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stella was nervous to say the least.

she had struggled talking to harvey via call and now would have to face talking to him face to face.
she was excited, yes, but her nerves seemed to dominate her excitement and make her feel overwhelmingly anxious.

sam had been trying to calm her down. she had ranted to him for a good hour or so, simply discussing all of her worries, thoughts, and possible things that could go wrong. would he even show up? would he like her for who she really was in person? sam had tried his best to extinguish all of her questions and reassure her it would be a good day. then the pair had to part ways and he wished her luck, her hoping he had a good time in morocco in return.

the time was now 2:50pm.
if harvey was a person to arrive generally on time he would be knocking in around 10 minutes, giving stella 10 more minutes to calm herself down.
however, if he was a person to arrive rather early, he would be arriving around about now which made stella all the more nervous. what made her even more nervous, however, was the thought about him being late and showing up when she was unprepared, or even worse, not turning up at all.

she flopped down onto her bed, staring up at the plain, white ceiling.

"hi harvey!" she whispered to herself, practicing her greetings to avoid embarrassment.

"hello harvey, welcome into my home!"
stella exhaled with a sense of anger, she had no clue how to go about this kind of situation.

"hiya harvey, come in!" she said, making her pitch higher.

"hello h-homeslice! no stella! no nicknames!"she huffed.

"hello ha-."

there was a knock at the door.

stella's eyes widened. she checked her phone, 3pm on the dot. she sat up and slowly sauntered down the stairs. if she was to run, harvey may be able to hear her footsteps coming and she might come off as too eager, not exactly an impression she wanted to open with. so she went slow. maybe a bit too slow, justified by the second course of knocks at her front door.

she pressed her hand to the handle, the cold touch of the metal sending chills throughout her body. she wasn't ready, but she had to be.

she pulled the sky blue door open and there he was.


he smiled, his teeth glistening in the sun and causing the butterflies to swarm her stomach, bouncing around as if wanting to escape.

"stella!" he spoke, his voice calm with a slight gravelly tone. it fit him well.

"h-hi, harvey. come in!" stella said, moving herself out of his sight by pulling the door open wide.

"thanks," he replied, stepping in as she shut the door behind him.

he opened his arms, offering a hug. not so much offering, more so forcing. he lent in and so she opened her arms to him also, accepting his embrace.

although she wouldn't have wanted to admit it, being in his arms made her feel safe in a way. she felt warm and protected. it felt right.

"you're even prettier in person!" he exclaimed as they parted, stella consciously wanting to hold on to him for a little bit longer.

"t-thanks, yeah, thank you! so are you?" she said awkwardly, the butterflies all moving faster as if they were angry at her awkward reply, "let's relocate to my living room," stella spoke again, making harvey chuckle with her little, awkward jazz hands.
the butterflies began moving around faster.

"you have such a nice house," harvey complimented, unable to take his eyes off of the girl before him.

"thanks! i guess? my mum decorated it, mostly. my dad doesn't really care what it looks like because he's hardly ever here, neither is my mum really but she's here more than he is and cares more about the appearance incase we have guests over. she lets decorate my room though so i guess i also helped in the decorating process i guess you could say but mostly it was my mu- aaand i'll stop talking now," she rambled, trying to prevent awkward silence with her meaningless words.

harvey chuckled again.

"no by all means keep talking, i like your voice. plus it's nice knowing i make you nervous."

what did that mean?

stella's eyes widened and she pursed her lips, giving him a slight nod. what was she meant to reply to that?

"well do you want anything to drink?" she asked, avoiding his remark.

"yeah sure, i'll take a water, please," he smiled, taking a seat on her cream couch, which was covered blue, flowery pillows.

"okay," stella replied, making her way into the kitchen.

"so your mum, she really likes the colour blue, huh?"

"why do you say that?" stella asked, taking a glass from the cupboard.

"blue door, blue pillows, blue wall," harvey said, looking around at stella's carefully decorated living room.

"right! yes!"
how could she have forgotten the layout of her own home?
"you'd be surprised, there's way more blue in other rooms."

"i guess you'll have to give me a house tour then," harvey suggested. she could almost picture the smirk on his face.

stella grabbed the two waters off of the kitchen counter and walked back into her living room, "maybe some other time."

"oh come on, we've got all day."

"true, maybe later. for now let's get to know each other properly," stella suggested, taking a seat on the carpeted floor.

"why the floor?" harvey asked.

stella shrugged, "i don't know, it's comfy."

harvey stood up.
next thing stella knew he was sat directly across from her on the ground, cross legged and staring into her eyes.

"hi," she said, confused.

"i need to tell you something."

stella furrowed her eyebrows, confused and not knowing exactly what he was doing.

harvey inhaled and looked down at his hands, then back up to stella, allowing himself to exhale.

this only made stella all the more confused. he seemed...nervous. not at all giving off the same vibe as he had when he first entered.

"i broke up with jess."

hiyaaaaaaa. so more will be posted tomorrow
but uh, thoughts?
- amelia x

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