Do that?"
There was silence for a while, only the steps of the two on those empty floors. Despite the fear of danger around every corner became it a lulling rhythm that reminded the harpy once again how drained his body was from his wounds. The pain was mostly a dull throbbing but still there. Half-expecting no answer to his question anymore he got almost startled by the metallic voice when he nearly dozed off.
"Our fight." A pause."I wanted to soothe the waves. An apology if you will.", 049 said with a calm but quiet voice, looking only forward while they never stopped walking.
It felt like a knot inside the harpies innards got released at these words. Their fight had really been ugly... And he had already regret that he threw Dr. Aidens words at the other, no matter how true they were. What was there to resist if he felt the safest around the elder SCP?
What was there to fight if the others priority was his well being...?
Torvic lingered with his answer for a bit but eventually he rested his cheek against the side of Plagues mask and closed his eyes.
"I'm sorry, too."

Crosstesting permitted [SCP-049xSCP-XXX]
FanfictionThe SCP foundation captured a new SCP that seems to be somewhat the reversed version of SCP-049, the plague doctor. Crosstesting permitted for further research. ------- 18+ / horrible violent / rape / prisoners /gay Cover by xSeiyou --- 2021: 1# in...