Art by SerendipityDolos
Torvic was tiredly resting against the plague doctor, who still caressed his back. Sometimes the gloved hand would wander over to his wings to check the process of drying below the warm ventilation shaft. However the position he was in slowly got uncomfortable for his neck... Only staring to the side, his cheek against 049's cloaked chest, while his torso was resting on the SCP's lap.
It felt like he had been hours in this position, but the weight on his feathers of water said otherwise. But somehow he didn't know if he was... 'allowed' to move. Maybe a weird thought, but the crazy SCP had positioned him this way. And he was of rather possessive nature.
XXX was interrupted in his thoughts as the plague doctor began to hum a melody while he smoothed down the dark red tipped feathers of his arms. Torvic felt... Goosebumps appear as the metallic voice of the other hummed so rusty but beautifully. It sounded like a children song that the bird had picked up once somewhere. The SCP realized with sorrow that he hadn't chirped a song in a while... There had been so much worry and angst... Not so many good moments...
...Except the ki-No, no. That- That hadn't been good! It was- forced and-
...So lovely that it had ripped his heart out.What for God's sake was he thinking? He felt heat rise in his cheeks; heat that did not appear when he was naked on the other but thinking about that? That was so stupid.
Stupid, irrational, unbelievable.
049 continued humming his song and moved his hand away from the feathers to the avians head. The leather gloves pet his head gently, the soft but hard material brushing down one of his fluffy white ears. Torvic pressed his eyes together as he felt another shiver run down his spine. It was still unbelievable that SCP-049 could be so careful and... Lovingly. He was an insane monster that killed people with his touch and called it a cure of a doctor. And hadn't he been nothing but cruel to the harpy?
When he thought about it... No.
The man had hurt him, manipulated him... Had violated him.
But he had shown moments of... Great fascination... Of affection for him. Touching him gentle... And...
No! Why was he even giving this monster a single shred of sympathy?! How could his brain be so broken to even connect the plague doctor with positive things? It felt like in the avians head was a chaotic war broken out as he questioned himself and his own feelings over and over. It was easy to answer his last question: He had fucking loved the kiss they had.
It had been horrible.
It had been heartwarming.
It had been disgusting.
It had been passionate.It was bittersweet. Confliction in his heart and mind for a cruel monster that had proven to be genuinely in love with him.
And Torvic felt it again. The strings around his chest, threatening to crush it, while he wanted to stay close to the other. The gloved hand that caressed over his head and ears sending waves of warmth and despair. Wanting to flee the others grasp, but at the same time feeling so protected of the horrible humans. His beak catched on the black cloak and slid off the avians head when he turned his face flat against 049's stomach.He couldn't hold back a suffocated sound as he pressed close against the other.
The song stopped and SCP-XXX assumed that he surely surprised the man he was willingly leaning on. A moment long did nothing happen, but Torvic didn't expect anything anyway. He was... Actually enjoying the warm cloak of the other against his face. But then the elder SCP shifted and strong arms closed around him in an embrace.

Crosstesting permitted [SCP-049xSCP-XXX]
FanfictionThe SCP foundation captured a new SCP that seems to be somewhat the reversed version of SCP-049, the plague doctor. Crosstesting permitted for further research. ------- 18+ / horrible violent / rape / prisoners /gay Cover by xSeiyou --- 2021: 1# in...