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are you okay?

lol 😀😀

he's such an idiot

ur only realising this now?

i'll try and get him to make it up to you

no max
there's no use
i've seen a different side to him now
thank you for offering to try but it's over for
me and him

my heart fr just cried


i don't get what was going through his head to make him even consider kissing jess

maybe he liked her all along
and i was just a rebound

no stella don't even think that!!
you mean more to him than just being a

his actions say otherwise

i'm so mad rn

me too
i love him max
and i hate myself for letting that happen
why did i ever think someone like him would
go for someone like me?

because stella
you're perfect for each other

what is perfection these days?

i'm going to fix this

you can't max

i will
i have to

this is just something unfixable
i appreciate the help
but there's nothing you could do to change the fact that he cheated

i just wish i could
i hate this
seeing you both upset makes me upset

i have to go
i'll talk to you later
bye maxy💖💖

bye stella
text me later

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