Art by 4Mninjago
SCP-049 stared down at the harpy, the bird, the half-human which was now laying with his back on the bed.
The wings hung loosely from the sides, the feathers curled on the ground. Ice blue eyes roamed over the others body over and over again. And what a fascinating body it was...! Never had the plague doctor the opportunity to meet such a creature outside of his containment. The SCP foundation was really good at catching all the otherworldly things...
He studied the trembling chest of the avian, who tried to breath as flat as possible, so his body wouldn't shake so badly.
The poor thing was still soo afraid of him.And as much as he would like to open up the ribcage of SCP-XXX, study his organism, the anatomy... Find out why the other was so pure in contrast to the pestilence... He would not be able to. Not if he wanted his partner to be around for a little longer.
Which he definitely desired.
Never had the plague doctor felt such... Warmth at viewing another being. Most of them were so sick, the disease reducing even the prettiest maid to a walking disgusting bundle of flesh.Oh yes... He remembered the time before he became... The doctor.
Became what he was today. He had been young and eyed the other girls with embarrassed interest, like everybody else. He had his first kiss at the celebration of the farmers good harvest, when the adults had been all drunk and they hid in the barn with the cows. But after that the memories were foggy, washed over to his ability to sense the sickness within the people, his mission to cure the world. Time had passed so fast during his efforts for the perfect cure, and his endless studies and research.
The world had changed... The people had changed, new machines which he didn't understood. But the pestilence... It had never changed. It was the center of his life, the only important thing. And while this was, is and will be, he felt weird looking upon the scared harpy. It felt like another important thing was building up, and the doctor wasn't sure yet if he liked it. His desire for this creature was worrying. He would have to make sure that his priorities were clear...
So he stopped staring at Torvic, who laid on the bed in submission, beautiful and shaking and focused on searching the right tools from his small pouch, instead.
Some syringes, tubes, some test tubes, a scissor...
SCP-XXX knew that the other was a doctor, but that didn't calm him in the slightest. He had killed people with his touch, wiped guards away, made them shake in fear.SCP-049 wasn't your normal doctor of trust.
Hands moved to touch his winged arm and he held back not to pull away from the others touch and just shuddered. The plaguedoctor made a satisfied sound at that and began probing his arms with his leathered fingers. When he poked one spot over and over again, Torvic knew he found a vein. He watched the SCP closely as he connected pipes with test tubes and a needle. The equipment looked so old... Almost rusty and bronzeish.
He wished that they were sterile at least and not giving him illnesses of past 'patients'... A tiny pinch and his blood was flowing through the see through tubes.049 was generous with his lifejuices and filled 6 test tubes with it. It probably wasn't much for a human, but Torvic was much lighter and thinner- In his body didn't circulate as much blood as them, so he already felt a little dizzy, the blood drumming in his ears. 049 noticed how the other calmed at the blood loss and how his eyes changed from terrified to tired. But he couldn't study his face so well with the bird mask in his way...
The black gloves reached forward, quick to pull off the others mask. The harpy lifted his arms in defense, but-
"I said don't move." ,the plague doctor said with a strict low voice, turning the mask between his fingers. Torvic let himself fall back into his bed again, wings meeting the ground again with a soft sound. He felt so lightheaded...
The man in black couldn't see anything unusual with the mask so he stashed it in his bag, before studying the unmasked face of his patient. Black markings were below his eyes, it's lines pointing down towards his nose and mouth. His skin was except the markings and the red eyelids white as snow...
Fascinated, he moved his hand on the others cheek, then tracing along the lines below his eyes. The avian opened them, red orbs in a pool of blue as the sky. However... They looked at the plague doctor mistrustful... Almost angry even. But he knew it was only a matter of time before they would beg him for his presence.049 pulled off Torvics hood to examine the white fluffy ears of his. They really grew out of the dark hair of the half human, twitching at contact. His black gloves moved down his skull to touch for humanoid ears, but they were indeed missing. SCP-XXX leaned his head away from the doctors touch whom did not comment the reaction.
Instead he stood straight again, taking his old journal and writing down his results and notes.Meanwhile Torvic felt like he had been already waiting for hours. His head pounded painfully... That couldn't be the blood alone. Probably... Probably because of the lack of water as well. The bottle had leaked a lot of the prescious liquid and his body surely didn't absorb the part he drank yet. He closed his tired eyes... No, he wouldn't fall asleep, just- regain strength passively, yes...
Suddenly fingers pushed against his lips, before he felt his chin pulled down. Exhausted, he opened his mouth wide, before the other would command him to do so anyway. The plague doctor answered with a satisfied hum and gloved fingers invaded his mouth. Surely counting his different teeth, the fingers moved across his rows, then pressing against his tongue. The heavy taste of leather filled his mouth before the invader retreated. Torvic opened his heavy eyelids and saw SCP-049 pulling out a rather modern little flashlight to inspect his throat. Somewhere in the back of his foggy head the harpy wondered why the SCP even still had all these tools in containment.
049 just followed a doctor routine to spot all the general and main differences of the avian and a normal human, but as he lightened inside the others mouth he felt a tingling sensation in his... Personal area.
The other... Didn't have a... Uvula.
The little flesh bundle that makes human gag.
Does that mean... He could... Swallow... A lot? And he could take easily...
A whole...My whole...
The plague doctor felt... Irritated and hot. This was such an unusual feeling for him... He felt a shiver as the muscles in his patients mouth contracted and the tongue moved up so the avian could swallow, before showing his throat again. 049 looked away and threw the flashlight back in his pouch and covered the eyesockets of his bird mask. This irritation felt so... Weird. The skin around his crotch tingled. Sighing he forced himself to relax.
This was exactly how the harpy would cause distraction- Pulling his attention away from the science and medicine to these... Primitive urges.
Yes he had lost control the first time they met. No, he did not regret it. The health and... Pureness of the other... The melodic voice, the surprised and scared chirping... The otherworldly beauty of claws, wings and and eyes. He should be his and his alone.
But he still had a mission... A task of great importance. The plaguedoctor couldn't be distracted every time Torvic merely... Existed within range.
Maybe his little robin would help his work after they bounded as partners... Then it would be alright to... Get distracted.Right?
The man took a deep breath. His eyes wandered back to Torvic, who was watching him with tired, half-lidded eyes. How dared he to lay there perfectly sprawled below him? How dared he to look so calm and relaxed now, breathing so slow?! His eyes... These eyes fixating his very soul?! Was this being a demon, sent to hinder his work?!
049 groaned and lowered his head, a gloved hand holding his masked face. His journal hit the ground with a soft sound. It made the white fluffy ears of the harpy twitch and look at the irritated doctor. With every moment he felt himself getting weaker, knowing he wasn't in danger of bloodloss but just in urgent need of rest and water.
"Can I... Leave now...?",he chirped exhausted and tried to get up.
The sudden impact of two hands at his shoulders made him squeak in reflex and pressed him back on the hard mattress. Red blue eyes widened as the plague doctor leaned panting over his fragile body.
"No.",the doctor whispered.

Crosstesting permitted [SCP-049xSCP-XXX]
FanfictionThe SCP foundation captured a new SCP that seems to be somewhat the reversed version of SCP-049, the plague doctor. Crosstesting permitted for further research. ------- 18+ / horrible violent / rape / prisoners /gay Cover by xSeiyou --- 2021: 1# in...