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the word fell from stella's lips in the form of a soft gasp, her awe transpiring through her eyes. before her stood the love of her life, her story book knight in shining armour, the only person in the entire world who has ever been able to make her feel special. her love paralysed her, she so wanted to hug and kiss the boy with every ounce of passion she had locked away since the last time they met eye to eye, but she was frozen in disbelief.

she moved her right and hand toward her left subtly, grabbing a piece of skin between her thumb and index finger and pinching it hard. she winced out in pain, slapping her hand over the newly forming bruise from her act.

"are you okay?" harvey asked with concern, stepping into the girls home and grabbing her arm.

"just had to make sure it was real and you were actually here - which you are and now you probably think i'm a psycho," she explained, shying away from the boy in embarrassment.

harvey chuckled, "well you're the cutest psycho i've ever met."

he leaned into the girl and placed his lips on hers slowly, cupping her cheek with his right hand.
stella smiled into the kiss, missing the feeling of his lips moving against hers.

the pair pulled away.

"you're lucky my dad isn't here," stella said, closing the door behind the boy and leading him into her living room, "he'd definitely have your head on a stick for even looking at me, never mind turning up unexpectedly and kissing me on the door step."

"what can i say, i'm just romantic like that," harvey smiled, taking a seat besides the girl on her sofa.

"oh my romeo!" stella replied, a slight chuckle following her words.

"what are you watching?" harvey asked, taking note of the netflix paused on the tv.

"call me by your name."

"never heard of it."

"it's a romance film, very cute. but i guess that isn't your style is it, mills?" stella remarked, pursing her lips and looking at the boy.

"never judge a book by its cover! i - for one - am a very romantical guy. press play, we'll see who likes romance films then," harvey replied.

stella giggled.

she pressed the play button before cuddling up to her beloved boyfriend, him placing a loving arm around her shoulders.

"now this, this is how i pictured spending our one month," the boy whispered into her ear, laying his head on top of hers.

"yeah, yeah, lover boy. now shut up so i can listen."


"so he got engaged?!" harvey exclaimed as the movie came to an end.

stella giggled, wiping the tears that had fallen down her cheeks and sitting up from her position on her boyfriends chest.

"it can't end like that! it can't! i expected a happier ending!" harvey rambled, looking at his teary girlfriend.

"they're still in love and that's the beauty of it, they're not together in person but they are in soul. that to me is true love," stella explained, smiling at her boyfriend.

harvey's brow relaxed and his eyes softened. he looked at his girlfriend in awe, the words she had just spoke playing around his mind. stella had such a unique way of looking at things and that was something harvey admired greatly. the pair had such different perceptions of love and he knew he could learn a lot by loving someone as thoughtful and knowledgeable as stella.

"what?" stella asked, breaking his thought, "is there something on my face?"

harvey smiled, pulling stella back onto his chest in a loving embrace.

the love he felt for her was unmatchable, incomparable to anything he had ever felt for anyone before. his love with jessica had been quite simply unrequited. harvey felt jessica was the one but it was all a fantasy of the greatest measure. he knew the love was unreturned and would kick himself till he lay on his death bed for ever letting himself get messed around by her wicked heart.

"i love you," he whispered.

the words fell from his lips so simply. he had been waiting for the time he could actually say them in real life and now the time felt right. he did love her, that was true. it was in fact the truest thing he had said in a long time and the truest thing he may ever say in his lifetime. they were the right words to describe his feelings towards stella; the girl he had so many times tried to push away. yet she never left. that was something he was incredibly thankful for.

"i love you too," she replied, her voice also falling to a whisper.

the silence that followed was comfortable. it wasn't the type of silence you felt obliged to talk in to reduce awkwardness. no, this type of silence was the type created in the middle of the night when the world stood still, except the only world stood still here was her. she was his world now. her love is so whole, her touch carries so much passion, that once scarred is now soft once again, and he is unsure how he ever coped without her.

they r so in love pls. i haven't like written harvey's feelings yet so like here u go!!  tell me whatcha think😗😗😗 also if u haven't seen call me by your name i highly recommend! without a doubt my favourite film && timothee chalamet is in it so bonus points!😇😇😘 ok bye ily all - amelia x

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