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they had come a long way.

from two complete strangers that lived apart, unaware that one and other existed, to two people so completely in love with each other it scared them.

it was funny to think it all started with some silly text to a random number. stella would never explain to harvey that she knew the person behind the number wasn't going to be justin bieber. she thought it better, and funnier, if he was to believe she was really gullible enough to believe she would become friends with the famous pop star. in reality, stella had text the number hoping for a friend in her lonely days. but what she got was so much more.

the pair were inseparable. two souls intertwined with each other that had fallen so effortlessly in love. sure, they had their ups and downs, small arguments here and there, but love always won. and sure, there was distance between them. but distance didn't mean anything when they were always together in heart.

for her whole school life stella had planned on staying home from prom. laying in bed and celebrating the end of torment by herself and without the peers who hated her so passionately. yet here she was, dancing with the boy she felt lucky to call her boyfriend.

the pair moved slowly to the music playing in the background, swaying in each other's arms in the sea of jealous and spiteful stares. stella's peers were shocked to see her dancing so happily, and they were jealous. their grudges against stella had spiralled out of control and almost everyone knew it. when trying to survive high school picking on her just became easier, it helped them fit in. yet, most of them regretted it but were too embarrassed to admit it.

stella smiled gleefully as she rested her head in the crook of harvey's neck, taking in every second of the moment and dreading the second it was to end. he held her so strongly, pulling her tighter and closer into his chest. she felt safe, protected. he was her home and she loved him more than words could describe. she shut her eyes and listened to the beat of harvey's heart merging with the music, the butterflies in the pit of her stomach smiling at how far the pair had come.

harvey had been accepted into a music school in london alongside max, an opportunity for the twins careers to take off even further. it also meant that harvey would be around stella more which was also a huge pull factor for him. through all of his unrequited loves he had finally found the girl of his dreams and knew they would be together for the rest of their lives. although the thought scared him, he knew anything was accomplishable with her. she was his home.

stella raised her head from the crook of harvey's neck to his dismay, he scrunched his brows in confusion, "babe, what's wrong?"

stella shook her head with a soft smile, "nothing is wrong, harvey. that's just it — everything is perfect. like, really, really, really perfect, actually."

harvey smiled and nodded in agreement, "yeah, it is." he leaned down to connect their lips, but she stopped him. "what is it?" he questioned, still confused.

stella nervously gnawed on the side of her lip before replying, "do you want to get out of here?"

harvey's browed knitted together in a confused manner as he stared at his girlfriend, "and go where?"

stella shook her head and smiled, "anywhere. let's just leave this place and get away."

a smile slowly grew onto harvey's lips, "fuck, yes," he vulgarly replied, before taking her hand and leading her towards the exit of the hall.

stella giggled as they walked, ignoring all of the eyes watching them as they left. she connected with the eyes of her former best friend who was sat alone as everyone else danced. she flashed him a small smile, one of pity, and then turned to escape, leaving sam sat in a pool of his own regret.

the cold air from outside hit the pair and pushed them closer together, harvey slinging a comforting arm around stella's shoulders in an attempt to warm her up.

the pair didn't exactly know where they were going but that didn't matter. all that mattered was that they were going together.

as they walked, stella looked up at harvey tentatively. god, she loved him so much it worried her. the fear of love she almost enjoyed however, it was a fear she had been lacking her whole life.

harvey was quick to notice her stare and asked, "like what you see?"

"love it," she smoothly replied, harvey chuckling at her honesty.

the pair ended up in a park as raw twilight engulfed the town. stella was still dressed in her navy blue prom dress that accentuated her slight curves, the ends of it gaining a slight brown tinge from the walk. "it's freezing," stella announced, rubbing her arms swiftly in an attempt to warm herself up.

"here," harvey said, removing his blazer and placing it on her shoulders.

stella smiled up at him, "what a gentleman."

harvey chuckled. he leaned down to connect their mouths in a quick peck, her lipgloss transferring onto his puckered lips. stella smiled as the pair pulled away, placing her hands on his chilled cheeks and pulling him back in. it was as if the fire from the rapture above had set ablaze in both of their hearts, fuelling their passionate lip-lock as the sun set. everything was perfect.

"i love you," stella mumbled against the boy's newly swollen lips, smiling into the kiss.

"i love you more," harvey replied, wrapping an arm around her petite torso and pulling her closer.

as they warmed in each other's company, a car drove past. this car was different that the others that had passed by that night. justin bieber's 'baby' was on full volume inside. a coincidence that seemed too good to be true.

the pair pulled out of their intimate kiss and laughed, gazing into each other's eyes. stella wrapped her arms around harvey's neck and for the first time in a while she didn't picture him with her, cheating. in that moment all there was was stella and harvey. soulmates.

she leant in and nuzzled into his chest, him pulling her into a hug. the world around them fell away and they knew, this was true love.

she's finished! i hope u all enjoyed this
story because i enjoyed writing it! i just want to thank you all millions for all of the support you've shown me and thank you for reading!! i'm very sad to say goodbye to harvey and stella bc i love them w my whole heart but i'm going to kick start my max fanfic now so if you're interested go and check that out when i republish!! thank you again for reading and let me know whatcha thinkkk! love u all 👼🏼👼🏼<33 - amelia x

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