Chapter 2

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No one's p.o.v.~
Taehyung saw the boy near the lady. He had big dark eyes and beautiful brown hair. He looked good. " It's a pleasure to meet you," The hybrid said while bowing. Everyone loved him for his cuteness. It won't be hard to win their hearts.
Ms.Jeon talked a bit while Jungkook was just staring at him. Finally, the man spoke
"Taehyung, me and Ms. Jeon are going to write the adoption papers. We will let you two alone to know each other better."As he said, they left.

"Jungkook, right? I'm happy to meet you." Tae reached out to shake hands. But Jungkook wasn't happy about his presence. He slapped the hybrid's hand. "Don't think that you will be able to befriend me and use me like a doll!"

Taehyung was lost. Why? Everyone liked him. He's cute and adorable. He looked at his future owner with puppy eyes but the brunette boy yelled:" And don't even think that your cuteness will work on me!!!".

~time skip~

The road back home was quiet. No one said a word until their mom broke the silence. " So Taehyung, did you and Jungkook are friends already?" " Mom! I said that I hate this dog!"
Tae's eyes were about to cry. Why did he act so cruel? " Jungkook! Taehyung is your responsibility! You shouldn't be so harsh to him! After all your gonna take him for walks and bath him!"
He pouted and looked away.

~time skip~

As they were home Jungkook ran upstairs right to his room. " Such a brat" his mom mumbled.
" Tae, you're going to sleep with Jungkook. I know he's mean but you need to cooperate with him.
As Jk was in his precious room, he called his best friend Jin.

" You'll never gonna believe what happened today!" He shouted.
" Surprise me!"
" My mom got me a stupid hybrid"
" Really?!?! You better spill right now!"
" Actually It's a wolf hybrid. He looks SO lame.
He has that horrible black tail and ears! And know my mom made him my responsibility!!!"
" First of all calm down cause hybrids aren't that bad.
" Of course you'll say this. Joon is an exception. He's cool and smart! And he's a fox, not a dog."
" Hey! Wolves are amazing too! Many people say that wolves are very smart and beautiful."
" Hah! Who told you that?!"
" Anyway, you should try and befriend him."
" Fine mom"
" Yah!-"
But before he could say anything else he hung up the phone.

" Jungkook! Come downstairs! We need to talk!" His mom said. He sighed and walked into the living room where his mom was." Sit down"
She said. " Listen, I know you have him but I got no space where he can sleep. So Tae will sleep with you this until I'll make his room."

"No, absolutely no. I won't sleep with an animal. He's gross!" Jungkook was mad and sad at the same time." I and your father are going on a business trip for one week, so you better behave. And I don't want to hear anything about bullying Tae."

"Ok. But don't get mad if he tells you that I'm scary. By the way, where's that dog?" He asked.
" Kookie, he's not a dog!" she shouted."He's in the kitchen.". "Imma go see him" he spoke.
Don't say anything stupid!" His mom yelled.
"No promises!"

Taehyung was eating a sandwich. He heard everything so he was prepared that the mean boy was coming. Jungkook, on the other hand, wanted to tease him. He took a seat right in front of him. Tae didn't want to fight but he didn't want to ignore him either. Jk just stared at the hybrid.

It was silent. Too silent. Then Taehyung said............


to be continued...

Collab with kim_TaeTae_lover
(she's the greatest person on Earth)

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