The Train and Burn

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Harry walks with Hagrid back to the Dursley's. His face is trying not but he's going chalk white. Hagrid notices this and responds, " 'arry, What's going on with ye?". "I don't want theme to hurt Hedwig. Can you please take her with you and my textbooks with my wand?", Harry asks shaking at the thought of Uncle Vernon and the fireplace. "Ok, Harry but may I ask ye why?" Hagrid asks suspiciously and worried. "Uncle Vermon burned all my letters. I don't want him burning all my school supplies or Hedwig. I was punished for weeks on each letter I got." Harry says before stopping himself. His baggy shirt was sliding. Lucky he had a scarf to cover his neck bruises. He was shocked at Hagrid didn't notice that Harry is reading his words by his lips and "mind reading" to find out what he's saying.  "Ok but I must inform you that why you get on the Hogwarts Express you'll find you trunk with everyone's else. I'll inform Madam Promfey so she get a look at you. So she can make sure you only have that scar on yer forehead. Ok?" Hagrid says softly, "But only your school supplies what about your things at the Dursley's and yer tooth brush or things like that?". "Hagrid, what toothbrush? I don't have one or soap. I have to make that. Freaks like me don't get those things." Harry says puzzled. Hagrid feels the color drain from his face. He stares at Harry. A scarf. A baggy long sheeve shirt. Sneakers so ragged that it would be found in a child shelter. Jeans so big and ragged that he could wear them. Gloves covering his hands and only thing looking fresh and new that truly fit Harry. Harry's being abused! No! He can't send Harry back THERE! Too late! They're at the door. Harry's luggage and Hedwig was with as he watchs them drag him in. He can't move for some reason. He's spellbound there. He watchs as the door is slammed. Harry has his wand but nothing else. He feels his tears dripping down as he goes to Platform 9 and 3/4 quarters. He walks into his hut. Fang is needing a walk while Hagrid needs a drink of ice cold water. Dumbledore has constant watch over him but some animals, charms and people so he knows. Why would he keep Harry there? There's two people who might help him. Snape and Minerva. He drinks the stone ice cold water before going up to their offices and tell them the horror. He had to find out. He's not surprised that Harry is hiding his wounds under the clothing. He hopes they get to Hogwarts before anything else.
Hagrid sits waiting outside Snape's office. Snape notices him and says coldly, "Get in now. What is so important?!". Hagrid walks in to a cold and not wanting to be disturbed mood of Snape. He knows he's angry by something. "Harry Potter.", Hagrid says grimly staring at him.
Snape feels anger rise higher then ever as Hagrid reveals everything he discovered. Snape could REALLY kill Dumbledore for leaving Lily's son to be abused for some purpose. "We have to get him out as soon as possible. We have 2 weeks before school starts. It will take a week getting Potter out. Once the sorting is over and isn't rigged. I'll convince whatever Head of the House he's in to find a guardian or I'll do it. NO child even if they are poorer than a house elf deserves to be abused in such matter that our "beloved" Headmaster has done." Snape says for once in his life in front of Hagrid gently with obvious rage showing. Hagrid is shocked. Snape! Doing this! Being the guardian if he has to! "Thank you but what are we gonna do while we get Harry out legally and the Headmaster approving?" Hagrid asks worry dripping. "Oh, he'll have to if 3 of his employs know." Minerva says to the agreement of Madam Promfey. "Especially
the nurse of the school." She says with rage. "Make that four." Professor Flickwick says. "No five!" Professor sprout says smirking. They are GOING to get him out and in Hogwarts a little early. They begin planing while Promfey and Snape march with rage to a Headmaster. Hedwig flies out of her cage and talks to Fawkes. They soon fly out to keep an eye on Harry.

Harry's POV
Vermon makes him take his stuff back to his cupboard. Petunia. Takes Dudley's oldest shirts and begins sewing. Dudley and Vermon soon drag him out and they began beating him. They start with kicks. Then the punch's. Then electricity. Then the hot pan. The belt. The stick. And so many more. Once they stopped they dragged him back to the cupboard. Harry pulls out his wand and focuses hard but nothing happens. He hides his wand quickly under his rock bed. He checks for some water in the metal pumping for his metal bathube. It has sharp needles on the inside except the flooring. Harry turns on the ice cold water. It's freezes him so bad. He doesn't care at this point. He needs to wash his wounds at least and rip up a lot of the clothing he has to cover them. Petunia comes at the door and barks out his chores. She hands him his new uniform to wear in the house and orders him to rip up all the clothing he has except for the one he's wearing that's he's only allowed to where outside and his cupboard. She hands him baby scissors to cut up his clothes. They are broken an crumpled up like paper. He doesn't mind cutting up his clothes. More bandages. For where he really needed them. Uncle Vermon has always allowed him to have bandages to cover his wounds just in case. He would be ordered to his cupboard to take them off for beating time however. He wanted to cry, run away or someone or something to save him. Petunia orders him change. "No! Please!" Harry screams. "You will change and protect the garden for 3 hours then change back to help Dudley and his gang to find good prey then you." Petunia yells. Dudley hears smiling that mutt is going to pay for what he has done. Harry shakes in his cupboard to the point his hair turns white. Shot! Petunia sees and yells like fire burning on his skin! He's never suppose to let his hair change color or change his appearance in front of Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vermon or change when not ordered too. He's dead. Petunia is in a rage. "Vermon. Get. More. Locks. For. Cupboard and Freak!" Petunia yells. Vermon soon heads out to buy a lot of locks and one candle with a pack of matchs. That going to be very fun. Maybe Harry might proceed early to a knife. Harry washes and changes into his painful uniform. There's no spikes but the words hurt. He walks out to the garden. He spots Hedwig with fear and a smile. A note is in her beak. He levitates it over. He remembers that when he was 5, he began teaching himself how to do freak things but in reality he's doing wandless magic. His hair can't help it today and shifts light mint green in hope. He quickly shifts back to black-brown before Petunia notices. He quickly reads it before shifting into a tiny gray-Silver-green wolf. Harry was able to shift to that form since he could remember and his water dragon form. He doesn't do it much unless he wants/needs to and the beating. They make him do freakish things before they beat him. To see how far they should go first. The beatings are the same but they get worster each time. Harry reads the note. " To Mr. Harry Potter,
It has come to the concern of the Professors Snape, Minerva, Sprout, Flickwick and the school nurse with Hagrid that there's strong truth of your toxic, B rating, backstabbing care takers of muggles. We will all come get you and take you straight to Hogwarts in a week time. For now please do all that you can to remain with us. Your things shall be found in Professor Snape's quarters. Please hang in there. We have to sadly get permission from the person that sent you here. Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster. That might be done shortly.
With lots of care and worry,
Hang in there. We're coming.". Harry feels hope as he quickly shifts to his water dragon to blast the note. He changes back instantly to his wolf form and sits at the garden waiting for Aunt Petunia. Hope sparks flames in Harry. Maybe he will finally escape the Dursley's. Petunia places stone wall behind Harry. Fawkes watchs in disgust. He officially begins crushing his link with Dumbledore to his tears and anger. He begins linking to Harry. He feels Harry's memories flood in. He feels the pain and sorrow. He feels the cries and the one wish. A glass tear drips from the phoenix. Hedwig realizes what he did and nods allowing him to proceed. Dumbledore soon realizes where Fawkes is. He's happy to know that his pet has placed his loyalty to his weapon against Voldemort.

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