Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

****flashback 2 years******

Saree's POV

"Saree......what would life be like....if we spend it together." 16 year old Niall Horan sat on the roof of the old barn.

"Niall Horan...are you proposing?" I say, laughing it off, but wondering if it was real.

"Maybe I you love me, Saree?" he turned and looked at me, seriousness in his eyes. They twinkled from the light of the moon that shone infront of us.

I was silent for moment. We have been best friends since year 1. We always played together in an old tree house in the woods. We met there when I went "exploring" in the woods behind my house. He was there with his "club", that didn't let girls come in there. Niall was the only one who let me in the club. Even then, he had a crush on me.

"I do...." I say.

"Well then..." he grabs my hand and pulls me up. He then, gets down on one knee. "Saree...will you make a promise....that when we are old enough, you will marry me and grow old with me?" he looked longingly into my eyes.

I nodded and smiled. Right there, he kissed me, he never had kissed me.

"You pinky promise?" he stuck out his pinky. We have done pinky promises since the "club".

"I pinky promise." I whisper in his ear.

There was a long silence.

"I'm trying out for the x-factor." he said quite suddenly. My heart fell.

"You are?" My throat formed a lump, and my eyesight became blurry.

He nodded. "But, when I get back, remember.....we pinky promised."

I nodded, slowly. He wrapped his arm around me and rubbed my arm. He put a small silver ring with a single diamond on it, on my pinky finger. I knew it was fake, but I didnt care.

"Niall....I love you." I say

We sat there watching the full moon, on top of that old red barn.


I sat there, on the edge of my seat.

Niall was either coming home or staying on the x-factor.

I watched intently. Then, it happened.

He was voted off.

Joy filled me, secretly. But, I felt selfish.

He started to cry. I wanted to cry too. I turned of the television and looked at my hand. The silver ring was on my pinky. I told myself, he will keep his promise, I know it.

My parents were working, as always. They were never home for me. I spent most of my time writing letters to Niall, though I never would send them, for fear of getting no reply. The stack of letters were hidden in the vanity drawer. One day I'll give them to him, I thought.


"We have put you together as a're back on." Simon said. The boys jumped and cried and hugged each other.

They ran behind stage and hugged the others. Tears of joy filled the place.

Of course, I was happy for him, but it meant he was farther away from his promise.

********end of flashback********

I worked in the diner, waiting tables. My blonde hair up in a bun, as I cleaned the tables. A few strands fell and framed my face.

The silver ring around my pinky, still. I turned my head to watch the tv.

"One Direction is taking over the music industry, with there new album coming out in November, Take me Home." the new announcer said.

I stopped what I was doing to watch. "We have One Direction with us. Please welcome them!"

Claps were heard. "So, boys, I understand that you, Louis and you, Zayn, have girlfriends. But, there is a rumor going around that Niall is wanting to settle down. Is this true?"

I watched Niall's face. "Well, I mean, if I find someone that I would want to settle down with, yeah I would. I'm not looking for someone though, just if the right girl comes along." he says. My heart felt heavy. He forgot....he broke his promise, but for some reason, I kept holding on. I kept wearing the ring.

"Hey! You! Get back to work!" my boss yelled. He grabbed my arm. "If this happens again, you are fired." he threw my arm forcefully.

I faked a smile at the couple coming in. They had a girl about 3 years old.

"Hello, darling. What's your name?" I bent down and asked the small girl with big blue eyes and bouncing curls. She giggled a little and hid behind her mum, hold her hand. "Im Darcy" she said, barely over a whisper. Niall always wanted a little girl.

I laughed and smiled, "Wait right there." I said. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a fresh cinnamon roll.

"Darcy, would you like this?" I asked her, holding it out to her. She nodded and grabbed the cinnamon roll, gratefully. I led them to a table and took their order.

I came back with the food and check.

"Where is the cinnamon roll?" the man asked, looking at the check.

I winked at Darcy. "It's on me, sir."

The interview was over.

"You go home, I got it." my good friend, Leona said.

I quickly kissed her cheek, "Thanks, you're a life saver." I say, taking off my apron.

I waved goodbye and walked home.

I turned on the television and began to write another letter. I already have written 289 letters.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

I got up and answered it. "Hello?"

"Honey, it's mum. Niall is coming home and is coming over for dinner tonight. Would you like to come?"


Ok! Last minute fanfiction!

I got the idea from listening to the song "A thousand years".

Anyways, tell me if you like it and if I should continue.

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Mia ^><^

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