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stella lay sprawled across her bed, gazing up at the ceiling in deep thought. she was alone again. her mum had taken rex for a nightly stroll and her dad was still away overseas with work. on top of that, sam was fleeing to morocco and harvey would be continuing with his uk tour.

she had always been used to being alone but after having had a taste of comfort, and harvey's sweetly plumped lips, she didn't want to return back to that feeling. however it was inevitable and she had to accept that fact before she drove herself to insanity.

stella felt her eyelids grow heavy and begin to close themselves over. the ceiling began to go blurry and she allowed herself to slip away into a doze, all the muscles in her body finally relaxing.

it was the slight tapping that jerked her awake. a tapping that wouldn't stop and would repeat in certain intervals. stella was put on high alert, her eyes opening wide in fear. the tapping continued.

stella rose from her position on the bed. she slowly edged her way over to where the tapping was coming from; the window. upon looking outside and seeing the source of the tapping, her heart began to race.
she slid open her window and stuck her head out into the raw twilight.

"rocks to my window? seriously?" she giggled, looking down at the boy she cared for dearly.

"you weren't answering your phone or your front door so i figured hey, worked for the olden days people," harvey replied, "now let me in it's freezing out here."

"hold on," stella smiled, closing her window and making her way downstairs to the door.

she was surprised to see harvey. in fact to say she was surprised would be an understatement, but she couldn't complain. as long as she was with him she was happy.

"hey there, romeo!" she exclaimed, swinging open her sky blue door to greet her poor crush who stood out in the cold.

"you're hilarious," harvey replied, stepping into the warmth.

"what are you doing here? it's like midnight!" stella said, making her way up the stairs to her bedroom as the boy followed.

"i needed to see you before i left! max wanted to come but i've put him on lookout incase my mum and dad come to check on me," harvey explained.

stella giggled, her laughter filled with bliss. harvey took her hands in his, allowing them to mould together so effortlessly. he leant in, placing a small peck on stella's soft, coral lips; the lips he had so missed since their first lip-lock.

"how was your show yesterday?" stella asked, taking a seat on her bed.

"yeah it was good, amazing even! i got so hyped and that energy pushed me and somehow i ended up at your window," he smiled, looking at the girl he adored so much.

"well i'm glad it went well but also not so glad it's over," stella pouted, "that means you leave tomorrow."

harvey frowned, the crease now displayed above his eyebrows carrying much sorrow, "i know. but i'll facetime you! fact i'll facetime you so much you'll probably get sick of me."

stella giggled, tucking a strand of her golden locks behind her ear, "yeah you're right."

harvey lightly pushed the girl as the pair broke out into laughter. stella pushed back, causing harvey to jerk backwards.

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