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felt weird not speaking to you


are you okay?

why wouldn't i be

i don't know
but you're lacking in emojis and nicknames

i'm fine

you can talk to me

i'm fine really :))

did i do something?


i did didn't i

no harvey you didn't

you even typed 'you' correctly
somethings really wrong

i'm fine

are you sure?


whats wrong?

i don't want to tell you

why not

i don't want you to pity me

i wont
you can talk to me

you know how i said
people in school are mean

did they do something?

one of them tripped me up in the halls
i fell flat on my face
and everyone else just stood around filming and laughing as i tried to pick up all my books

stella that's awful
why do you let them treat you like that?

there's nothing much i can do

you can tell someone

that wouldn't get me anywhere
it'd make them treat me worse

stella you can't let them do this to you

harvey it's been going on for years
i just have to deal with it
it's the last year of school so
i'll be fine

i don't like that they treat you
that way

well there's nothing i can do

i'm so sorry stella

it's not your fault
i'm going to go to sleep so
talk to you soon
goodnight harvey

goodnight stella❤️

( if i wasn't so sad right now i'd totally freak out over that heart so freak out pending )

yeah okay

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