Chapter 15

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"Im sorry repeat that." I say. My fingers are shaking. How could this happen? Who is the father? My heart suddenly drops...she lied to me.


"I said, Saree Glenn." she says. I am silent and my breathing becomes heavier.

"Thank you." I mumble and then hangup. Why? This is why she looks so much like her. Her blue eyes are the same. Same blonde hair. I have to talk to Lara about this. One thing is sure, Im not the father...

I dial Lara's number with shaking hands. "Lara..why didn't you tell me?" I ask her.

"Tell you what, Niall?" she asks.

"That Saree is Rue's actual mother!" I am yelling now and I am pretty sure the others can hear me. I few tears slip down my cheek and I swallow hard.

"I..I..I promised I woudn't tell you...I promised Saree." she says. Her voice is as shaky as mine and I can hear the tears in her voice.

"Lara, you have to tell me...I am not mad at you or...or Saree." I say. She sighs. " in a bad situation...I don't know what happened and she wouldn't tell anyone...all I knew was that....she was pregnant. Trust me, Niall. I don't know anything more than that." she says. I think about it. She never told anyone? I have a lot to process..I need to sit down..or lay down.

My eyes start to close and the phone falls out of my hand.....


Fallon's POV


I walk up their hotel room. I sigh before knocking on the door. I hear laughter from the other side of the door. A smile creeps onto my face. I had been a while since I had heard someone laugh.

The door opens and there stands one of the men that was outside. "Hi, Im Fallon." I say.

"Liam." he says, holding out his hand. I look up to his face. Bright red lipstick smudged all over his chin, a pink boa wrapped around his neck. I laugh at the sight of him. It had been a while since I even heard myself laugh. His smile quickly fades and he looks at me as if I'm crazy.

"Playing dress up?" I ask him. He looks down at the pink feathers around his neck and blushes. "Yeah...with Rue.." he adds. As if I thought he was playing dress up by himself? I smile at the thought of him. "Won't you come in?" he asks.

I step in and look around. "I uh..actually came to give this back to Rue..she left it with me." I hand him the bright pink jacket. "Oh thank you...Lou bought that one for her." he says, smiling. "Let me go...check on Niall. He has been in-uh..absent for while now. He leaves the room and I sit down with Rue.

"You have all of them?" I act surprised as she sits on the floor with all of the One Direction dolls. "Mhm" she replies.

"Wow, aren't you lucky." I say.



"Fallon, come here quickly!" I here Liam yell.


Liam's POV

I walk into the bathroom and see Niall lying on the floor. He must be asleep.

"Niall! Wake up." I say. He barely opens his eyes. "Just leave..Saree....I need to talk to Saree." he says. What is going on?

"Fallo, come here quickly!" I yell out. She comes rushing into the bathroom and gasps at the sight. "Is he alright?" she asks.

"I don't know. He won't talk to me. I doubt he is fully concious. He was calling for- nevermind." I say, stopping myself. She looks confused. She checks Nialls pulse and feels his head. "He is fevered." she says. When she touches his head, he opens his eyes. He turns to look at her. "Saree, is that you?"

She turns to me. "Who is Saree?"she whispers. "I don't think I should tell you." I reply. She tucks her hair behind her ear and looks back to Niall. "Saree, why did you lie? Why didn't you tell me that Rue was yours?" he seems drunk but his breath doesn't smell of achohol. Wait...Rue was hers? What does he mean? Does he mean...oh, no. I carry him to the bed and Louis and Liam walk into the apartment. I gesture toward Rue and make a signal to take her out of here. Harry grabs Rue and playfully runs out of the room with her laughing.

"He thinks that I am someone called Saree."she says to Louis. He looks at me and back at Niall again. "He is fevered and acts as if he is drunk!" she whisper yells. You can tell that she is very worried.

"Saree.." he turns to her. "Answer him...see what he says." Lou tells Fallon.

She is hesitant, but looks back at Niall. "Yes, im here." she says.

"Kiss me...kiss me more time..just like when you married me." he says with tears in his eyes. Fallons expression turns to fear and she glances back to me for help. "What should I do?" she asks. I shake my head. I don't know. If she kisses him, he might feel happy again, but then regret it when he comes back to his normal self. Is she doesn't, I don't know what he will do. She leans forward and kisses his cheek. He smiles back at her. "Not like that, silly. Don't you remember?" he asks innocently.

"Niall...not take a nap and then she will kiss you." I but in. He turns to me and looks at me as if Im crazy, but then pouts and closes his eyes again.

"Maybe, you should leave." I say to her. "I can't leave him like this...he is sick. It might have been caused by stress if it came this quickly." she says. She has caring eyes as she looks at Niall. I know she wants to help, but I can't let Niall keep thinking that she is Saree. She sort of looks similar with her brown blonde hair and brown eyes. Her diamond shaped face and beautiful lips. I turn away from my stare at her. She is beautiful...

"Do you think you could find something like medicine or home remidies to help him?" I ask her. She nods. "I have fever medication in my purse. It's just over the counter stuff. " she replies, digging in her purse. She pulls out a bottle and reads the label before giving me the pills. She walks over to the sink and gets a cup of water for him. "Maybe you should.." I start. "Yeah, I'll leave." she says. She gets up off the bed and leaves the hotel room.

I wake Niall up. "Here. Take this." I whisper to him. He looks at me with such a pitiful expression. He swallows the pills and lays back down. He keeps staring at me.



"Liam....why did Fallon kiss my cheek?"



A/N this isnt a very good chapter,but you got to see a bit more of Fallon.

What do you think of Fallon? Should she stay in the story or will they forget about her when they leave to the next town?

Yeah, so. I hope Niall gets better. Poor guy...he took the truth very hard. He wasn't execting that.


Please leave feedback!!! and Also, Amber, SURPRISE! Wasn't execting that, were you? Haha. I didn't want to spoil it for you...

Thanks, butterflies :)




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