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to describe it plainly, it was a sad picture.

a petite blonde with a pretty face, dressed in an equally pretty floral doll dress, sat on the train to berkshire where her fate lay.

the doe-eyed girl stared out of the raindrop-covered window and watched the world pass by. she often liked watching the raindrops fall, some taking their singular routes and some coming together to form one. to her, it quite resembled life.

stella wasn't usually a person to do a grand gesture like she was about to. unlike harvey, she was more quiet and reserved and afraid of embarrassment or rejection. therefore the thought of today's outcome caused an uneasy feeling to blossom in her stomach.

as soon as stella stepped off of her train, the feeling hit. the fear. the worry. the excitement. stella called her taxi and gave in harvey's address, ready to complete her harvey hunt.

perhaps she should have called max before travelling, checked they weren't rehearsing or having a family day out. at the time that thought hadn't crossed her mind. she decided to set off immediately before giving her brain enough time to convince herself otherwise.

she decided if she couldn't find him and he wasn't home, it wasn't meant to be. she would go home empty handed, her love still bundled up and hidden inside. after all of her previous jokey comments about them being 'meant to be', she was about to find out if she had been right all along.

stella slipped the taxi man the owed money and stepped out of the car, bidding him a polite 'thank you'.

she stared up at the house before her, the love of her life hopefully residing inside. stella's heart began beating harder and faster, threatening to beat right out of her chest in that very moment.

she approached the door. inhaling deeply, stella raised a limp hand and knocked three times. all she had to do now was wait.

the cool wind seemed to dance a mocking jig around her, tightening around her throat and causing her to lose her breathe.

there was no answer.

no single person coming to greet the girl in the doll-dress stood out in the cold.

that was it.

she had allowed the universe to decide her fate and it had decided her and harvey simply weren't meant to be. a salted tear traced down her face, leaving a shiny trail behind. she wiped it away and blamed its presence on the cold air drying her eyes, blinking back the other tears that were progressively beginning to fall.

stella turned to walk away. down harvey's drive and out of his life like he had done the previous night.

their fight was over.

they were over.

stella had always pictured harvey as 'the one'. their love happened like one in a fairytale, truly revolving around fate bringing them together. upon texting the number on twitter she had little expectation of justin bieber genuinely texting from the other side, but she would have never hoped for the number to belong to someone like harvey.

he had changed her life, and for the better. he transformed the sad, quaint girl into someone much happier. he brought light into her life and she would forever kick herself for letting that love slip away so easily.

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