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what's going on w ur brother

what do you mean

he's being all
grumpy ass meanie bum
ya know?😔😔😔

did he tell you about
you know

tell me what?

he really didn't tell you?

tell me what max
what hasn't he told me

he asked jessica to be his girlfriend again

i see

sorry stella

why are you apologising
it's not your fault
it's not like we're dating anyway

i really thought he liked you
he hasn't stopped talking about you since
you first messaged him

oh well
when did this happen?

at the party

and he's happy?

i don't know
he seems it

that's all that matters

if it makes you feel any better i don't like her
i think she only likes him for the fame


he didn't tell you about that either?

max what are you talking about

me and harvey
we sing
we have 1 mill on instagram
did he really not tell you?

i guess i didn't know him as well as
i thought i did

i'm sorry stella
i thought he would have told you

me too
but it's whatever
i guess
thank you max

are you okay?

why wouldn't i be
not like i'm important to him
right ?

but stella you are
he's just being stupid

it's fine max

message him

he doesn't care enough
so why should i


bye max

i hope you're okay

thank you

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