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MY BF!!😚😚💞💞


hey can't talk right now
im in rehearsal


is everything okay?

sorry to interrupt the rehearsal

no somethings wrong

i'm fine really

i've told max to practice alone for a little bit
talk to me

i don't want to make you miss rehearsal
because of my stupid problems

stell i can guarantee it isn't stupid
is this about your first day back after break?


what happened?

it's just
we were in pe and we were playing dodgeball
i was last to be picked to be on either team as usual and then during the game i literally became
like a punching bag but instead of punching they just
threw all the balls at me

what the fuck

the teacher didn't do anything about it
she didn't care much
and then we got back to the changing room and
some of the girls had hidden my uniform and i had to wait behind until everyone had left so i could find it

stella that's seriously fucked up
fuck i hate that you get treated this way
you don't deserve it

i always expect them to just change one day and suddenly all be nice but
it's never going to happen
and i realise that now

stella you need to talk to someone about this

the teachers don't care
they only care about the grades
they couldn't care less about bullying

then try talking to your parents

i hardly see them
my dads always away
and when my mums home in the night she's
either working or watching tv
both of which i'm not allowed to interrupt

you don't deserve this
you're such an amazing person like literally the
best fucking person i know
i just wish i could do something

you're doing enough by letting me talk to you
thank you
it means so much to me <3

you're welcome
i just wish i could do more

it's fine

hold on

MY BF!!😚😚💞💞

accept decline

stella quickly wiped her tear stained, rosy cheeks before accepting her boyfriends call. his face popped up on her screen, a pitiful pout laying on his face, which alone was enough to make her smile.

"you're crying," harvey sighed.

stella sniffled, trying to hide her emotion from her boyfriend, "no, i'm fine."

"baby, i know you're not," he lamented, the gravel in his voice being even more apparent over call.

baby. stella fell weak to that nickname. it made her feel special, like the butterflies in her stomach could pick her up and carry her away.

"i'm fine, it's over now anyway. thank you for cheering me up, it really means a lot," stella replied, the sorrow detectable in her tone.

"tell me exactly what happened, all details," harvey said.

"you don't want to listen, i pretty much told you it all. besides, i just need to get over it. i cant dwell on these things for too long," stella mumbled.

harvey looked at his girlfriend with sorrow, "god, i wish i could just hug you right now. fuck this distance is so hard! it's like now that i've been with you i don't want to not be with you."

stella smiled. she would have never thought in a million years this boy would even return her feelings and with him now being here supporting her as her boyfriend, she was overjoyed.

"i know what you mean," she related, "but we'll see each other soon, right? and that gives us something to look forward to."

harvey nodded, "you're right," he sighed, "i just wish i had you in my arms right now."

"me too."

although he didn't want to, harvey knew he had to leave his sobbing girlfriend and get back to rehearsal. "i'm going to have to go, but call later, yeah?"

stella sighed, her eyes filling with tears once again, "yeah."

"bye, baby. you're perfect and you mean the world to me. ignore the fucking bastards at your school, they won't mean anything to you in a couple years..okay?"

stella nodded.

"i'll see you later."

"good luck with rehearsal and thank you."

harvey smiled one last time at the girl he so adored before regretfully hitting the call button.

hello! so
school starts back up again tomorrow ( 😔😳😭😠😒 ) which means
daily updates won't be able to happen with me revising for gcses and all. but i will make sure not to leave huge gaps in between updates ( like ill post atleast once or twice a week and not like monthly ) and i have so much motivation for this story so don't worry about it ending any time soon !
i was also wondering if anyone was interested in me writing a max fanfic? i have a plot line and everything i just don't know whether to move forward with it or not?? let me know whatcha think.
okeyss thanks for reading byee , amelia x

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