Chapter 10

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Taehyung p.o.v

My face was buried in the pillow. I tried to analyze all the information I got. Jungkook was already home, doing his homework assignments. We all ate the dinner Jimin cooked.
I looked at the clock beside my bed.
8 p.m.
Great, all I need is to take a bath and sleep.
Easy to say. I couldn't fall asleep. The memories of the conversation flashed in my mind.


"H-His past?" Jimin was uncomfortable with the question. "What d-do you mean about his p-past?" he asked.

"Why do you want to know about his life? Is it that important?" Yoongi glared at Taehyung.
"Is it bad that I asked about it?" Tae looked back at Yoongi.

"No, but I think you won't see him anymore as you used to. He had a rough time you know." the feline said.
"I promised I won't touch him anymore and being disgusted by him is something I'll never do. Please tell me about his past." Taehyung begged them.

"Then let's start from the beginning." Yoongi glanced at Jimin- who gave him a nod. "He changed places. The school he used to learn was horrible. His classmates always bullied Jungkook. They could beat him, insult him or even tell him to kill himself. Honestly, we didn't know about this until one time Jin hyung caught Jungkook trying to end his life. Luckily he managed to calm him. We didn't tell his parents about this but recommended them to move to another house and school. They were a bit confused but in the end, agreed. Then all of us: Jin hyung, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin and I, came up with a plan. We had to make him happy again. It lasted one year, and now he's fine. However, here you came, making him having some flashbacks about the hell he used to live. We put in him all the love we had and made sure he'll have a bright future. That's why we're mad at you."

"O-Oh...,  I'm sorry for what I did. I didn't know about that, " the hybrid said, lowering his gaze. "But why did he looked different when I did that. He wasn't shocked, it's like he knew what's coming." He asked them

"That's because the day when he tried to kill himself, he almost got raped. Luckily, Hoseok saved him before anything bad happened. When Jin hyung found out about that, he rushed to Jungkook's house. That's how he managed to keep our maknae alive."

{end of flashback}

Taehyung p.o.v

Who the fuck dared to touch him?! He's precious! How could they?
I feel so guilty of what I did.
It was horrible.

I remembered I still have that diary. Now that I already know about his life, I should give it back. But most importantly, I need to apologize.

Author p.o.v

Taehyung stood up from his bed, grabbed the diary and ran to Jungkook's room. He softly knocked at the door.

"Come in!" he heard Jungkook saying.

Tae opened the door slowly before entering the room. The latter looked at him with his big doe eyes.

"Can we talk, please?" the hybrid asked.

Taehyung walked near and sat in the chair next to him. He put the diary on the table and stared at Jungkook.
"W-Where did you get that?" the younger stuttered.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I did. I never knew about your past and I feel guilty for doing that to you. Please forgive me." Tae looked at Jungkook with watering eyes.

"I'm sorry too for treating you harshly. I just can't trust other people and I found threatening in you. I forgive you and I hope we'll become friends." Jungkook answered with his bunny smile.

Taehyung's heart skipped a beat from seeing his smile.



Please don't be ghost readers, I really want to know your opinion and reaction at this story.✊😔


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