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stella tossed and turned relentlessly all throughout the night, never once falling out of consciousness. her tears had managed to keep her cheeks and her pillow wet, causing the upmost discomfort. sleep was no match for the harvey-sized hole that had formed in her heart.

sure, she let him go and that was her fault, but stella knew herself all too well. she was too trusting, a big believer in 'people can change.' if she had given into her heart and granted harvey the entrance he so desperately craved, she would be broken all over again. and so, listening to her brain became the only plausible decision.

as the sun light filtered through her dusted window, stella groaned in frustration. the morning had once again come unwelcomed.

she steadily made her way towards the kitchen to make herself some breakfast, an attempt to eat away her feelings. upon entering the kitchen, she was greeted with the unusual presence of her mother.

"why are you home?" stella asked, genuine curiosity in her tone.

her mum folded the newspaper she had previously been scanning and looked towards her troubled daughter, her eyes narrow. "the school called."

stella shut her eyes tight, hoping her mum would disappear by the time she reopened them. "and?"

"stella, why did you involve yourself in a fight?" her mum asked, more concerned than angry. considering stella's mum's busy schedule, she must be extremely worried to have made time to talk with her daughter.

"i didn't involve myself voluntarily, it just....happened," stella explained, slumping into the chair opposite her mum where harvey had sat the previous night.

her mum sighed, "stella i know your dad and i aren't around a lot, but i'm around enough to know something isn't quite right with you right now and i need you to talk to me."

"i can't."

"it's about a boy, isn't it?"

stella's eyes widened in fear, "what?"

"stells, i'm your mother," her mum began, stella shocked by the sudden assertive tone. "i know i may not be around often but don't act like i'm completely oblivious to what's going on in this house when i'm not around."

stella's mouth went dry. she stared at her mum in complete disbelief. she really had thought she had been secretive, or that her mum didn't care enough to be concerned. her mouth gaped as she struggled to form a reply. "i, uh — well, i.."

her mums dry chuckle resonated inside her ears, "i've seen the hoodies when putting your clothes in your wardrobe along with the texts from a 'harvey' containing love hearts. i decided not to pry but as your mother i need to know what's happening."

stella sighed, "well, he's not going to be coming around anymore if that's what you're worried about."

her mum reached for her daughters hand upon seeing the sadness that painted her features. "oh, honey. i'm so sorry."

tears had now formed in stella's tear ducts and they were threatening to fall, "it hurts, mum."

"did you love this boy?"

stella nodded.

"then maybe you should go after him," her mother suggested. stella raised her head to meet eyes with her mum, her heartbreak apparent in their glossy coating.

"he came after me," stella spoke, beginning to cry softly, "and i pushed him away." stella thought back to the events of the previous night, her regret filtering through her entire body, "it's over."

her mum sighed, "it's only over if you let it be."

stella wiped her tears with her pyjama sleeve, sniffling heavily, "and i did."

"then go after him now, show him you made a mistake."

yes, harvey cheated. that was something stella would never forget. but what is one mistake of a kiss that happened as a result of longing compared against the love she knew harvey had for her. her mum was right, she couldn't let him go.

stella half-heartedly smiled, her dreary tone becoming more head strong and confident. she dried her tears and raised from her position at the kitchen table, "thank you, mum."

she knew what he had to do.

me sat debating whether to end this book soon or drag it on with the possibility of it becoming bad just bc i'm in love w harvey and stella😀😀😀 anyway
thoughts and opinions much appreciated! - amelia x

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