Classes, Flying Lessons, Warrior's Worry, Dark Clan Building

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So far classes were going well. Harry , Hermione and Nova excelled with Pansy, Blaise and Draco. They helped Theo get better. The specialized Musical class was great! Flickwick and Nova were having a blast teaching music together. Nova was for the magical side and some of the musical but mostly Flickwick.  They already had a scheduled performance on Halloween! There were two problems. Ronald Weasley and the bullies with the entire house of Godric Gryffindor. Nova as Head Warrior could be their death wish.
Honesty everyone in this school knew one thing. Never ever make her mad. Don't touch her clan members in front of her or behind her back. The Gryffindors didn't get that last part. Hermione is in and out of the hospital wing every week at least once. Four seven year Gryffindors found themselves in the Hospital Wing with the following severe injuries: blind, deaf, paralyzed from the lower torso to their feet, and a crippled back all for doing the women and male Unforgivable to Hermione.
This fact was proven by Hermione's memories. Nova was awarded with Special Services to the School. Those four students were locked in the Gryffindor Domain for the remaining of the year and all their classes are taken in Gryffindor domain by Professor Mcgongall. No one did the women and male Unforgivable to Hermione again. Gryffindor never looked so scared of person before. Nova kept her Healer Vow by not killing them. Nova did what was better giving them a fate worst than that. The Founders were proud. Their discipline for invading someone's privacy was followed out by the exact acts.
Ron and his squad of bullies were a problem because they wouldn't leave Harry alone! They were insulting, physical beaters, magic beaters and absolutely a pain. Nova almost and very very closely wanted to physically give Ron a true reason to be terrified of her. Harry told her no. Honesty it hurts, it reminds too much of Private Drive. Harry doesn't like talking about Ron. It reminds him too much.
On a happier note.
The pranks from the House of Pranksters were getting much more bigger and funnier. The plays of an entire house of Lions were priceless.
Today is finally the day of Flying Lessons. Harry is so excited that it was getting a little bit too adorable. "Harry, I'm excited too but have you ever seen a broom before? Not a muggle broom! A broomstick!" Draco asks giggling. "No but it sounds fun!" Harry says excited before grabbing some toast, scrambled eggs mixed with bacon and some oranges. Nova looks at his plate and stares at him. Thanks to her core being whole again, she can switch her eyes from the basilisk death stare. That is not enough food for a malnourished body. "Harry, do I have to literally add more food on your plate?! Just enough so you don't vomit. That is not enough food for a growing Malnourished body." Nova says through the mind link but a bit too loudly and everyone hears. " Harry, that's enough food! Please add more!" Pansy shrieks looking at the plate. Harry groans a little. "Nova! Why did you do that?! It's more than yesterday?" Harry groans in thought. " Wait! I thought too loud didn't I?!" Nova thinks while eating her her toast, egg scrambled with bacon, guacamole with olive oil sand which. After that she normally eats some fruits with tea. Her body is also malnourished so she eats enough for her body to heal her metabolism. And if she didn't the entire Hufflepuff would make her. Nova treats herself first before eating her usual. "Yes, you did but thanks for the heads up!" Pansy thinks. Draco making sure Harry has enough for an entire week. "Thanks! Harry, you won't get away with not eating enough!" Draco thinks. Harry ends up eating at least 1/4 of doubled plate. To Draco's frustration. And everyone soon understanding after Nova explains how she does her malnourished body eating. He packs the rest up with some secret help of House elves. Not that Harry knows where the charmed heating and non spoiling bags came from.
Pansy, Theo, Draco, Harry, Hermione, Neville head to Flying Lessons while Fred, Justin, George head to classes but are planing definitely something for the mating process.
(Mating Process, submissives accept their dominants and dominants accept the other Dominant, then there are three gifts of personal depth and meaning and finally marking. A physical Mark appears to warn off everyone else, Every wizard is apart of the mating process but it's more important to half's, creature blood and crused blood. It helps their magic core be connected and flow in the hard times easier. Nova, Neville, George, Hermione and Harry were exceptions. Half dragons can live peacefully without a mate but losing a mate can crush their senses. And rejecting a mate without meeting them kills them over time so it's not really a good idea. Half dragons life expands are way bigger than a wizard. 200,000 years = 1 half dragon year. The male average is 95 half dragon years with female as 100. So this entire clan is pretty young in dragon years.) Daphne, Blaise and Nova walk together talking about one subject Ronald Weasley. Too bad Ronald Weasley was following them. And Ronald Weasley
"I'm going to someday snap for sure!" Nova growls sending a cold shiver from Ron. "Nova, come on! He's not worth it! I mean we are waiting for the right to tell everyone the truth!", Daphne growls back. Nova soon stops Daphne from speaking and pulls out her sword to stare a Ronald Weasley.  "What in tarnation do you want?!" Nova growls. Blaise is silently glaring at him. "A clan." Ron says making his wings flap in a dark glee.  "No, bloody hell no! Not after what you did and are doing to the Heart!" Nova roars. Fun fact, all the bullying from Ron at Harry was a close secret between Harry, Nova, Hermione and Draco. "HE DID WHAT!" Blaise and Daphne yell. To say their scales weren't burning the hallway in bright lights would be a lie. "I REJECT YOU, RONALD WEASLEY!" Daphne yells like vermon. Ron screams out the pain. Lavender reveals herself out of hiding, "I ACCEPT YOU!".
The pain over washed with the love of Lavender. Ron thanks her but that mating process will take place later. "I will ask you again what CLAN do you want!" Nova recoils. "A Gryffindor clan front." Ron answers. "All of Gryffindor?" Nova asks like if she could kill right now. "Yes." Ron mumbles. "So be it. Creature blood, curse blood, Animaguses can join a half Dragon Clan but if there is only one half dragon than they are a monarch. It is a class that is forbidden. It will make this clan a dark clan. Dark clans are just less welcomed but there is no more clans besides the Lost Song Dragons. Ours so it won't be a problem. The Ministry don't even know that Dark Clans can exist so not a problem. A Monarch is a leader with absolute power through the mind link. They can hear every conversation in the mind link, every bad thought, and every good, in the desperate times they can control all the members of their clan. I warn you once. You can tune this out to only the bad thoughts through the acceptance ritual. Everyone must agree. A Monarch's mate is treated as a Queen or King. The Queen or King is the only other with complete control over the others. I must also tell you that you two have to wed for this clan to work. You'll need your scales and saliva. To brew this potion, the acceptance potion. For classes, certain tools must be handcrafted so get a group of crafters in Gryffindor. These crafters must write everyone's classes in their own blood and they are the only crafters for the acceptance. You can add classes only through acceptance and welcoming rituals. I tell this information because if you don't listen to this last part then your doom is written in blood ink. TREAT THIS CLAN YOU SEEK WITH RESPECT! CONTROL OTHERS ONLY WHEN ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY OR WATCH THIS EMPIRE CLAN FALL INTO DARKNESS AND DESPAIR LIKE NO OTHER WITH MY SWORD AS YOUR FINAL BREATH!" Nova yells the last part as the parchment writes the steps for this clan of darkness. Nova's eyes drip in black tar. Ron shivers in white fear. Nova stares holding the parchment out to him. Her eyes staring like death. Ron takes it, the dark grips his hand and glows. He screams in agony. The warning is engraved into his skin as he pulls the parchment back. The warning, Ron looks at it in pure terror. He looks back at Nova, her eyes dilate back to normal back the chilling stare is sent to him. Ron and Lavender run for their lives.
Nova stretch's out her arms, "Well that didn't take long. I guess I did a Death Dragon Deal didn't I.". Nova stares at Blaise who nods. Nova slaps her forehead. "Great. Great. He won't be breaking that without his life." Nova chuckles a little in a joking way. Daphne nods smirking. Payback for hurting the Heart, Ronald but also freedom from being that thing's mate.
(Death Dragons are known for making deals but they are like unforgivable vows. Death Dragons can give the customer what they seek but not without a price to pay. Ron's price was a warning if not followed then Nova's sword waits for him. It's a little bit scary that's why the Ministry try to stay on a Death Dragon's good side. Deals from a Death Dragon aren't supposed to be broken. If they are then run.)
Nova joins up with Leo to walk to her next class as she drops off Daphne and Blaise. Leo is for a few seconds pale white then smirks after Nova telling him of the deal. That smirk can only mean one thing. Hogwarts Press is having a field day.
Flying Lessons
Madam Hooch watches the students file in. She spots Harry Potter with a smile. He's ecstatic just like his father. She is happy to not just train brooms today, today she is training wings and brooms. Nova told her all about the clan of hatchlings. She hasn't train anyone flight yet besides George and Fred. They promised not to train anyone else. The expert Madam gets to train these hatchlings. George and Fred can't wait to hear all about it.
Madam Hooch begins the lesson secretly excited for what to come.
Harry is next to Draco and Hermione.  Harry stares at his broom and says Up with Draco. Their broom at instant snap up. Hermione's broom is at first stiff then she screams Up and it flies up. Ron's. Ha ha ha. It whacks him in the face! Draco couldn't help laughing hard. "Shut up! Malfoy!" Ron growls. His wings expanding in rage. Hermione then laughs in front of him, "I guess the broom knew what a cruel person, you are and what you deserved!". Hermione never says anything insulting unless she is furious and over time she was. Harry sends her a mischievous smile of revenge. Ron growls but Lavender stares at her in rage. "Leave my mate alone! You are so getting it t!" Lavender says sharply. Ron pets her hair and whispers something. Lavender smiles and Ron blushes.  Harry leaves that alone with Draco and Hermione leaving it as well. Pansy talks with Theo, Blaise and Daphne. The news is soon spread. There was a Death Dragon Deal on a the information on how to form a Dark Clan. "What's a Dark Clan?" Harry asks confused. "Well a dark clan is a clan that has a monarchy instead of leaders. Kings and Queens can have complete control over any member of the clan." Hermione says darkly. "That's horrible!" Harry whispers. "Indeed, so why Nova made a deal to Ronald Weasley about to make one?" Pansy asks Blaise. Blaise answers, "I don't think she was in control of her dragon instincts and magical ones. She asked me what happened and when she figured it out. She smiled in the warrior smile.". "Oh, so Ronald can't control anyone unless it's absolutely agreed by everyone or it's necessary. He's going to break the deal soon. This deal was made to be broken." Draco smirks. The silence greeted from that is expected. The question on everyone's mind is simple who is he going to control? They mount their brooms and wait from the whistle.
Oh poor Neville. 2 seconds before the whistle blows, Neville's broom sprints up with Neville mounted on it. Neville screams in and out of the mind link. HELP ME! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FLY YET! These are repeated screams that send Harry to cover his ears in howling pain. Hermione looking after Harry even if her entire body is screaming in pain. Blaise, Pansy, Theo and Draco spang into action on their brooms to a screaming Madam Hooch but then she looks at Harry and Hermione then realizes it. Everyone is in agony by Neville's screams and fear. Draco immediately yells, "Ok, Pansy how fast is that broom going?". "Enough to break bones!" Pansy yells. "Shot. Alright everyone get Neville off the broom! I'll be wind Bending him to safety!" Draco says in a rushed tone. That action was getting difficult. Pansy pulls out her sword. "Pansy No! Don't!" Blaise yells panics.
"Pansy yes!" Pansy says cutting off the brushy tail of Neville's broom zoning past her. The stick is on fire. Draco immediately bends but it is very difficult to control fire as well. Draco screams in agony. His eyes glowing a piercing white. Neville falls at least 6 ft when Draco is forced to let go. Pansy screams as Draco falls Blaise gets him but is very worried he's very weak. Nova soon appears out of thin air, holding a specialized pass. Nova is angry. "Who set that broom on fire?" Nova yells. Pansy admits it. "I know it was a dashed move but you should know Water chases after Wind and Moon. Fire chases after the Sun and the Stars but kills Moon, Water and Wind. I'm not surprised he's very weak. The fire mixed into his bending causing the backlash of pain. By the length he bended, I'm happy he's just passed out and not in a coma." Nova says while landing with the others. Her wings beating like a drum. Hermione checks him out agreeing with Nova in relief. "Ahh Neville, come on Hermione." Nova says seeing Madam Hooch checking him out. They run over but Ronald Weasley listened with Lavender.
"Fire kills Water, Wind and Moon. Well what an interesting fact." Ron says but Lavender is pale. "I'm a fire werewolf, Ron. I'm a Moon and Fire. What happens to my Moon side?" Lavender says looking at the floor. "Love, it's interesting for the enemy to worry about not you. Besides if anyone uses this information against you I'll make them pay." Ron says brushing her hair. Lavender blushes softly.
Nova and Hermione push Madam Hooch away to get to work. Hermione calming Neville down as Nova patching him up with Daphne. Hooch has never seen magic like that besides Madam Promfey but soon they finish sighing in relief. "These two are going to need bed rest. Wind bending or Wind dragons don't mix well with fire. Now I'll head back to my class." Nova says pointing at Draco being carried by Blaise and Neville. "Alright I'll take them with you to Promfey and your class. Everyone else! Not a single broom in the air! Anyone who does will out of Hogwarts before they can say Quidditch." Madam Hooch says while scouping Draco out of Blaise while Nova picks up her twin. Then heading off.
Ron spots a Remebaball (I think I spelled it wrong). "Hey guys, look at this remembaball. It's Neville's. I don't that Oaf will realize it's gone until it's too late!" Ron says smirking. Hermione, Pansy, Blaise, Theo and Daphne growl. The entire Slytherins growl with them. "Give it here, Ron." Harry says walking towards him with no fear this time, RAGE. Hermione shivers a little at it. Pansy holds her. Blaise grips tight on his sword. Ron turns gleefully. "Oh look here the deaf Boy Who Lived!" Ron growls like a lion. "Oh look here, the boy who made a Death Dragon Deal for his house!" Harry growls back gripping his broom tight. The acceptance and respect for Ron with the Gryffindors around him rises high. "Ron, you, we told you to ask her how to form a clan? You had to make a deal?" Dean says worried. "Yes but you should know only a few type of creatures can form a clan. Creature blood, animaguses, half's and werewolf's. A half dragon clan with only one half dragon would make them Monarch. I already told you that." Ron says softly. "Yeah, we're all going to the House Meeting to start the forming." Lavender says with everyone agreeing. "Give the ball back Ron." Harry growls. "No, you have to come and get it on the roof." Ron says flying on his broom. "Harry, NO! You don't know how to fly yet!" Hermione hisses. Harry growls at Ron in a way that he never has before. Hermione instantly realizes it. Ron can get away with hurting and harming Harry but not anyone else. Rage. Hermione was being hurt by almost all Gryffindors. Harry would sing the Song of Healing in the girls bathroom. Moaning Myrtle loved the magical music. Myrtle could relate to Harry in a way not most people could. Nova, her, Draco, Pansy and Neville being some of the first few others he let in. Blaise was next with the twins then Theo and Leo.
Harry and Hermione dash to any place private to talk and patch each other up. Hermione in total agony but Harry is worst but man he pulls it off. Moaning Myrtle watches near by. Harry summons his piano and begins playing the Song of Healing. Their wounds begin vanishing. Soon they are completely healed. Myrtle feels a warm through his ghost body, her heart singing for once in 50 years. Harry begins playing another song, Hermione listening.
Harry sings the wet tears falling knowing the truth meaning in this song. The warm golden light surrounds him. Hermione cautions but curious. The golden explodes stars around Hermione lifting her up. Hermione watches her hair be twirled. Her hair turned to water hair strings during her inheritance and lengthens 90 feet. Nova almost laughed so hard at Hermione's frustration. Her hair is braided with gold ribbon being spun in the braids. The braids are attached to her horns. Some hair stays unbraided. A chunk of gold and crystals from the Room of Requirement and some fabric and thread with a needle appear. A dress is soon sewed by the golden light meddling with it. Myrtle is more focused on the boy. That was something nice for his twin. Harry's soft fingers that are like wood and paint play on the piano, he sings through tears. He is the Boy Who "Lived" but he never did. He only lived in his dreams and maybe Hogwarts. He never got a family until now. A diadem and jewelry is made from the gold and  crystals. Hermione is gently thrower into a bathroom stall as the Magic dresses her. The song continues. The light then makes illusionary people. A man and women. A women with ginger hair and emerald eyes but Hermione cries. Their parents. This song's meaning is single, the truth, a mirror that reveals your greatest desire or the truth about anything. A flashing illusionary green light blasts at their parents as they turn to dust. Harry as a 7 year illusionary reaches out in his cupboard, reaching from his parents. "With every broken bone, I swear I lived." Harry finishes the song crying. Harry's desire is a family. That is all he desires. Hermione's truth. She is beautiful on the inside.
Hermione's new dress that she owns:

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