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hi i can talk now
read 1:30pm
read 1:35pm
are you there?

shouldn't you be texting your girlfriend


you know the one you didn't tell me about
the one you said was so fucking annoying

don't swear stella

why not
you do it

it doesn't suit you

sorry harvey but you don't have a right
to dictate my life


just leave me alone

yeah i got back together with
why does that matter to you

i don't know harvey
why does it

how should i know

maybe i thought we had a little bit
more trust in this friendship

we do

oh do we?
tell that to your 1 million fans

how do you know about that

because harvey
your twin is a whole lot more honest than
you and i've hardly spoken to him

you spoke to max?
why would you do that
do you not trust me?

should i ?
give me one reason why i should trust you now
you've been lying to me this whole time

i didn't want you to look at me different
just because i had some followers

what like jess does ?

keep her out of this

i'll keep myself out of this
because quite frankly i'm done
and to think i was actually starting to like you


goodbye harvey
have a nice life

read 1:43pm

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