Chapter Thirteen

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"Eva? Eva?!"

I slowly open my eyes to find myself laying in the hallway with Mia hovering over me, shaking my arms.

"Get off of me you expired jar of mayonnaise." I manage to say, my voice dry.

"Well you're up and ready!" She says, pulling me up.

"Duh." I reply, and suddenly, the memories that happened just a moment ago flood into my brain, causing me to back up.

"Where is he?" I ask, and she shakes her head, confused.


"The Doctor." I tell her, and she shrugs.

"He brought me here all worried, said something happened, then ran off. I dunno. I think he went outside."

Instantly, I sprint past her, towards the exit as she follows, her voice echoing through the halls.

"Where are you going?!" She yells.

"Guess!" I reply, and get to the door, about to push.

"Stop right there!" I hear, and turn to face Mr.Deckler, the vice-principle.

"What do you think you're doing?!" He asks, and as I'm about to reply, he shakes his head.

"I don't want to hear it. You're coming with me." He scowls, and grabs my arms, as I turn to look at Mia, silently laughing, clutching her stomach.

I was going to kill her.

He pulls me to a small office room, and I wonder why they would have one at an art museum.

I am seated on a plastic chair, as he sits across from me, a desk between us.

5 star office right here.

"You need to understand that this field trip isn't for you to just walk around. It's an education opportunity. I don't understand Eva, do we need to phone your parents? You need to be more aware of your surroundings. I'm calling someone right now to take you to the bus."

You need to be more aware of your surroundings.

The sentence plays on in my head repeatedly, as if I'm missing something.

And I am.

When I look at the corner of the room, behind Mr.Deckler, is something I fear so much.

A Weeping Angle.

I set my eyes to it, not daring to blink. how did it get here? I watch it's dress, remembering not to look it in the eyes.

"Eva! When I'm talking to you, make eye contact!" Mr.Deckler inturupts, but I continue to stare at the statue, my hands trembling.

"Eva!" He yells sharply, and as I slowly turn to look at him, I hear a knocking on the door, startling both of us.

"Come in!" Mr.Deckler says, and I hear the door open, not daring to look at it.

"Hello! You called to take someone to the busses?"

The preppy voice makes me melt, and I instantly feel a tiny bit better.

"Oh, yes. Her actually." Mr.Deckler says, and I feel his eyes staring me down.

"Well then, let's get going! Oh, also, someone needs you out in the painting area. They said there had been inappropriate, um, 'drawings' graffitied onto them."

Mr.Deckler bounce up, rushing out of the room, as I slowly get up, backing out of the room.

I feel a cold hand pull me out of the room, and I gasp for air when I'm out of the room, noticing I didn't even dare to breath.

"Nice to see you again!" I hear, and turn to see the suspender wearing, bow tie loving alien.

"Uh huh!"

He rolls his eyes.

"You Americans are so plain."

My eyes widen and I scoff.

"I'm sorry," I say in my most preppy british accent. "now are we? Why don't you sit down, it's almost teatime! I'm sure I have some crumpets at my flat!"

"Oi!" He yells offended, playfully swatting me as I giggle.

"Pff. You know that's what you say." I tell him, knowing it wasn't true but wanting to tease him.

He's about to swat me again, but I back up, thinking I'm clever until I bump into a petite figure, causing them to fall.

"Oh my god." I say, turning to face a little girl with wild blonde hair. "I'm sooo sorry!"

I give her my hand and pull her up, looking at her freckled face, then down at her arm.

When I see her shoulder, my eyes widen.

On it, is three tally marks, with the word NEXT under it.

That is, until I blink.

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