Chapter 3

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Saree's POV

I cried myself to sleep last night. It's so hard to forget, when it's what you think about everyday. I think about talking to him, but it would just make things worse. I still haven't told him my secret....

Niall POV

I'll talk to her. I'll go over to house and talk to her. But if I talk to her, I'll just fall in love again and I can't afford to fall in love when I have a career and I'm traveling.

Then again, I can't leave her heart broken.

I grab my coat and head out the door. I think I can remember where her mum said she was. It's only a short distance from here.

I walk up the small condo that I think is hers. The garbage man comes to her house and empties the bins, but he leaves something.

"Wait! Sir, you missed something!" I pick it up but he doesn't hear me. It seems to be a big pile of letters, tied together with a string.

They are addressed to me. I'm confused. She never sent me a letter. That's why I thought she moved on.

I open one if the letters that the seal is already broken. When I read it, I suddenly feel very bad. Maybe coming here was a bad idea.

I start to leave but I hear a voice behind me, "Niall?"

Saree's POV

I looked out my window. The garbage man would finally take those wretched letters and they would be gone.

I watched, but the man left them. Instead, Niall grabbed them and started to read them. I didn't know why he was here, but I was glad he was. I could talk to him.

I run down the spiral staircase to the front door, and fling it open. I caught him just in time.

"Niall?" my voice was worn and raspy.

He turned to face me. He had a sympathetic look, the same look he had when he told me he was leaving for the x factor.

"I should go.." he scratched the back of his neck and turned around again to leave.

"Wait....can...can we talk? I have something important to tell you." I say. He seems confused, but awkwardly makes his way toward me.

He comes inside, "You might want to's....its" I say. He sits down, expectantly.

"Saree, what is it?" he asks.

"I.....I have a daughter..."

Niall's POV

A daughter?

"You had a baby?" I ask.

"No! No....I'm..I'm not like see, when you left for the x factor, I started volunteering at the orphanage....they had a baby girl come in and....she was so scared and always cried with everyone. She was maybe only a couple months old. For some reason, she looked at me with these big blue beautiful eyes....and it reminded me so much of you. I was the one that took care of her. Finally, one day, they asked me...if I wanted to adopt her. I thought of you...and your promise...I thought of how happy we could be together with a baby, I adopted her....under both of our names." she said. I was speechless....I was a father this whole time and never knew.

"She's here? With you?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "After....I realized, that you probably weren't coming back, I got a job to support her....but it wasn't enough...." she was in tears now. "A friend of mine offered to let the baby live with them...I agreed...I see her everyday and I just wish....I wish I could be there for her...and give her what she needs." I feel really bad.

"What's her name?" I ask.

"Her name is Rue Elisabeth. She is two." she says. It's such a pretty name. I really want to see her.

"May I see her?" I ask. She thinks about it.....long, but slowly nods.

She runs upstairs to change.

I stay there, frozen. Why didn't she tell me? I would have helped her. I could be there for her. Why did she adopt so young? She was 16! I'm sure she fell in love with that baby and no one could separate them. I begin to remember Saree a bit more. I remember all of our inside jokes. I remember how, she was my best friend and as we grew older, I began to see her as more. I wanted to spend my life with her.

She comes down and I wipe my tears.

"Were you crying?" she almost whispers. I look down at her.

"I'm so should have told me." I say. I am angry.

"You want to know why? Because I was scared if getting rejected! I was scared to find out the truth! That you were never coming back and you broke your promise! I wanted to keep believing it, that's why I never told you!" she yells. We are both in years. Then, I just pull her close to me and hug her, hug her as if I would never let go.

"Can you forgive me?" I ask.

"I don't know...I don't know how to trust you anymore." she says. I don't blame her, but I can't fight my disappointment. It's silent.

"Can we see her?" I look into her blue eyes.

She nods. I follow her to her car abs we get in. The ride is silent.

We go up the stone path and knock on the door. A lady a about 25 opens the door and looks at me then at Saree.

"Niall?" she asks. I don't think I know her, but she looks familiar.

"Uhh..." I say, trying to recall who she is. Then it hit me. The girl at school who I had a crush on when I was younger. She was always the popular girl. Now, she wasn't all about looking her best and impressing boys. She looked soft and gentle, she was married now.

"Oh...Lara." I say. She smiles slightly. She lets us into her home.

"Mummy!" her eyes lit up when Saree came in. A smile suddenly appeared on Sarees face. I havent seen that smile in years. Rue Elisabeth was beautiful. Her eyes were the same color as mine.

She turned to me, "Mummy, who's that?" curiosity filled her voice.

"Umm....this is Niall." she was unsure of what to tell her.

"Hi." she waved at me and smiled.

"Hi there, sweet." I looked at her.

She clung to Saree and laughed as Saree tickled her.

Suddenly, I realized everything that I had missed.


Hello meh lovelies!

This was a surprise.....soo...yeah.

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Anyways, comment, vote, and fan!

Mia ^><^

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